Hi all. Excellent forum 
I have pretty much read all the threads in this topic, and it is very useful, but also leaves me indecisive.
Quick background....did a AutoCAD course years ago...and then offered to redraw some farm maps for a company I work for. Then realised after talking to a GIS company, that I should build a GIS and capture data about the companies assests that are spread over 2000ha of 3rd party land. So self taught (steep curve) AutoCAD Map3D. Have since built the GIS and produced shapefiles of the land that are utilised in automation involved with our work. During this process, we purchased and utilised a Trimble Geo7X deci-meter unit. Most of the actual data was captured utilising a cm accurate hired unit.
Sooooo..... I am confident acquiring geo-referenced data and marrying it up with aerial imagery etc. I am confident (no expert) in producing correctly scaled maps, and planning/surveying(?) in AutoCAD Map3d. We have produced a number of consent files utilising my skillset for Regional Council that have been submitted and consents acquired.
I am now looking at moving away from my current employer, and want to (as do many I assume) try to set up a business utilising this skillset and purchase a drone with the view of doing aerial mapping/surveying (yes, I realise the latter may be the wrong term) and even some 3D modeling.
SO FINALLY...lol, my question. I agree with another poster that I do not consider the Phantom Pro to be very professional looking, or capable of working in high winds. I consider the I1 to be too short on battery time. I'd love the matrice 200 but in no way can afford it [or justify it at this time].....so that leaves me with the Inspire 2 I imagine?? Here at the bottom of the earth they do not come cheap....could anyone advise this as being the most probable option for my plan. Also, do you think given my proposed work streams that the X5S is worth the extra money than the X4s?
I apologise for my long winded-ness...and if this seems a mimic of other posts. I do very much enjoy getting some insights from those that are performing similar work streams...

I have pretty much read all the threads in this topic, and it is very useful, but also leaves me indecisive.
Quick background....did a AutoCAD course years ago...and then offered to redraw some farm maps for a company I work for. Then realised after talking to a GIS company, that I should build a GIS and capture data about the companies assests that are spread over 2000ha of 3rd party land. So self taught (steep curve) AutoCAD Map3D. Have since built the GIS and produced shapefiles of the land that are utilised in automation involved with our work. During this process, we purchased and utilised a Trimble Geo7X deci-meter unit. Most of the actual data was captured utilising a cm accurate hired unit.
Sooooo..... I am confident acquiring geo-referenced data and marrying it up with aerial imagery etc. I am confident (no expert) in producing correctly scaled maps, and planning/surveying(?) in AutoCAD Map3d. We have produced a number of consent files utilising my skillset for Regional Council that have been submitted and consents acquired.
I am now looking at moving away from my current employer, and want to (as do many I assume) try to set up a business utilising this skillset and purchase a drone with the view of doing aerial mapping/surveying (yes, I realise the latter may be the wrong term) and even some 3D modeling.
SO FINALLY...lol, my question. I agree with another poster that I do not consider the Phantom Pro to be very professional looking, or capable of working in high winds. I consider the I1 to be too short on battery time. I'd love the matrice 200 but in no way can afford it [or justify it at this time].....so that leaves me with the Inspire 2 I imagine?? Here at the bottom of the earth they do not come cheap....could anyone advise this as being the most probable option for my plan. Also, do you think given my proposed work streams that the X5S is worth the extra money than the X4s?
I apologise for my long winded-ness...and if this seems a mimic of other posts. I do very much enjoy getting some insights from those that are performing similar work streams...