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Inspire x5 not taking update. (Solved)

Oct 21, 2014
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I booted up my x5 today and the controller said I needed to update firmware on the aircraft as well as the battery. So I did what I always do and head towards the website and download the x5 update.zip file. Not the inspire one file. Put it on the memory card and put it into the camera. It sounds like it starts to update but then stops immediately and green lights the camera. it sounds like its starts to update but then stops immediately and green lights the camera. Keep in mind I keep the the controller off during this process like normally. Since it did not take, I tried again to no avail. So I redownload the file and attempt it again ...nothing.

So after I look at the text file on the memory card I notice it says that it failed to update because the file is either the current version number or an earlier version number. So why is my controller telling me I need to update but the Inspire will not update because it says that it is either an old file for current version? Has anyone else run into this issue?

Deleting the app and reinstalling it did not fix the issue. However, reformatting the card through the inspire did and afterwards updated fine :)

Hope this helps others.
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because it's an update for the normal inspire 1 and the app just puts these notices out regardless of what craft you fly. Just ignore it.
I found this confusing and had several attempts at loading the firmware. The status report on the controller said I required an update which I tried to do using the X5 on my Inspire 1.

Eventually I managed to get the problem solved by installing the Bin file via the X3 camera. This worked in that I now have no update alerts on my RC screen. Yes. . . Confusing.

I can only think this confusion will get worse as more hybrid versions of the Inspire 1 come into existence. The bonus for me is that my drifting gimbal is now rock solid.

An X5 firmware update is due this week from what I've picked up on this and other forums.
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It really would be great to get the message out there initially that this firmware upgrade is for the X3 and will not work with the X5...I spent a lot of time trying to install this firwmware on my Inspire 1 with X5 upgrade...my initial screen on my app says I need to update firmware and batteries, but we cannot do this at this time...evidently, we are waiting on newer firmware for the X5. I try and stay current...I want to be as safe as possible and be on top of what it takes to maintain my system correctly. Sounds like a nit-pick, but some simple clear messaging on the part of DJI regarding this firmware would be so helpful. Maybe I missed something...but the screen on my App is telling me I need to upgrade.
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Agreed. As much as they cost...they can do a better job at the firmware update stuff.
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It really would be great to get the message out there initially that this firmware upgrade is for the X3 and will not work with the X5...I spent a lot of time trying to install this firwmware on my Inspire 1 with X5 upgrade...my initial screen on my app says I need to update firmware and batteries, but we cannot do this at this time...evidently, we are waiting on newer firmware for the X5. I try and stay current...I want to be as safe as possible and be on top of what it takes to maintain my system correctly. Sounds like a nit-pick, but some simple clear messaging on the part of DJI regarding this firmware would be so helpful. Maybe I missed something...but the screen on my App is telling me I need to upgrade.

Totally agree with you - a simply written explanation published with the firmware update notification would have been really helpful. For those who bought the X5 camera upgrade for their Inspire 1 the only way to remove the upgrade warning is to install the update via their X3 camera.

I can only presume that the owners of the 'Inspire Pro' (cw X5) did not get an upgrade notification on their RC.
It really would be great to get the message out there initially that this firmware upgrade is for the X3 and will not work with the X5...I spent a lot of time trying to install this firwmware on my Inspire 1 with X5 upgrade...my initial screen on my app says I need to update firmware and batteries, but we cannot do this at this time...evidently, we are waiting on newer firmware for the X5. I try and stay current...I want to be as safe as possible and be on top of what it takes to maintain my system correctly. Sounds like a nit-pick, but some simple clear messaging on the part of DJI regarding this firmware would be so helpful. Maybe I missed something...but the screen on my App is telling me I need to upgrade.
Totally agree with you - a simply written explanation published with the firmware update notification would have been really helpful. For those who bought the X5 camera upgrade for their Inspire 1 the only way to remove the upgrade warning is to install the update via their X3 camera.

I can only presume that the owners of the 'Inspire Pro' (cw X5) did not get an upgrade notification on their RC.

I'm not going to update with my X3...I'll wait until the next firmware that comes out...according to the rumor mill...which is really the only way we get information from this billion dollar company...this firmware upgrade will be soon. Why not friggin' wait and issue the firmware when it will affect both systems?

Again, this might sound like a "nitpick," but trying to keep current and knowledgeable is not trivial. There are all kinds of safety issues at stake, etc. Excuse the ranting. I do love my Inspire/X5...I just don't love the mystery associated with running it properly, lens calibration, for example.
I have the pro...I didn't upgrade to it and it was giving me the update issue. But if a new firmware is out I'll check for it today then.
Agreed. As much as they cost...they can do a better job at the firmament update stuff.
I agree. I'm a software engineer with 27 (!) years of experience. DJI's software is mediocre at best, and its updates are poor.

There is simply no reason to have separate firmware updates for the Pro/non-Pro and X3/X5. A single update file can contain all of the necessary code, and update what it finds appropriately.

There is simply no reason that we should have to guess whether the upgrade has completed or not.

There is simply no reason that we should have to check our settings (return-to-home altitude!) to see if the upgrade wiped them out, then try to remember what we had and repply.

I love this aircraft, but the software experience stinks. Imagine what it would be like if a software team like Google or Apple had their hands on it...
I just attempted to upgrade with the X5/Pro firmware, and it didn't update the aircraft:
========== 2015.12.09 09:18:17 =====================
Packet: WM610_FC550_FW_V01.02.00.50.bin
Result: Abort.
The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft.
And the Go app says I'm still at 1.4.
Well...downloaded the new update...and it updated the batteries...but still says aircraft needs updating and it will not update it. Come on DJI...
Don't know if this helps anyone but I couldn't for the life of me to get mine to update last night to the correct firmware, The Go App kept showing toehold info and the txt file kept saying Abort... Firmware same or older. Eventually I gave up but as I was packing away I deleted the Go App and re-installed it and hey presto it was now showing I was all updated and and the info was correct.
Well...downloaded the new update...and it updated the batteries...but still says aircraft needs updating and it will not update it. Come on DJI...

Have you tried updating since then? The firmware on the website was updated yesterday. I would recommend formatting your SD card with the Inspire and redownloading the firmware from DJI's site and then trying again.
Have you tried updating since then? The firmware on the website was updated yesterday. I would recommend formatting your SD card with the Inspire and redownloading the firmware from DJI's site and then trying again.
I'll try that but I did try the new firmware and it didn't take. But I'll try to delete the app as one user said...and reformat the card with the inspire.
I'll try that but I did try the new firmware and it didn't take. But I'll try to delete the app as one user said...and reformat the card with the inspire.

Sounds good. I just noticed that you had posted on Wednesday which was before they updated the firmware on the site - got me thinking. Good luck!
Deleting the app and reinstalling it did not fix the issue. However, reformatting the card through the inspire did and afterwards updated fine :)

Hope this helps others.

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