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DJI XT Powered by Flir is here!!!

The retail is 9999.00 for the cadillac version

is that the full resolution 30Hz coffee cooking bring me the burger babe then... :)

HOLY... but it can bring back the dough fairly quick when you have the market ready for it. my problem is that Hungary is so far behind that people would look at me like I am from jupiter... the possibilities are endless.. how does that work with making the ROI asap. do authorities pay ?
where would be the best and most advantage of use that can bring back the investment? - sorry for the idiot questions I have put them up myself and researched also and still trying to figure out the best way to communicate it towards a potential party.

I personally could not charge probably if I can save someone´s life in a SAR mission though. on the other hand when you get rescued in from an avalanche and get brought in by a helicopter and you are not insured you pay a s**t load of money for your treatment... so now I am a bit lost. 10 000 USD ... nice tag.
I would really like to jump into this but know not enough yet.. ****...
We have had a lot of interest from fire search and rescue law-enforcement. General contractors for home inspection. Electrical companies for inspection and post storm surveying. Farm mapping for improved crop yields. The list just keeps going on and on. Yes I agree this is a pricey unit but in the world of thermal imaging I don't think the pricing is out of line. From what we are seeing a $10,000 unit can be paid off in about 30 days time depending on your marketplace. And for me the most important use would be search and rescue Operations where I personally have no interest in financial gain. To utilize this tool to save a life would be very rewarding to say the least.
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Would agree with Ralph about the potential revenue enhancement of thermal work, but moreso in the US than smaller countries, and the 30Hz 640res version IS good value if you are in the US, but over here in **** Turpin land we have to pay the equivalent of $11295 for the same package (£8000 in UK prices), which is "Ouch" territory but if you can get thermal work then the rewards can pay the unit off as mentioned above.

What we need now is for FLIR to update FLIR Tools software to make it capable of reading the binary radiometric data from the XT from the 14bit TIF files, and not just JPGs. I doubt we will see DJI move towards adding advanced radiommetry due to the necessity to send the cameras back to FLIR for calibration.

As radiommetry is about to be enabled on the XT, it will be interesting to see if the current pre ordered cameras in the UK get the camera already updated or not.....a question the dealers have been asking.
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I was informed that the customers who have preordered the DJI XT will receive the enabled versions that will read the radiometric data from TIF and JPG's and is fully compatible with Flir Tools. The firmware is being updated as we speak before the release takes place. Also as far as the Advanced Radiometry is concerned, it is for sure going to be offered to customers who want the ability and like you said it will be an upgrade that for customers who already have their units to send them in for upgrade and calibration. Anyone who wants to add the Advanced Radiometry capability when ordering from Dealers once available (1 to 2 months time) will be upgraded and calibrated before sending to the customer. I don't have the pricing for the Advanced Radiometric upgrade but will post as soon as I do. Here is a direct quote from DJI industrial regarding the Advanced Radiometric Ability.


Sorry for any confusion but I hope we are all heading to a great experience with all of the wonderful functions the DJI XT has to offer. If anyone has any questions please just call us and we will gladly help you.
There seems to be a lot of confusion surrounding the term radiommetry, so for those asking, it is my understanding that "at present" (assuming a firmware updated camera) that the current XT's will carry the binary radiometric data, although there is no way for the camera to store that data at present, but understand this should be coming. The radiometric data is currently in a 14bit TIF file which FLIR Tools cannot read, and therefore the images cannot be interpreted by FLIR Tools software at present until FLIR updates the Tools+ software with a newer version. Once that is done it is my understanding that the radiometric data can then be analysed as normal with FLIR Tools, the only caveat being that the "advanced" radiometric functioning will not yet be enabled unless DJI enables this in later batch cameras supplied by FLIR because of the need for FLIR to calibrate the OEM when the advanced code is activated, thus allowing tlinear functioning (primarily).

So for those people thinking of buying the camera (and Ralph will correct me if I am wrong) you "may" receive a radiometric enabled camera, but if you have one of the earlier ones then it may require a firmware update from DJI (unless DJI are not allowing ANY cameras to go out at all unless the update is stable and has been added). As for "advanced" radiommetry, it is probably only going to be relevant to a particular few clients. What I haven't yet established is what effect the lack of "advanced" radiometric functioning has on the interpretation ability when the data is put through FLIR Tools, and im guessing that apart from some averaged out data sets, the impact will be negligible (I hope).

Anyone thinking of buying this camera, just spend a little time thinking about what you intend to use it for before committing to a particular resolution, frame rate, and lens option. The whole purpose of the camera is to give you both quantitative and qualitative data, and you need to look at this before deciding what spec you need. These are not cheap cameras but with the radiometric data they are very capable cameras indeed, but like any tool you need to understand it and what it can do then learn to use it properly.

In most cases radiometric data is used in quantitative analysis where precise temperature distributions need to be measured, and include factors such as emissivity, material data, atmospheric factors etc which can influence such data. This is why radiometric ability is quite important because it gives you the accuracy needed for effective analysis.

Apologies if i am teaching your grandma to suck eggs lol.
There seems to be a lot of confusion surrounding the term radiommetry, so for those asking, it is my understanding that "at present" (assuming a firmware updated camera) that the current XT's will carry the binary radiometric data, although there is no way for the camera to store that data at present, but understand this should be coming. The radiometric data is currently in a 14bit TIF file which FLIR Tools cannot read, and therefore the images cannot be interpreted by FLIR Tools software at present until FLIR updates the Tools+ software with a newer version. Once that is done it is my understanding that the radiometric data can then be analysed as normal with FLIR Tools, the only caveat being that the "advanced" radiometric functioning will not yet be enabled unless DJI enables this in later batch cameras supplied by FLIR because of the need for FLIR to calibrate the OEM when the advanced code is activated, thus allowing tlinear functioning (primarily).

