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UK Help with controlled airspace

Aug 7, 2016
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I have had my first request for a building survey within controlled airspace in Bournemouth, Dorset.

The issues it they need it done tomorrow!

The flight is outside the Bournemouth Airport ATZ but inside the class D CTR airspace.

I understand I need permission from Bmth ATC for this flight but unsure the quickest way to get it? I have seen the NATS email option but that said it would take 21 days?

It's a pain as the flight is only to 200 feet for a photo of the roof of a house and will take 5 mins max but I want to do things legally.

Any suggestions?

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I was interested to read this as I have a related query -

I've got my PfCO course in a few weeks time and have recently acquired an I2. Although it is currently grounded until I can sort out the red props problem I hope to get it airborne soon as I'd like to get some practice in for the impending flight test.

I have a private area I can fly in but it lies under a local CTA (Class D airspace) with an operational base of 3500 feet. Reading around a bit on a couple of other (pilot) forums it would appear that the area under the CTA below this altitude where I intend to practice is regarded as Class G airspace and therefore 'Unrestricted'. Certainly for the first few flights I intend to put the I2 in Beginner mode which will restrict it to a 30 metre bubble (I have flown other quads but this is my first 'serious' - i.e. expensive - one so I'm just being cautious here until I'm more familiar with it).

So my query is do I need to contact anyone (i.e. local ATC) when I wish to fly in this area? Owing to the heights involved (100 ft and then eventually up to 400 ft max) I am well under any restricted commercial airspace (i.e. the CTA) but as I am directly below it is it good practice to let them know I'm there anyway?

From the above replies to the OP this would appear to be recommended in a CTZ but is it necessary / recommended in my case also (I don't want to bother the local ATC unless it is required)? I appreciate this will be covered by Ground School but I hope to fly before I attend this so any clarification would be appreciated - thanks.

Sub 7kg SUSAs (like your Inspire) are not legally required to seek permission from or indeed inform the ATC in a Class D airspace BUT it is courteous, good practice and professional to do so, letting them know where you are flying, the times you will be there, how long for, and at what altitudes. It helps foster good relationships between all agencies.
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