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First problem with the Matrice 4 E

Jun 1, 2022
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The Matrice 4 E has been great out of the box until I hit my first problem.

I attempted today to make my first map and model. A Smart 3D flight plan using corrections on the Custom RTK Network setting.

The drone's status would not go FIX and I was unable to fly the mission. I could of turned off RTK but decided to put in a Support Ticket.

The controller did connect to my RTK service provider and did show the base location correctly. But it was stuck at Converging and FLOAT.

When viewing satellites only the GPS constellations would show with Beidou flashing 7 and then 0 repeatedly and GLONASS, Galileo and QZSS showing 0 at all times.

When I got home I placed the Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced with RTK module next to the Matrice 4 and had them both Connect to Custom Network and the Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced went FIX and the Matrice was again stuck at Converging/FLOAT missing the satellites it should be seeing.
Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced with RTK module: GPS 11, Beidou 7, GLONASS 8 Galileo 7
Matrice 4 Enterprise: GPS 11, Beidou 0, GLONASS 0, Galileo 0, QZSS 0

I tried different Wifi sources and also a different Mount Point/Base with the same results.

I contacted DJI to start a Support ticket and they had me upload logs to them. The new log process is actually incredible. You choose the logs which are then uploaded to a cloud storage and generate a QR code. You send DJI the QR code to access them. Very high tech and very easy!

While this is a bit disappointing, I have no doubt that I wll be taken care of. Reading about others who have received their Matrice 4, this does not seem like a widespread issue that would be fixed with firmware since others have used the Custom Network setting. The drone is covered by both warranty and DJI Care Plus so I am not worried about getting the issue resolved. I am more worried about if it has to be replaced, with the current stock shortages.

I may just have been unlucky and received a bad unit, but this is pure speculation at this point.

I will update after DJI gets back to me with the next steps.
DJI Support asked some questions from their engineers today via email. I responded with my answers. Hopefully we are getting somewhere.

I ran some more tests. This time I used my own base instead of the RTK subscription provider.

I setup an Emlid unit as a Base and then sent corrections to Emlids Caster software. I had the Matrice 4 again recieve corrections over Custom Network RTK.

It was the same. Status was Converging and FLOAT. The satellites from the Base would flash from a number to 0 and back continuously.

Standard Deviation stayed at all 0's for XYZ.

The aircraft though sees plenty of satellites, it is the corrections that are not stable.
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In the Matrice 4 Downloads section on DJI.com, In the Known Issues PDF there is a known issue with Network RTK.
The posted issue is not exactly the same as what I am experiencing, but is similar.

"For overseas users using custom network RTKwith the mount point set to GR, the RTK FIXtime will be longer (from a few minutes to overten minutes)."

When I change the Mount Point, I still have not obtained a FIX status though and in my flight of ~18 minutes it never went FIX.

When Steel City Drones did their Youtube Video using RTK, they used a D-RTK 2 unit.

So I am hopeful that there is not a drone hardware problem which could entail having to receive a new drone, but this is a software/firmware issue that hopefully will be addressed in the next firmware update.

Overall I am not surprised as some times brand new products have teething issues.
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Wow I do hope it is fixed by a firmware update
I am not worried and only post just to give information.
The drone is covered under warranty and DJI Enterprise Care Plus.
There have been several DJI products that had initial problems upon release.

Anyone reading should not let this dissuade them from a purchase.

I am hoping that as more people get thier drone we can compare if they have the same problem, as this will help to see if this is a systematic problem solved by firmware/software or I may truly have some type of hardware problem.

DJI has not responded since I last posted and uploaded my logs for analysis other than to ask another simple question on whether I was using a DRTK unit or receiving corrections from Custom Network RTK.
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Unfortunately DJI Support stated that I will have to send my drone to the Support Center in Cerritos California. They told me to try and update the firmware on the aricraft and controller again, which I did.
I still have no success connecting to Custom Network RTK.
They did state that they wold make this an urgent case.

I did not have time at work today to ship her.
The RTK board is faulty. It states that it is under repair, but I would bet they just send me a new aircraft under warranty and not use the Enterprise Care Plus since the drone was a week old when this problem was discovered.

The abosulte crazy thing is that winter is drone maintenance time. I sent in a Mavic 2 Enterprise (Zoom), and Phantom 4 RTK for Basic Maintenance. Both had some minor problems. DJI replaced both with new aircraft for small repair fees.

This coming week I will have 3 brand new drones coming when counting the Matrice 4 E. The average age of 3 aircraft in my fleet has jumped down from 3 years to 1 month.

I am contacting DJI just to confirm that Enterprise Care Plus is not being used and that this is a warranty replacement.

I highly recommend using DJI Maintenance for all of your Enterprise aircraft. The Mavic 2 E Zoom was from 2019 and now being replaced with a new aircraft will just keep increasing its service life.
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The repair is complete.
The drone should ship tommorow with 2 day shipping.
I still am not sure if this was a repair or they are giving me a new drone.
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I have a shipping number.

I think I am getting a new drone as the 1st package does not have the drone listed in the contents form from DJI.

I think they will drop ship me the drone.

They just did this for my Phantom 4 RTK and Mavic 2 Enterprise (Zoom) that were replaced. Both were found to have items needing repair during DJI Basic Maintenance. One needed $27 in repairs (Minor cracks in legs) and the other $500 (Coreboard displaying wrong firmware). DJI Service California sent back my controllers, case and batteries in one shipment and then shipped brand new drones in another. DJI does not really do complex repairs in DJI Service California so they just sent me new drones and they came from DJI Service in Canada (Which is actually much closer to where I live if you disregard the international border, LOL).
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It's confirmed that I am getting a brand new drone.
I contacted DJI and they confirmed it.
It is coming from DJI Service Canada and I have a tracking label generated.
My case, controller, battery and accessories will be here tomorrow and they are the originals that I sent in to DJI Service in California.

With a little bit of luck I will have everything on Friday, but could be Monday. I am still waiting for the UPS tracking number to populate with a delivery date.

I am pretty impressed with the times and as long as I have a working drone I will be impressed with the overall service.
While it is annoying that I got a bad one out of the box, I guess it is more important in how a company deals with the problem and reaches a conclusion that works for both them and the customer.

I am on vacation next week and the weather looks to be decently warm, so I should be able to put this drone through some tests and finally get to make some maps and models.
Also I want to test out the new night features.
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New drone arrived today.
My original case, controller battery and speak/spotlight payloads will be here on Friday.

I am happy with the outcome and very lucky I grabbed this drone early since the price goes up everytime I look at the drone on DJI.com

I was treated very fairly by DJI.
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Finally got a chance to take the replacement out for a test. It was short as it was too windy.

I tested Network RTK while receiving corrections from my paid RTK NTRIP provider and it went FIX in less than one minute.

I made a very quick map and processed and yes, the accuracy is there.

I should not of flown as the winds gusted to 35 mph!!!, but the drone performed well.
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