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I2 GSP PhotoMap won't complete compositing - GSP crashes

Sep 7, 2014
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Completed a GSP flight set up in PhotoMap and captured 159 photos. I tried to create a map, choosing each of the three options; All (159 pix) and High (85) returned a red pix#, Mid (47) yellow and and Low (34) green. In each case including the Low option, the map processing gets to about 50% based on the progress slider-bar, then Ground Station Pro shuts down.

I am using an iPad Mini 4, 128GB capacity, second generation chip. Thinking that the more you pay, the better it gets, I made the in-app one-time USD299 software purchase. That did not prove to be a good investment IF I am using the app correctly.

I have spent some time searching the DJI sites, Inspire Forums and the net in general for a user manual, useful hints, etc. and have come up empty. The threads talking about PhotoMap seem to die off around January, 2017 when the mapping option may have been in beta.

I'd like to get this to work before pursuing alternatives like DroneDeply (should have been my first stop?) and would appreciate any input from those who have successfully created a map in PhotoMap.

EDIT - Got PhotoMap to work in GSP with 10 photos out of 159. If that's as good as it gets, it won't work for me.
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If you'd like to share the images we can build a high resolution Orthomosaic Map and Digital Elevation Model for you.. You can also try our free photogrammetry software to build a map. The free software is limited to 150 images and produces a lower resolution product -- still useful though.


If you'd like to share the images we can build a high resolution Orthomosaic Map and Digital Elevation Model for you.. You can also try our free photogrammetry software to build a map. The free software is limited to 150 images and produces a lower resolution product -- still useful though.


Thanx very much for your response. I will try the free version with my test photos.

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