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Flat RAW / DNG files from X5S (still photography)

Great thread. I too am a serious photographer and have been disappointed with the output from the DNG files that the X5S produces. I have been spoiled by my Nikon D810 (Mike FDS :) ) and the amazing output. I shoot in 14 bit RAW which gives greater DNR but I had hoped the M4/3 would yield decent results. Like was mentioned here, I have to really push the sliders in Lightroom or Luminar when editing. Not to mention there are no camera profiles for the X5S as M4/3 profiles are embedded, we have to really dig deep to try and get the image the way that we want. Good luck and happy shooting.
Great thread. I too am a serious photographer and have been disappointed with the output from the DNG files that the X5S produces. I have been spoiled by my Nikon D810 (Mike FDS :) ) and the amazing output. I shoot in 14 bit RAW which gives greater DNR but I had hoped the M4/3 would yield decent results. Like was mentioned here, I have to really push the sliders in Lightroom or Luminar when editing. Not to mention there are no camera profiles for the X5S as M4/3 profiles are embedded, we have to really dig deep to try and get the image the way that we want. Good luck and happy shooting.

Thanks for your reply. You have made me feel a lot better that I am not being stupid in my expectations!

I appreciate your perspective and thank you for your comments. I use a Nikon D810A, as I enjoy astrophotography as well. Having progressively advanced from a color darkroom to the first digital camera to our present generation, I feel spoiled with the equipment and technology we have today. I've also been in professional video since the eighties and greatly appreciate the high quality and relatively low cost technology we enjoy today.

Bottom line: I really never expected to be able to accomplish what is possible today with the I2 that in total costs less than a typical high end Nikon, Canon or Hasselblad lens that I used in the past.

No doubt, the photo processing requires more work, and while I am tempted to ask Michael at Florida Drone Supply to build a custom UAV for my DSLR and a Red or Blackmagic camera, for now at least, I'm accepting the need for more tweaking and product evolution.

Frankly, this is the most fun I've had in photography and videography in years. I'm smitten by the reality of "flight" and still get excited every time I hear those I2 sounds beckoning me to explore something from an entirely new perspective. For now the additional processing is a small price to pay for what I only dreamed of in the past.

Thank's. Am looking at video now.

Fwiw, I found out the guy who is modding the P4 drone to take studio flash used two ColorChecker profiles made for Lightroom 6 off the ColorChecker chart.

At the bottom of the link he shows 4 images taken with the P4 that were in DNG to start: Two with the flash turned on with a profile made for the flash, and the second without flash is another ColorChecker profile. As far as I can tell, the colors look pretty much spot on between the two. Need to invest in the ColorChecker maybe.

Bottom four images made with ColorChecker and DNG are here: Studio flash fill added to P4.

I found it pretty easy to do. Shoot the chart, drag the DNG file into the ColorChecker Passport software and align it to the squares, click "Create Profile" and name it (e.g. DJI Inspire 2 X5S Daylight.). It then makes a profile and puts it into the Lightroom > Camera Calibration > Embedded folder > Select it and you are done with a perfect color match.

I see x-rite made some changes to their ColorChecker Passport software May 10, 2017 to version 1.1.1 for larger DNG files. I need to update mine now.
These last days I'm having a lot of problems trying to get a connection between the controller and I2. Things are getting better, but still not fixed. Trying to find a solution, I've updated the dron firmware and, from what I can see, the colors look improved, more natural.
Hello everyone.

Try "rawtherapee". It's a free open source converter that I find yields far better results than ACR. With dngs from the x5s at least!
Hi Whitestone. These cameras are inferior to what you usually use for your work, you have to take to extremes in post to be able to get at least something decent. I'm attaching an XML settings for Camera Raw. Try it and see if it works for you. Just adjust the white balance.
Dropbox - Inspire2.xmp
Hi everyone,

I have read the thread below from "Pandion" but have a slightly different issue with the DNG files.

I appreciate that we are talking RAW / DNG files, but when converting with either Adobe PS cc or Lightroom, the unedited RAW is very flat with no saturation or depth.

I am a professional photographer, (www.michaelwhitestone.co.uk) so used to working in RAW with my EOS 5d4, but I simply can not get a decent end result with these from the Inspire and X5s camera.

JPGs are fine.

If you have the time, please have a look at the uploaded RAW file?

RAW dropbox link here:
Dropbox - DJI_0005.DNG

JPG here:
Dropbox - DJI_0005.JPG

Many thanks in advance.


