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Oylmpus 45mm lens and balancing

Aug 16, 2017
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Great Dunmow, Essex
Hi all.
I've just received my Oylmpus 45mm lens. I've got a 37mm to 46mm adaptor and also a DJI 46mm balancing ring.
With the above it balances with say a Polar Pro ND16 AR but not with a Polar Pro CP filter.
I've had to attach a 5 gram lead weight onto underside rear of camera body to balance gimball when switched off.
Going to be a bit of a pain when I want to change to another filter and keep having to remove the 5g lead weight...
Is there a specific balancing ring for the 45mm? As all I know is I have the X5 with the stock 15mm lens and there is a balancing ring for that which I've never had to use as it balances perfectly with the hood and a filter.
Surely there must be a permanent balance ring I can use with the set of PP filters so it will balance like the 15mm does without mucking around all the time..
Any advice would be much appreciated.
Hi Dave.

There is a balancing kit for the Olympus 45mm lens. Here it is on our site, but certainly you will be able to find one much closer to home:
Zenmuse X5S Balancing Ring (Olympus M.Zuiko 45mm)


Hi. Thanks.
So I take it the actual B ring is a different weight for the 45mm than the 15mm?
So that's were my issues lie.
Find it strange that all my filters balance fine on the 15mm but only some balance on the 45mm with the B ring I've got..
Surley logic says that even with a slightly different weighted B ring for the 45mm there shall still be balance discrepancies between my filters. As my 15mm ring obviously dosent change weight when I swap over a PP filter it's the filter that is heavier/lighter.
Please correct me if im wrong.
Do you know the weights of the 15mm rings compared to the 45mm ones?
It's going to always change with a different filter weight and step-up rings. They can be steel, brass, aluminum and all have different weights. Polarizers are heavier than non-polarizers too. If you are using filters and step-up rings with the 45mm you may not need the DJI balance ring set. I only use the DJI balance ring set for the 45mm to hold a CC10 Green gel filter between the rings to get rid of the awful magenta tint to the camera if in manual white balance mode (Which has been a problem for DJI X5-series for several years.).

Just put a small piece of fuzzy self-stick Velcro on the back end of the camera (Fabric or craft store.) and a counterweight coin for whatever filter or ring you need on the front to balance it while turned off. It gets much worse with the zooms that extend too, but it's part of the pre-flight task.
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It's going to always change with a different filter weight and step-up rings. They can be steel, brass, aluminum and all have different weights. Polarizers are heavier than non-polarizers too. If you are using filters and step-up rings with the 45mm you may not need the DJI balance ring set. I only use the DJI balance ring set for the 45mm to hold a CC10 Green gel filter between the rings to get rid of the awful magenta tint to the camera if in manual white balance mode (Which has been a problem for DJI X5-series for several years.).

Just put a small piece of fuzzy self-stick Velcro on the back end of the camera (Fabric or craft store.) and a counterweight coin for whatever filter or ring you need on the front to balance it while turned off. It gets much worse with the zooms that extend too, but it's part of the pre-flight task.

Velcro is a good idea
I'll not buy the additional set as I've got what I need. I have actually got a
14-42mm one coming too. What nightmares are coming with that one then!!
You won't have an issue with the 14-42mm pancake. It's a tight fit and the zoom ring will touch against the gimbal but other than that, it works just fine. You will need the balancer ring though.
You won't have an issue with the 14-42mm pancake. It's a tight fit and the zoom ring will touch against the gimbal but other than that, it works just fine. You will need the balancer ring though.
Touching the gimbal dosent sound good for stressing out the gimbal mechanics??
Just fired up my 45mm lens and boy does she get nice closeups. Things that were a speck on the horizon with the 15mm look like the drone is hovering above it!!

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