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How about an M600 with 30 minute flight time?

Oct 14, 2017
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Anyone looking for an M600 that can fly 30 minutes?
How about carry more than 20lbs. with extended flight times?

Stay tuned flight testing and evaluation currently underway...........
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Absolutely correct!

But it is not my project and I have not been told I can speak about it in details so that is the best that I can do for now. I plan to visit the dealer who is performing these upgrades and I hope to see an actual flight demo tomorrow, BUT it is forecast to start raining so.....nothing more I can do. However the numbers that I gave out are not DJI numbers and actual flight testing results might show better parameters for both flight time and payload capacity.

Expect custom gimbals and cameras with full gimbal operations and camera operations including several different Infra Red camera options, operating on DJI controllers and displays. That has been a standard capability for over a year now. He builds gimbals for industrial inspections that feature a wide area visible camera, a zoom capable camera and Infra Red senors that hang under M600 and fly inspections in oil and gas refineries. His customers really like these configurations and he has carved out a niche in this area of expertise.

I will post details as soon as it is released.
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Absolutely correct!

But it is not my project and I have not been told I can speak about it in details so that is the best that I can do for now. I plan to visit the dealer who is performing these upgrades and I hope to see an actual flight demo tomorrow, BUT it is forecast to start raining so.....nothing more I can do. However the numbers that I gave out are not DJI numbers and actual flight testing results might show better parameters for both flight time and payload capacity.

Expect custom gimbals and cameras with full gimbal operations and camera operations including several different Infra Red camera options, operating on DJI controllers and displays. That has been a standard capability for over a year now. He builds gimbals for industrial inspections that feature a wide area visible camera, a zoom capable camera and Infra Red senors that hang under M600 and fly inspections in oil and gas refineries. His customers really like these configurations and he has carved out a niche in this area of expertise.

I will post details as soon as it is released.
Sounds a little like Intelligent UAS, but my last chat with them on a dual camera setup they discouraged indicating the M210 was a better route.
I'm interested in the M600 options, too nice of a platform to limit the way DJI currently limits.
Sounds like he's been doing this for some time, I don't see advertisements in the scope you're describing of existing products, has he solely been a direct non-advertising customizer?
I just acquired a M600 Pro and to say the least I am very impressed in the quality and attention to detail DJI has bestowed to their Industrial aircrafts.

For the past few days I've been doing some real world testing on it and I have to say, they are just **** solid.

On a longevity test, with the sporadic 7-10 gust winds, no-payload, aircraft stayed aloft for 35 minutes till the 15% level forced it down.

Next adding a payload and repeat the test.
I just acquired a M600 Pro and to say the least I am very impressed in the quality and attention to detail DJI has bestowed to their Industrial aircrafts.

For the past few days I've been doing some real world testing on it and I have to say, they are just **** solid.

On a longevity test, with the sporadic 7-10 gust winds, no-payload, aircraft stayed aloft for 35 minutes till the 15% level forced it down.

Next adding a payload and repeat the test.

Congrats on your M600 Pro! Personally I think it's Sweet Bird!
In my experiments, the 15% on the TB48S 6-Pak is pretty lengthy if you're close to Ground Station. You can bump that out in App to 12% or less and still have ample time.

I have the M600Pro as well and have been experimenting with the X5, Z30 and RoninMX gimbals. You've probably read some of the mixed issue contorted posts. LOL!

Curious if you have the same issues. Have you acquired a X5 or Z30 gimbal mount yet? When you get a X5, X5R, or Z30 mounted let me know how your video image behaves. Mine is currently poor.. iPad screen goes blank, image freezes, or garbled image. Percentage of poor image greater than good image. Not functional as a project platform until this is resolved. Video Signal Slider 70 EXT / 30 LB. Set to lowest MB too.

I don't know about RoninMX using then LB channel side compared to above using the EXT channel side. I just received my GH4 back today and it's a heavy rain day.

On the flight itself... I have the M210 and M600Pro... all experiments, no project flights yet. The M210 is more stable to just hover, but the M600Pro appears to move through the wind very easily compared to Inspires and M210 in visual & listening to audio of props. It flies in a very unique manor, smooth and laborless... as you'd expect a large Hex to fly. Maybe it's just the size that give a different visual, but it moves smoother. Sounds awesome too!

It does touch down nicely... at first I felt it was very touchy to land but have mentally adjusted to its size and the manor it lands now.... I take it down to 3-5" settle it and touch down, and props cycle off within 2-5 seconds.

