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Need some help on M600 pro with Red camera

Yes, I already have the whole setup ready.
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I've done an extensive search worldwide for all the accessories I need but because I'm from Europe I got focused on shops in my region to avoid customs. The only part I couldn't find was the Battery Extender which I bought used from ebay USA. Everything else I've got brand new. I'll attach my research list but be aware that some of the links are already sold out but all those things still exist in other shops, the list was made with the lowest possible price in mind.

The Ronin can carry other cameras than red which are much more affordable like Black Magic Pocket which have raw recording and can carry much better and heavier lenses than X5R or X5S (inspire2). Most of the accessories are needed for the other cameras to work. But the few things that are speccific for using red on that setup are the start/stop cable for red, power cable for red, battery extender, second battery 4350mah and extender kit for red.

Doing all this only for the fun is not very reasonable, especially buying a red camera. The red also have to have some accessories to make it work and thus make it very expensive at some point. For example 24mm T2.1 prime lens costs around $15,000, if you want to have a few different prime focal lenghts this will be way over the price of a few red brains.

I'm going to use my setup with rented camera and lens as this is the only way I can afford, the only reasonable purchase of such an equipment is to make money from renting them to other production companies.
Outstanding! Congratulations on achieving a pretty bad *** setup. I agree that perhaps I really need to think about the amount of money that has to be invested to make this work and on top of that this is just a side hobby. I will probably just stick to a simple plug and play camera that I can use on the Matrice. The second tricky part is finding a wide open area I can put it in the air without annoying people. LOFL. And then the other tiny drawback is that even with the Red properly mounted the flight time is very short because of the weight. Might go back to the drawing board on this one. I just have too many other hobbies and very little spare time with the demanding hours of my job to really devote to this kind of endeavor. Thanks for the great info and have fun!!
How’s the setup, Niki? Have you been able to produce some spectacular videos with your Red? I finally threw in the towel on getting a Red for my matrice. I weighed the cost of what all the equipment that I would need, the time that I would actually spend using it, the headaches that will come along with making the setup work and the actual flight time that I will get out of setup and it‘s just not a good investment for someone who will use if for fun. I have the X7 lenses already and so I’ll just keep my fingers crossed that I won’t have any major issues with my I2. That alone worries me quite a bit. It’s a shame they did not build it rock solid like the Inspire1. Heck, if they had made the lenses backward compatible I would gladly dump my I2 and get the first version. DJI is definitely an odd company in how they market their product. If they really valued their customers they would have made the X7 lenses compatible with all of their large heavy lift drones. I don’t buy their statement that they could not make them compatible. All marketing greed on the part of DJI. Oh well. It happens.
Post pics or video of your journey with your setup and have fun. Cheers
How’s the setup, Niki? Have you been able to produce some spectacular videos with your Red? I finally threw in the towel on getting a Red for my matrice. I weighed the cost of what all the equipment that I would need, the time that I would actually spend using it, the headaches that will come along with making the setup work and the actual flight time that I will get out of setup and it‘s just not a good investment for someone who will use if for fun. I have the X7 lenses already and so I’ll just keep my fingers crossed that I won’t have any major issues with my I2. That alone worries me quite a bit. It’s a shame they did not build it rock solid like the Inspire1. Heck, if they had made the lenses backward compatible I would gladly dump my I2 and get the first version. DJI is definitely an odd company in how they market their product. If they really valued their customers they would have made the X7 lenses compatible with all of their large heavy lift drones. I don’t buy their statement that they could not make them compatible. All marketing greed on the part of DJI. Oh well. It happens.
Post pics or video of your journey with your setup and have fun. Cheers
I just started doing some tests and the weather broke down, we had snow storms then rain and it's still rainy here in Bulgaria, for more than 2 weeks now. It had to be spring with blossomed trees but it's not yet.

Anyway I found a few problems with the setup and currently I'm waiting dji's support to come out with solution for them.

First one is not a big problem but is a bit frustrating, that the HDMI feed from Lightbridge is cropped on all android devices with screen aspect that is different from 16:9. I can solve that from RED output settings and make the whole picture to be scaled down and then I can see it fine on the big CrystalSky 8.5" so it's not something too bad. DJI told me to wait for update on DJI Go that will eventually have the problem resolved.

