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UK Flying near large metal objects

May 6, 2016
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Does anyone have any experience of flying close to large metal objects? I have been asked to do an inspection of a large crane jib, and have concerns over what distance would be safe to fly.
Thanks for the reply, nice shots by the way! I will need to fly a lot closer than this to inspect the crane, I see you are approx 100 meters from the metal structures (?)
Thanks for the reply, nice shots by the way! I will need to fly a lot closer than this to inspect the crane, I see you are approx 100 meters from the metal structures (?)
Obviously large metal objects like cranes etc are ferrous and therefore have the potential at very close proximity to disturb the magnetic flux acting on the Inspires magnetometer (compass). This can throw up an error which if you are not prepared for can cause issues.
Be prepared for the aircraft to drop into P-Atti mode if the Inspire senses sufficient disturbance in the magnetic field to cause an error.
Alternatively, fly the entire flight in P-Atti and the handling of the aircraft will remain constant.
...Fly2View, I recently flew directly over a Marine Dry-Storage Bldg (Erect Steel type bldg), 325' x 80', crest of the roof was approx 42', i flew btwn (approx) 10'-20' above the roof, with ZERO adverse effects of ctrl or the flight itself...
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I fly as close as 10 feet to wind turbines all the time. We inspect them. The worst problem I have is wind gusts that swirl around the top of the nacelle. This one is 300 feet tall and I'm about 15 feet away:


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