In addition to above video issue, currently developed a 2nd issue or just noticed it one dusk night, not realizing there were LED's on the GPS dishes. I have one GPS Mast that turns RED 3-4 minutes after startup... I can move the mast to different ICU and the RED LED follows the Mast. All ICU's are good Green/Blue & Rotate priority when selected. DJI requests I send it in for GPS issue (states it's a critical error condition)... I just received my 2nd A3 Pro & LB2 Kits for a pending S1000 build-up so I'll borrow a GPS mast and test if that's the problem. DJI Service doesn't want to address the video garble until resolving the GPS error.

Congrats on the M600Pro, very enjoyable to fly!
Oh so I am not new to commercial Quads and Hexas as I build them but for a long time I decided not to go the DJI route due to build quality and the cost but after crunching the numbers the M600 Pro is a tremendous value for what it comes with. I have 2 sets of 47S for transport reasons.

I will be transferring my FLIR Duo Pro to the M600 and that is the only sensor it will be carrying.

I like redundancy. I like the idea of triple IMUs. I like beastly low kV motors w/ 21" props.

My old build has the N3 w/ LB2 but the N3 is limited to the A3 Pro Upgrade, to which I was a bit cautious to try it out.

Either way, I have not experienced any of the issues you mentioned.

I have flown and performed inspection with a loaded M210 (no-RTK) and found it similar in stability to the M600P. My only issue on the M200 serie3s is the cost/feature/performance ratio. I personally feel that it is way over-priced and if anyone of those ESC's fail, there is no backup to save the aircraft.

At least the M600P's power system is configured at one LiPo/motor, and that is very important feature that I like.

Good luck on the GPS issue you are facing and thanks.

PS: I am really considering selling my LB2 since the M600P already uses it.
Past builds sound sweet! I'd agree, love the sound of the 21" Hex! Yep, even after the Summer's price drop, the M210 is still a pricey platform.

What gimbal are you using for FLIR DuoProor... or planning to use with M600P ? You using LB2 to transmit or separate video transmitter? If on the LB, using the HDMI LB channel or EXT Gimbal channel? Controlling camera via LB RC or separate RC? I was planning the XT-R basically since the X5 gimbal supported.

Curious to how you're planning the connectivity of the Thermo.
Past builds sound sweet! I'd agree, love the sound of the 21" Hex! Yep, even after the Summer's price drop, the M210 is still a pricey platform.

What gimbal are you using for FLIR DuoProor... or planning to use with M600P ? You using LB2 to transmit or separate video transmitter? If on the LB, using the HDMI LB channel or EXT Gimbal channel? Controlling camera via LB RC or separate RC? I was planning the XT-R basically since the X5 gimbal supported.

Curious to how you're planning the connectivity of the Thermo.

Hey Doug,

I am currently using a Yangda Gimbal for the DUO Pro. This combination can do PIP on the tablet/CS on both custom and M600P.

Now on the previous Hexa, I had a Yangda 18x Zoom (connected to LB2) and a VUE Pro which was ran independent from each other. Yes, I experienced an RF crossover (which I expected) and solved it by assigning a specific channel to the LB2 and have an independent AV Tx for the Vue Pro. I did not have any further issues, aside from the occasional RF static noise.

Controls for both sensors were controlled by a separate Tx/Rx.


Photos Op of both birds for comparison.

Here is the dual sensor.

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Very Nice! The M600P scales the Shop Bld Hex. Nice mount platform & rails on the Shop Bid Hex.

You're the 2nd time I've come across the Yangda Security outfit. I didn't know much about them, but they seem like a quality shop! I just picked some Tattu Plus 22,000mAh batteries (newer "smart" style standard LiPo's) from them at a substantial discount to USA. They're a Tattu direct distributor too.

On the Shop Bid Hex, you ran the 2 camera setup on separate Tx and Radios but the Duo on 1 radio, am I following correctly?

I'll PM you for the details... I'm extremely curious on the setup. You're moving the Yangda over to the M600P, the LB2 recognizes it nicely and presents in DJIGO App on the DJI LB RC? Very Cool, very flexible!

The PIP for CS, was that per the DUO providing the 2 images on it's video channel? On the M600P, are you getting the PIP on the Pilot's DJI LB2 RC running the DJI App? I wasn't able to get PIP on Pilot's RC and DJI informed me that wasn't workable and would need 2 screens. But, I was running X5R (EXT) & FPV (LB) setup. I tried the RoninMX but the FPV & RoninMX both use LB channel so per DJI it's one or the other.

If you have a working solution on PIP and LB within DJI or 3rd Party apps, that's great!