Second problem is between Roninmx and DJI Go, looks that custom Ronin settings cannot be saved and after power cycle we have to enter all setting from scratch. For this I'm still waiting resolution from DJI's support, two weeks so far and they are still thinking on that problem. This is also something that I can live with as the settings can be typed in for about a minute, but is frustrating such a system to have so lame problems 4 years after it was released.

And finally the aerial footage I was able to record had shake in the pan axis. I have tried the default RED settings as well a few more combinations without improvement. The same night after, I have adjusted the Ronin very precisely but then I found the problem with loosing the settings in DJI Go. Unfortunatelly on the next day the snow came in as well those corona lockdowns are kind of issue here as our test field is outside of the town and We could not get out to test our new gimbal settings. Maybe this Tuesday we could go for some tests but there are also other tasks we have to do and may skip for the week after, as the weathet will be bad again.

The flight time we had with RED Epic Dragon and 24mm T2.1 Zeiss Prime was 14 min with TB47S batteries. I guess with newer REDs it could be 15 min as they are half kilo lighter than one we use now. Also I think if newer RED is equiped with Canon lens and lens mount, the whole setup may benefit with almost a kilo (of course depend on the Canon lens that will be in use) which could give about 16 min flight time. This timing was with landing and motors shut off at 17-18% battery.

So we are still in a process of tuning the gimbal performance, hope to nail it soon.
I just started doing some tests and the weather broke down, we had snow storms then rain and it's still rainy here in Bulgaria, for more than 2 weeks now. It had to be spring with blossomed trees but it's not yet.

Anyway I found a few problems with the setup and currently I'm waiting dji's support to come out with solution for them.

First one is not a big problem but is a bit frustrating, that the HDMI feed from Lightbridge is cropped on all android devices with screen aspect that is different from 16:9. I can solve that from RED output settings and make the whole picture to be scaled down and then I can see it fine on the big CrystalSky 8.5" so it's not something too bad. DJI told me to wait for update on DJI Go that will eventually have the problem resolved.

Second problem is between Roninmx and DJI Go, looks that custom Ronin settings cannot be saved and after power cycle we have to enter all setting from scratch. For this I'm still waiting resolution from DJI's support, two weeks so far and they are still thinking on that problem. This is also something that I can live with as the settings can be typed in for about a minute, but is frustrating such a system to have so lame problems 4 years after it was released.

And finally the aerial footage I was able to record had shake in the pan axis. I have tried the default RED settings as well a few more combinations without improvement. The same night after, I have adjusted the Ronin very precisely but then I found the problem with loosing the settings in DJI Go. Unfortunatelly on the next day the snow came in as well those corona lockdowns are kind of issue here as our test field is outside of the town and We could not get out to test our new gimbal settings. Maybe this Tuesday we could go for some tests but there are also other tasks we have to do and may skip for the week after, as the weathet will be bad again.

The flight time we had with RED Epic Dragon and 24mm T2.1 Zeiss Prime was 14 min with TB47S batteries. I guess with newer REDs it could be 15 min as they are half kilo lighter than one we use now. Also I think if newer RED is equiped with Canon lens and lens mount, the whole setup may benefit with almost a kilo (of course depend on the Canon lens that will be in use) which could give about 16 min flight time. This timing was with landing and motors shut off at 17-18% battery.

So we are still in a process of tuning the gimbal performance, hope to nail it soon.
Sounds pretty cool. I guess if photography or making videos was in my profession then I could justify the work and expense to have fun tinkering with things like that. LOFL. Have fun and keep us posted on your progress. Kudos!
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The reason I am asking is because there is one component that is called the SRW-60G that has been discontinued and from what I have read is not legal in the states. So without this piece am I screwed in trying to get aerial footage with a Red camera? Thx!
dmvara, the SRW-60G is a convenient wireless way to get the HDMI picture signal from the camera to the aircraft to the Radio Controller and Display. It is not required. The picture can go from the camera into the aircraft via HDMI cable direct. The actual footage files go to a drive attached to or in the camera.

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