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How to use a zenmuse x5 camera

Feb 26, 2019
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Hi! I recently purchased an inspire 1 with a 15mm lens and the x5 camera. I was out shooting a short film with a few of my pals and noticed that the colors and overall quality of the DJI Spark that we brought along for a separate shot was much better than that of the inspire. Any ideas on how to fix this? A 300$ drones camera shouldnt be better than a 2k camera.

Sidenote: The locking mechanism to hold my i1's zenmuse in place wont lock all the way most like a smidge under half way locked but it holds it there and has good image transmition. Not sure how to fix it It worked 1 day woke up the next and it wouldnt lock all the way no matter how hard i pushed.
Hi! I recently purchased an inspire 1 with a 15mm lens and the x5 camera. I was out shooting a short film with a few of my pals and noticed that the colors and overall quality of the DJI Spark that we brought along for a separate shot was much better than that of the inspire. Any ideas on how to fix this? A 300$ drones camera shouldnt be better than a 2k camera.

Sidenote: The locking mechanism to hold my i1's zenmuse in place wont lock all the way most like a smidge under half way locked but it holds it there and has good image transmition. Not sure how to fix it It worked 1 day woke up the next and it wouldnt lock all the way no matter how hard i pushed.
Moved to X5 section.

I think you need to do some reading on this forum to answer your question.

Your footage will need to be graded to appreciate the best from the X5
Mounting the X5 gimbal & camera can be tricky in the field. I had problems as well at first and learned that for me the sticking point was getting the prong that is on the mounting plate properly seated in the slot on the X5. You have to angle the gimbal into position, then pivot the part with the electronic contacts up into the hole. Once it is seated properly, the locking lever should rotate all the way. It does take a firm push, but really have to be sure that the gimbal is not seated at an angle (side to side or front to back).

I do photography more than video, so I won't comment on the video quality issue, except to ask: you do have the X5, not the X5R, correct? RAW footage from the X5R is a whole different beast.

Best of luck.
An unlocked X5 will either not connect and/or will give an error msg on my Go app. I might add, placing some upward pressure on the engagement area seems to help. But, unless the 'white lines' are aligned, the X5 not properly in place.
I would suggest that you check, and not meaning to be cruelly critical, but the X5 is a still and video camera. The settings tend to parallel most SLR's/point and shoot, as well as video cams. There are some good YouTube instructional (DJI's are not IMO) on what to set and why, and surely you will find the X5 does excellent videos and stills. But, you have to invest in some learning. Again, not meant to be pedantic nor know-it-all and if you are comfortable with cameras the X5 not all that different..
An unlocked X5 will either not connect and/or will give an error msg on my Go app. I might add, placing some upward pressure on the engagement area seems to help. But, unless the 'white lines' are aligned, the X5 not properly in place.
I would suggest that you check, and not meaning to be cruelly critical, but the X5 is a still and video camera. The settings tend to parallel most SLR's/point and shoot, as well as video cams. There are some good YouTube instructional (DJI's are not IMO) on what to set and why, and surely you will find the X5 does excellent videos and stills. But, you have to invest in some learning. Again, not meant to be pedantic nor know-it-all and if you are comfortable with cameras the X5 not all that different..
Settings are everything.
You've got a 20+ megapix unit.
Get extremely familiar with frame rates, white balance, auto vs manual, etc.
You've got a lot more variables to deal with.
Boot it up in the house (no props required) and start exploring all adjustments, and catch up on YouTube instructionals.
Learn how to focus properly, which lens is best for the job.
In the end, after post process, the end result will knock the socks off the little toys every time.
All good points. I just acquired, in addition to the X5 and some primes for the X5, but also picked up Z3 Zoom. Weather has been horrible so have been playing with it indoors and post processing some stills. The zoom will offer captures that other than using my 45 mm prime (telephoto) allow me to photograph without the largish Inspire stuck in one's face. LOL
RenTec, it would be very helpful if you could post a still or a screen shot from your footage with the X5, then I am sure you would get even more great answers :-)
Just bought a used inspire 1v2 with x3 and x5. Only ever had phantoms so this was a learning experience and above posts and another had these fixes that worked for me: 2 things fixed it immediately. First, clean the lock slide / groove / tabs on camera and mount with a q-tip and then a q-tip over the same areas with a hint of some kind of lube (I used a touch of coconut oil). After cleaned/lubed, ensure the slot and tab are fitted at the rear of the docking area first, then angle/tilt it level toward the white lubber lines until it fits flat. It should now turn freely. Woohoo!

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