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Is the Matrice 2XX ready for prime time.

Sep 17, 2015
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Glenville, New York

I am contemplating purchasing a Matrice 210 RTK. My biggest fear is that it is riddled with bugs and i do not want to be a beta tester. My main focus is mapping and inspections. I have been scouring the web for user experiences but haven't come across too many. Anyone here using the 210 RTK specifically? I see that it can be used third parts apps such as map pilot and autopilot. Does anyone have experience using either of these app with 2XX?

Any insight is greatly appreciated.

Thank you.
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Forget using the M210RTK for what you would understand as RTK - you won't get cm accurate measurements which are added to exif info on images - so you would still need to do external GCP and measure yourself.

I am contemplating purchasing a Matrice 210 RTK. My biggest fear is that it is riddled with bugs and i do not want to be a beta tester. My main focus is mapping and inspections. I have been scouring the web for user experiences but haven't come across too many. Anyone here using the 210 RTK specifically? I see that it can be used third parts apps such as map pilot and autopilot. Does anyone have experience using either of these app with 2XX?

Any insight is greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

The regular M200 has been in the hands of end users since the end of July and we've been seen a very smooth release of them thus far.

We began shipping M210 units within the last two weeks. Early in the release the issues we've been seeing and experiencing ourselves through rigorous testing has been full functionality of the Cendence Remote. Also, DJI Pilot is still in it's beta stage but GO 4 has made due but is definitely limiting.

M210 RTK is not yet shipping so you are not going to be seeing end user experiences besides the pre-production units that are out in the wild.

This week we'll be doing some more testing in Las Vegas while we are there at InterDrone for the week and looking forward to some additional flight time with the aircraft. With that being said, we are inviting anyone at InterDrone or in the Las Vegas area to get some hands on use with an M210 at one of our demos. We'll be doing a handful of demo experiences starting tomorrow (Tuesday) and going through Saturday. Contact us if interested.

Should you have any specific questions don't hesitate to reach out to our Enterprise Team at [email protected] and we'll be happy to further assist.
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Forget using the M210RTK for what you would understand as RTK - you won't get cm accurate measurements which are added to exif info on images - so you would still need to do external GCP and measure yourself.

Thank you Bulelight. I wonder how accurate the altitude data written to the exif file is? this is something i have been struggling with the inspire 1.
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The regular M200 has been in the hands of end users since the end of July and we've been seen a very smooth release of them thus far.

We began shipping M210 units within the last two weeks. Early in the release the issues we've been seeing and experiencing ourselves through rigorous testing has been full functionality of the Cendence Remote. Also, DJI Pilot is still in it's beta stage but GO 4 has made due but is definitely limiting.

M210 RTK is not yet shipping so you are not going to be seeing end user experiences besides the pre-production units that are out in the wild.

This week we'll be doing some more testing in Las Vegas while we are there at InterDrone for the week and looking forward to some additional flight time with the aircraft. With that being said, we are inviting anyone at InterDrone or in the Las Vegas area to get some hands on use with an M210 at one of our demos. We'll be doing a handful of demo experiences starting tomorrow (Tuesday) and going through Saturday. Contact us if interested.

Should you have any specific questions don't hesitate to reach out to our Enterprise Team at [email protected] and we'll be happy to further assist.

Thank you for the info advexure. It sounds promising. Have any of your clients used it with Map Pilot or Autopilot for the autonomous missions?

I am not familiar with the current issues when using GO 4 app. Can you elaborate on the limitations when using the the GO 4?

Thank you for your time.

Thank you Bulelight. I wonder how accurate the altitude data written to the exif file is? this is something i have been struggling with the inspire 1.
I would suggest as good as the I1 and I2. I have had no noticeable difference between the location data for either. By utilising GCP at 120ft with 12mm lens I can get 1-2cm geo accuracy using "real" rtk streams on Trimble Geo 6000, with a ground resolution of 0.8cm/px if try hard enough.
Every time I talk with him I get more excited about the M200 series.

He's definitely good people.

And a fantastic business man.

I'm saving to get a big dog camera from Ralph for the second gimbal.

Go Ralph!
I traded a couple emails with Ralph from Flyhighusa and spoke with him this past Sunday. He is extremely knowledgeable and has been part of the DJI development team with this product. He had answers to all my questions. My biggest concern was the RTK. Ralph has assured me that the 210 RTK will be a true RTK platform. It may not be when released, but will be within two or three months. He said the 2XX is ready to go. There may be couple minor issues that are currently being worked out but nothing that would affect the flight performance. Ralph has spent months with this platform, I trust what he is telling me.