So for those people thinking of buying the camera (and Ralph will correct me if I am wrong) you "may" receive a radiometric enabled camera, but if you have one of the earlier ones then it may require a firmware update from DJI (unless DJI are not allowing ANY cameras to go out at all unless the update is stable and has been added). As for "advanced" radiommetry, it is probably only going to be relevant to a particular few clients. What I haven't yet established is what effect the lack of "advanced" radiometric functioning has on the interpretation ability when the data is put through FLIR Tools, and im guessing that apart from some averaged out data sets, the impact will be negligible (I hope).

Anyone thinking of buying this camera, just spend a little time thinking about what you intend to use it for before committing to a particular resolution, frame rate, and lens option. The whole purpose of the camera is to give you both quantitative and qualitative data, and you need to look at this before deciding what spec you need. These are not cheap cameras but with the radiometric data they are very capable cameras indeed, but like any tool you need to understand it and what it can do then learn to use it properly.

In most cases radiometric data is used in quantitative analysis where precise temperature distributions need to be measured, and include factors such as emissivity, material data, atmospheric factors etc which can influence such data. This is why radiometric ability is quite important because it gives you the accuracy needed for effective analysis.

Apologies if i am teaching your grandma to suck eggs lol.
To my understanding none of the XT cameras will not go out until they have been enabled with the proper firmware that will allow for radiometric analytics via JPEG's and TIF files. The advanced radiometry capabilities will be an upgrade that will be available within 1 to 2 months. And to be honest for most clients the standard radiometric data will be sufficient in most instances.
We have had a lot of interest from fire search and rescue law-enforcement. General contractors for home inspection. Electrical companies for inspection and post storm surveying. Farm mapping for improved crop yields. The list just keeps going on and on. Yes I agree this is a pricey unit but in the world of thermal imaging I don't think the pricing is out of line. From what we are seeing a $10,000 unit can be paid off in about 30 days time depending on your marketplace. And for me the most important use would be search and rescue Operations where I personally have no interest in financial gain. To utilize this tool to save a life would be very rewarding to say the least.

I share your opinion on the SAR.
can you explain (it´s my english- sorry) what "General contractors for home inspection" is?
I understand the rest.
i wonder if i could the ROI in my country in 6months time.
To my understanding none of the XT cameras will not go out until they have been enabled with the proper firmware that will allow for radiometric analytics via JPEG's and TIF files. The advanced radiometry capabilities will be an upgrade that will be available within 1 to 2 months. And to be honest for most clients the standard radiometric data will be sufficient in most instances.
I share your opinion on the SAR.
can you explain (it´s my english- sorry) what "General contractors for home inspection" is?
I understand the rest.
i wonder if i could the ROI in my country in 6months time.

I guess Ralph is saying that for domestic (and industrial) heat loss surveys this would be really useful, but this camera can open many doors !
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Ralph - question.

The radiometric updates are great, but I was under the impression that the camera cannot store radiometric data on the sd card so there would be no way to transfer the images into the FLIR Tools software ??? Can you shed some light on this aspect as it kind of makes it all irrelevant if we cannot get the images downloaded ??
The XT will store the radiometric data in the images. It's not an SD card thing, it's just a matter completing the process of embedding binary radiometric data into the images, but that's why the XT is still in beta and not released yet. I will post up some thermography screenshots from the FLIR Tools once I get the update.
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I share your opinion on the SAR.
can you explain (it´s my english- sorry) what "General contractors for home inspection" is?
I understand the rest.
i wonder if i could the ROI in my country in 6months time.
Contractors can use this to evaluate the heat loss in any structure so this will allow for the contractor to do a better job when building the structures and in the end save the customer money.
Contractors can use this to evaluate the heat loss in any structure so this will allow for the contractor to do a better job when building the structures and in the end save the customer money.

like construction architect then... kind of. i get the idea though. understood. thank you. will have to find the right people here and know whos relative i have to be to get going LOL...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The XT will store the radiometric data in the images. It's not an SD card thing, it's just a matter completing the process of embedding binary radiometric data into the images, but that's why the XT is still in beta and not released yet. I will post up some thermography screenshots from the FLIR Tools once I get the update.

Yes, the XT images will have all of the binary radiometric data embedded into them. The original plan was to make only the 14 bit TIF images radiometric but the FLIR Tools only read JPG images -- So, there will either be an update to the FLIR Tools, to the XT JPG images, or both. Note, that the XT does not save the radiometric data on this current firmware, but that is known (and why it's Beta)
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Well boys and girls it appears DJI are having difficulty in getting the radiometric data from the images, to the resolution of the Tau2 due mainly I think to cooling issues. At the moment it does not appear to be solved and the cameras are indeed still beta for the foreseeable future.

Not good news for those of us who need proper radiommetry, and sorry DJI but this has been a bit of a mess all round. Announced with bells and whistles at CES in Jan, very quietly released to resellers in March with Beta only and problems now getting radiometric data from the images for use with software.

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I'm not sure where you get your information but it doesn't appear to be a very good source. I have been flying the XT 640 30Hz for a while now in Texas and never once has any kind of heating issue with the XT (or any anomaly at all for that matter). I have flown the XT 30 feet over a 1,200+ degree brush fire and it worked perfectly. In fact, the XT has performed better than anticipated in all of the testing.


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