Hello from Germany,

yes, this is a big problem! Bad work from Dji maybe. I use "Capture One" und develop the Files with the ICC-Profil from the panasonic GH5. After i reduce the saturation and all is fine!

Best Wishes
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Hello everyone,

in my opinion, it is much worse....

It isn't only a matter of adding more saturation. The color profile of the X5s still image DNGs ist way off, especially in the greens.
To see a result which is close to the JPEGs (out of the cam), you have to add a selective hue shift in the green values.
I have added an example from P1 Capture One, the result is consistent among C1, ACR and other raw converters. Rawtherapee seems in no way better.

BTW, I've asked the DJI Support
- if they have an own raw converter (answer: no)
- if they recommend any raw converter (answer: no)

Bildschirmfoto-2017-06-11-um-17_51_07.jpg Bildschirmfoto 2017-06-11 um 19.07.33.png


I appreciate your perspective and thank you for your comments. I use a Nikon D810A, as I enjoy astrophotography as well. Having progressively advanced from a color darkroom to the first digital camera to our present generation, I feel spoiled with the equipment and technology we have today. I've also been in professional video since the eighties and greatly appreciate the high quality and relatively low cost technology we enjoy today.

Bottom line: I really never expected to be able to accomplish what is possible today with the I2 that in total costs less than a typical high end Nikon, Canon or Hasselblad lens that I used in the past.

No doubt, the photo processing requires more work, and while I am tempted to ask Michael at Florida Drone Supply to build a custom UAV for my DSLR and a Red or Blackmagic camera, for now at least, I'm accepting the need for more tweaking and product evolution.

Frankly, this is the most fun I've had in photography and videography in years. I'm smitten by the reality of "flight" and still get excited every time I hear those I2 sounds beckoning me to explore something from an entirely new perspective. For now the additional processing is a small price to pay for what I only dreamed of in the past.


Hey Barry and Whitestone

I too am really excited about aerial photography after shooting on the ground for 35 years..........That being said my Lightroom settings for the DNG RAW files for the x5s :

Sharpening: 64
Blacks: +6
Contrast: +40
Clarity: +12
Vibrance: +12
Noise reduction: 18

Then batch them.........

Exposure/WB to taste.....

Its waco but works for me.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to my initial question. I have to say that the files should not need as much post processing as they do. I totally agree with stephan_f that selective hue shift is needed. Anyone remember "crossed curves" from the old film processing days?
Hi Whitestone. These cameras are inferior to what you usually use for your work, you have to take to extremes in post to be able to get at least something decent. I'm attaching an XML settings for Camera Raw. Try it and see if it works for you. Just adjust the white balance.
Dropbox - Inspire2.xmp

Thanks for the XML settings. Sorry for delay in getting back. It has recovered the burnt highlights, but greens are still a problem. Trees and grass are very green here at the moment! Did you apply a lens profile, or is it automatic (embedded in RAW)? Flicking between the 2 certainly changes the goldfish bowl appearance.

here's a link to 3 files: Raw, your settings and the camera jpg.

All the best,

Thanks for the XML settings. Sorry for delay in getting back. It has recovered the burnt highlights, but greens are still a problem. Trees and grass are very green here at the moment! Did you apply a lens profile, or is it automatic (embedded in RAW)? Flicking between the 2 certainly changes the goldfish bowl appearance.

here's a link to 3 files: Raw, your settings and the camera jpg.

All the best,


forgot the link!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dropbox - Aspire Raw Test
Thanks for the XML settings. Sorry for delay in getting back. It has recovered the burnt highlights, but greens are still a problem. Trees and grass are very green here at the moment! Did you apply a lens profile, or is it automatic (embedded in RAW)? Flicking between the 2 certainly changes the goldfish bowl appearance.

here's a link to 3 files: Raw, your settings and the camera jpg.

All the best,

M4/3 have embedded profiles.
As a serious photographer, I've been using Photoshop for years. I've never shot jpegs as I've adjusted each image one at a time. I use a number of plugins as well - previously the Nik collection and now Luminar.

I keep hearing that people are unsatisfied with the DNGs. Here's an example from last week taken with the Olympus 12mm lens:

[GALLERY=media, 856]DJI_0006b by BarryBittman posted Jun 6, 2017 at 11:52 AM[/GALLERY]
are you satisfied with the quality of the RAW files produced by your X5S?

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