Based on what i learned from Ralph and the fact that he was willing to take his time on a Sunday evening to educate me and provide me with more information than i asked for convinced me that he is the guy i want to work with. I placed an order for the 210 RTK with topside gimbal, dual bottom, 4S, and Z30. I look forward to working with Ralph for many years to come. I too am a small business person celebrating our 30th year. Ralph is doing it the right way, he puts the customer first, he knows his product inside and out and has a passion for what he is doing. He is the real deal! Kudos Ralph!!

Thank you JimJ for putting me in touch with him.
Ralph has assured me that the 210 RTK will be a true RTK platform. It may not be when released, but will be within two or three months.
That's great news - its a shame that thats platform in the UK is £15k, before you start adding cameras, etc, so its a cheaper to get a 200 then buy a GNSS device with cm accuracy - also I hope you got that in writing - as that contradicts what dealers have told me in the UK.
Yes he said he would put it in writing. I sent a check with a note on the check to that affect too. Anything can be put in writing though. You need to be willing spend the money to defend your position. So in the end if the RTK is not a true RTK will i spend thousands to hire a lawyer to go after DJI. Probably not. It would not be worth it. Ralph is one who has more to lose than i. It is his reputation on the line. He has a long standing working relationship with DJI, they have assured him that it will be a true RTK. I believe him. I just hope they don't let him down. If they do i will be disappointed and will do as you suggest adding external GNSS device. Time will tell. I will be sure to keep you posted.

Be well.
Good Luck - I was looking forward to the M210RTK thinking it would solve all our problems and give us cm accuracy directly into the EXIF data so we could take that straight into processing, but we were assured that this would not be possible by 3 UK dealers, as the RTK was working on the same premise as the M600 which gives cm accuracy but will not process the flight data at that level into the exif info. The next issue was the price - £15k for a basic 210RTK before gimbal, lens, etc, etc was stupid money for us. Wen you consider a survey grade gnosis is 4-6k and the I2/I1/Phamtom only added 1-3k - thats still a 9k saving (+20 per cent VAT) which for me as a small not-for-profit was a deal changer - for a larger entity who can budget capital expenditure of 20-30k I appreciate its nothing compared and a single out of the box, press a button would be preferable (to me as well for that matter)

Keep us posted, I hope I had wrong info and Ralf can sort you!
Good Luck - I was looking forward to the M210RTK thinking it would solve all our problems and give us cm accuracy directly into the EXIF data so we could take that straight into processing, but we were assured that this would not be possible by 3 UK dealers, as the RTK was working on the same premise as the M600 which gives cm accuracy but will not process the flight data at that level into the exif info. The next issue was the price - £15k for a basic 210RTK before gimbal, lens, etc, etc was stupid money for us. Wen you consider a survey grade gnosis is 4-6k and the I2/I1/Phamtom only added 1-3k - thats still a 9k saving (+20 per cent VAT) which for me as a small not-for-profit was a deal changer - for a larger entity who can budget capital expenditure of 20-30k I appreciate its nothing compared and a single out of the box, press a button would be preferable (to me as well for that matter)

Keep us posted, I hope I had wrong info and Ralf can sort you!

Thank you Bluelight. I am hopeful. Do i have my doubts?...yes, i am a realist. But excluding the RTK this platforms gives me a lot of opportunity. I work with law enforcement and emergency managers and do inspections too. With the z30, and FLIR XT side by side in a weather resistant aircraft separates it from the pack. If the RTK works as promised it will be the icing on the cake. If not, at least i will have protection when working in situations with interference.

I should have it in 3 to 4 weeks. I will be in touch.
Like you - I fully agree - I wish I could afford that spec - again in the uk each of those camera systems is £7-11k each!
That is terrible that the cost is so much higher in the UK. I feel your pain. What if you came to the US purchased a system, fly it a few times and shipped it back home? It would be a used aircraft at that point and your personal property. If something like that would work, i would be happy to help you out.
Thats very kind of you - ill keep that in mind - lets hope to begin with how we both hope the RTK will work works!!
LOL. Yes let's not get ahead of ourselves. You should look into though. companies like BMW and Audi do this. The buyer takes delivery in country and the car is shipped as a used car as their property saving them thousands. We need to be creative. The tax man gets enough of our money.

Take care

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