So not only did they release a firmware update that 1) doesn't actually update the aircraft, and 2) contains a still-undocumented "glitch" in the camera firmware, they have no committed the cardinal sin of software release engineering. They have released two updates under the same version number.
On the Inspire 1 Pro downloads page (
Inspire 1 Pro / RAW), there is a link that says "Inspire 1 Pro Firmware v1.2.0.50". That's what it said yesterday. But today that link gets you a file called, which implies that it is version, and not the advertised version
Unzip that file, and you will find a file called
WM610_FC550_FW_V01.02.00.50.bin, the same name as in yesterday's update. But this file is 70,262,894 bytes, whereas yesterday's file with the same name was 70,262,770 bytes. So it does appear to be different.
The punchline came when I tried to install this new .bin file: it refused to upgrade the camera firmware, because it was already running v1.2.0.50! Which is why you never ever ever ever release two different updates under the same version number.