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FW - Do not update

Effectively if i pop this firmware back on the card - Inspire 1 Pro Firmware v1.1.0.40 and downgrade everything should be back to how it was pre the 1.2 upgrade.
As Dji Ken confirme - there is a glitch in the newly released FW for the X5 camera - do not upgrade - DJI is working on it just now.

DJI Forum|Inspire 1 Pro New Firmware V1.2.0.50
You write that there is a glitch in the firmware, that's all I can see. Can you explain what the problem is Mr. Blix! And where's your posts regarding this?

I have upgraded inspire1

App 2.4.2
RC 1.5.70
Has been out and tested and have not noticed anything Mr. Blix
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You write that there is a glitch in the firmware, that's all I can see. Can you explain what the problem is Mr. Blix! And where's your posts regarding this?

I have upgraded inspire1

App 2.4.2
RC 1.5.70
Has been out and tested and have not noticed anything Mr. Blix
Follow the link I have submitted in my post - this one
DJI Forum|Inspire 1 Pro New Firmware V1.2.0.50
Well, this is really amazing. Yes, the upgrade doesn't work and they know it (DJI) but you can still download it and is still required when you turn on your bird.

I really don't know what to do!!! I do not want to spend the night downgrading, which is the solution given by Ken, admitting there is an issue with the upgrade!!!

Cazzo but this bird cost nearly like a small Fiat, if something goes wrong, actually a
Little wrong with a car you can screw the brand to death!!!! Here we have continuous issues, problems but we continue to give money to these guys!!!!

It is awful!
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The FW is fixed - you can download and install ( if you want )


If you download it from the X5 section I am not sure it is updated ( the date is still the same )

I downloaded it from the Inspire Pro section
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The FW is fixed - you can download and install ( if you want )

Are we sure? the date hasn't been updated on the firmware listing. Still shows 2015-12-09 would of thought it would of showed 2015-12-10 if they changed it today
Are we sure? the date hasn't been updated on the firmware listing. Still shows 2015-12-09 would of thought it would of showed 2015-12-10 if they changed it today
I am sorry Richard - should have mentioned that it is updated on the Inspire Pro section - not the X5 section.
I updated, all it does is fix the camera issues which is a good thing.
The next update will do some stuff to the craft and gimbal (which should have been in here) I think, so for now either update to this, or go back to .30.

Its kinda odd these screw ups make it to their website though, this is the second failed update in a row and its not exactly hard to find these glitches.
Still, as long as its resolved soon so I can test it over Xmas and get some nice snow shots all will be forgiven!
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So not only did they release a firmware update that 1) doesn't actually update the aircraft, and 2) contains a still-undocumented "glitch" in the camera firmware, they have no committed the cardinal sin of software release engineering. They have released two updates under the same version number.

On the Inspire 1 Pro downloads page (Inspire 1 Pro / RAW), there is a link that says "Inspire 1 Pro Firmware v1.2.0.50". That's what it said yesterday. But today that link gets you a file called Inspire_1_Pro_Firmware_1210.zip, which implies that it is version, and not the advertised version

Unzip that file, and you will find a file called WM610_FC550_FW_V01.02.00.50.bin, the same name as in yesterday's update. But this file is 70,262,894 bytes, whereas yesterday's file with the same name was 70,262,770 bytes. So it does appear to be different.

The punchline came when I tried to install this new .bin file: it refused to upgrade the camera firmware, because it was already running v1.2.0.50! Which is why you never ever ever ever release two different updates under the same version number.

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