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File sizes of the X7 Apple Pro Res and CinemaDNG recording

Dec 26, 2014
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Can anyone provide me with the actual file sizes that the X7 shoots in Apple Pro Res and CinemaDNG for a recording time of 20 mins? Is the CinemaDNG files bigger then a RED Epic 4k for the same amount of record time? I'm sure the info is out there, but I'm having trouble finding
it... thanks in advance for those who can tell me :)
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I guess you could get a rough idea from the ssd page on the dji website, gives you record times here for the x5s..
Buy Inspire 2 CINESSD (480G)
thanks for note, I did come across this but was concerned it was for the X5, as there is a fair amount of chatter about "RED" file sizes being recorded when using a X7. I own a RED and understand how important it is to create a budget for drives across a project or a year, so am just trying to look at what other money i'd need if i was to invest in a X7 that utilises the CinemaDNG and APR.
It is much more efficient with ProRes RAW. PPR was able to save around 27 minutes of 6K/24fps/12 bit depth footage in a test. With CDNG it was 17 minutes with similar settings.
A real world test earlier this week in the field confirmed similar findings.

Downside is you need an Apple product to read the PPR files. Maybe DJI will also implement Blackmagic RAW since it is free and supported on other operating systems.

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