On a separate tangent... when building the Hexa's. Alignment of the booms/motor/props. Eye with straight edges or some jig system? I've seen this alignment tool for the M600P on some sites and don't see how it's used. I use a straight edge on boom \ motor alignment with clamp seam & motor center point; and again on prop to prop check. The boom tubes, you use standard 1mm thick or go with the 1.5mm? S1000 uses 25mm tubes, but when I lengthen for the 17" blades & E1200 motor kits was considering going with the 1.5mm for a 25 / 22 vs a 25 / 23 tube. Another option was considering... 25/23 with the aluminum sleeve 23dia x 25mm length. Would provide stronger clamping point on each end.
...On the Shop Bid Hex, you ran the 2 camera setup on separate Tx and Radios but the Duo on 1 radio, am I following correctly?...

Well sort of yes...

The IR ran to a 5.8Tx to a Rx Monitor. While the 18x Zoom ran to LB2 to LB Controller.

When running the DUO Pro both 4K + IR was fed into LB2 and was able to do PiP.

... On the M600P, are you getting the PIP on the Pilot's DJI LB2 RC running the DJI App? I wasn't able to get PIP on Pilot's RC and DJI informed me that wasn't workable and would need 2 screens. But, I was running X5R (EXT) & FPV (LB) setup. I tried the RoninMX but the FPV & RoninMX both use LB channel so per DJI it's one or the other. If you have a working solution on PIP and LB within DJI or 3rd Party apps, that's great!...

Ah yes, You can't do PiP unless the sensor was designed to adopt it like the Duo or Duo Pro. I do know the LB on the M210 is capable to do PiP for a dual sensor display on the tablet/CS.

...On a separate tangent... when building the Hexa's. Alignment of the booms/motor/props. Eye with straight edges or some jig system? I've seen this alignment tool for the M600P on some sites and don't see how it's used. I use a straight edge on boom \ motor alignment with clamp seam & motor center point; and again on prop to prop check. The boom tubes, you use standard 1mm thick or go with the 1.5mm? S1000 uses 25mm tubes, but when I lengthen for the 17" blades & E1200 motor kits was considering going with the 1.5mm for a 25 / 22 vs a 25 / 23 tube. Another option was considering... 25/23 with the aluminum sleeve 23dia x 25mm length. Would provide stronger clamping point on each end...
Arm angle calibrator
DJIM6-07 Aircraft Arm Angle Calibrator

Is this placed at the end of the butt of boom, then pivoted to align boom perpendicular to frame? Is it left in like a shim or removed like a tool.

I use visual, levelers, and patience. :) I will be getting that alignment tool from DJI to check it out.
Well sort of yes...
Ah yes, You can't do PiP unless the sensor was designed to adopt it like the Duo or Duo Pro. I do know the LB on the M210 is capable to do PiP for a dual sensor display on the tablet/CS.

I use visual, levelers, and patience. :) I will be getting that alignment tool from DJI to check it out.

Yes, the M210 can do 2 cameras on dual gimbal and DJI's FPV... 2 visible at a time on Pilot's screen... and all 3 rotate through the selection so you can select which 2 at anytime to display... that would be ideal if DJI would provide that logic on the M600P... which I don't understand why they don't.

I was planning to get the alignment tool also, but have you determined how it's used. I find no documentation on it's use.
I just acquired a M600 Pro and to say the least I am very impressed in the quality and attention to detail DJI has bestowed to their Industrial aircrafts.

For the past few days I've been doing some real world testing on it and I have to say, they are just **** solid.

On a longevity test, with the sporadic 7-10 gust winds, no-payload, aircraft stayed aloft for 35 minutes till the 15% level forced it down.

Next adding a payload and repeat the test.
Does the M600 comes equipped w/ one gimbal, for a single camera or are gimbals extra?
Not sure on M600, but the M600Pro comes with no gimble mounts or gimble. It does have the mount rails for: X5, Z30, or RoninMX gimbles... which those 3 gimbles covers the spectrum of cameras: X3, Z3, X5, X5R and Z30. To have full DSLR contorl you'd need to add the Intelli-G too... and a SRW60G for cable free rotation with RoninMX.
Not sure on M600, but the M600Pro comes with no gimble mounts or gimble. It does have the mount rails for: X5, Z30, or RoninMX gimbles... which those 3 gimbles covers the spectrum of cameras: X3, Z3, X5, X5R and Z30. To have full DSLR contorl you'd need to add the Intelli-G too... and a SRW60G for cable free rotation with RoninMX.

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