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ProRes RAW?

No word. We are waiting on it as well... I can only imagine my embarrassment if I promised a customer to deliver at a certain date and then just blow it off...
I have the ProRes licence for my I2 X5S but not the Cinema DNG licence.

Have DJI announced if ProRes RAW will work on the X5S and if so, will it work without the Cinema DNG licence?
Latest info on RCGroups and Facebook (allegedly, I don't do FB) is that ProRes Raw for X5S is in development. Crossing my fingers. :)
I think you missed the update that was released a few days ago. I downloaded it so ProRes Raw and ProRes Raw HQ are now options on my Inspire 2 with the X7. Update went smooth and everything works perfectly. ProRes Raw goes up to 6K!

Can you clarify which license key you need for ProRes RAW? the Apple one or CinemaDNG ? This will help me decide which one to get. Thank you.

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