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DJI XT Powered by Flir is here!!!

Please, tell how you can control Isotherm setup and Delta-T with RC or GO application, is there special menu for these settings?
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and for the benefit of Fly High USA, an email received from FLIR today :

Sorry for the late response.
Unfortunately, the images can not be analysed by FLIR Tools today.
Kind regards
Petter Sundin
Application Support Engineer

I think most people do not want to have the wool pulled over their eyes with respect to a products capabilities
and for the benefit of Fly High USA, an email received from FLIR today :

Sorry for the late response.
Unfortunately, the images can not be analysed by FLIR Tools today.
Kind regards
Petter Sundin
Application Support Engineer

I think most people do not want to have the wool pulled over their eyes with respect to a products capabilities
Could you explain what exactly is it that FLIR tools software does and the downside of not being able to use it with the XT. I really want to know.
Hey my friend yeah the Flir tools do many things but basically they are used for analyzing data that is captured from the camera for diagnostic and reporting purposes. I just got off the phone with one of the representatives that is in charge of the DJI XT camera system and he assured me that the final version that is released will be compatible with the tools from Flir and this is very flsr to being completed. . The beta units that are being tested right now have not had the capability to capture radiometric data and store it to the SD card for later evaluation. But the final version is supposed to have this capability. I will be receiving my units soon it will be testing there performance. From what I have seen this is an amazing piece of technology and has a really great growth potential and will absolutely in a lot of instances save lives and also help industries to save money as well as provide a safer working environments for employees. Imagine a powerline that is been damaged due to a storm. Right now the service technician has to manually go evaluate whether or not the line has power and this can be very dangerous and even life threatening. Using the DJI XT the service tech will be able to launch the drone in from a safe distance determine whether or not there is power in the area and then can safely determine how to properly fix it. This is just a very short answer that truly has a much longer answer. I know for me I'm very excited about it and looking forward to testing it I hope this helps clarify a little bit give me more questions don't hesitate to give me a shout and always feel free to call.
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Hey my friend yeah the Flir tools do many things but basically they are used for analyzing data that is captured from the camera for diagnostic and reporting purposes. I just got off the phone with one of the representatives that is in charge of the DJI XT camera system and he assured me that the final version that is released will be compatible with the tools from Flir and this is very flsr to being completed. . The beta units that are being tested right now have not had the capability to capture radiometric data and store it to the SD card for later evaluation. But the final version is supposed to have this capability. I will be receiving my units soon it will be testing there performance. From what I have seen this is an amazing piece of technology and has a really great growth potential and will absolutely in a lot of instances save lives and also help industries to save money as well as provide a safer working environments for employees. Imagine a powerline that is been damaged due to a storm. Right now the service technician has to manually go evaluate whether or not the line has power and this can be very dangerous and even life threatening. Using the DJI XT the service tech will be able to launch the drone in from a safe distance determine whether or not there is power in the area and then can safely determine how to properly fix it. This is just a very short answer that truly has a much longer answer. I know for me I'm very excited about it and looking forward to testing it I hope this helps clarify a little bit give me more questions don't hesitate to give me a shout and always feel free to call.
Thank you, Ralph. Very helpful.
Here is the latest from DJI regarding the use of the DJI XT and radiometric data. This is a direct quote from DJI and has been approved for posting!
So as I previously stated the DJI XT is going to compatible and will work with the Flir tools utilizing the radiometric features as soon as those features are released and upgrades are executed. We will test the production units once received and will be posting our findings. Thanks guys and gals for all of your support.
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basically if your use is merely heat detection then its fine (expensive way to do it but hey), but if you are measuring then I would wait for radiommetry and confirmation from FLIR that the reporting software can in fact be used with it otherwise its like having the best bacon sandwich in the world, but not being able to eat it. Industrial clients dont just want pretty pictures, they want readings, they want measurable data and at the moment the XT is not complete in this respect. There are so many influencing factors that affect temp and radiance measurements that it is important to be able to gather as much measurable data as possible otherwise it is an expensive way of producing thermal images that cannot be analysed fully in a measurable context. For search & rescue, domestic and industrial heat loss and other such applications you dont need measurements so the XT would be great.

Dont get me wrong, nobody more than me wants the XT to work more than us, but given the nice gimbal and buttery smooth imagery, you should not be thinking of anything less than the 30Hz frame rate, and 640 resolution otherwise you are not getting the best out of the gimbal technology in allowing you to concentrate on a given point accurately. Given that DJI has reportedly announced this will be forthcoming in the next few months, then that is when we will look at this package more closely, and then ONLY of it will allow reporting through FLIR software.

And no disrespect Ralph but read back over your posts when you said that the XT was already functional in this regard despite me telling you it is not. If people are going to spend over $10000 then they need to know the truth behind what they are getting NOW and not what "might be" on the horizon !
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There testing has been successful for use as I described. DJI is just being diligent and making sure everything works appropriately. I had rather them test, test, test, than just release it before its operating correctly. I for one have confidence that it will work as I stated. I'm the eternal optimist. Also I have a full understanding of what the end user needs as far as analytics go and I agree that they need this data to be a useful tool. Without it, certain fields couldn't use it. The upgrades will come in due time and all will be complete.
There testing has been successful for use as I described. DJI is just being diligent and making sure everything works appropriately. I had rather them test, test, test, than just release it before its operating correctly. I for one have confidence that it will work as I stated. I'm the eternal optimist. Also I have a full understanding of what the end user needs as far as analytics go and I agree that they need this data to be a useful tool. Without it, certain fields couldn't use it. The upgrades will come in due time and all will be complete.
basically if your use is merely heat detection then its fine (expensive way to do it but hey), but if you are measuring then I would wait for radiommetry and confirmation from FLIR that the reporting software can in fact be used with it otherwise its like having the best bacon sandwich in the world, but not being able to eat it. Industrial clients dont just want pretty pictures, they want readings, they want measurable data and at the moment the XT is not complete in this respect.
I do agree for the price it has to have these capabilities or it's a miss.
I'm just looking forward to testing this great tech and I can only go on my experience with DJI and I have not been mislead in any way and in turn never I repeat never would mislead my customers. If I didn't believe it I wouldn't say it. The true test is not your words or mine or anyone else's for that matter. It's how it performs in the field and if the data is there or not. I like you just want the best for all DJI pilots including my current and or future customers. It's really at this point not a maybe it will but when it will. I for one believe it will. I mean no disrespect to you in any of my post but I am convinced it is functioning and will be released soon. I believe what my colleagues Re saying is true. We all need this tech to work. Sooner than later.
I'm just looking forward to testing this great tech and I can only go on my experience with DJI and I have not been mislead in any way and in turn never I repeat never would mislead my customers. If I didn't believe it I wouldn't say it. The true test is not your words or mine or anyone else's for that matter. It's how it performs in the field and if the data is there or not. I like you just want the best for all DJI pilots including my current and or future customers. It's really at this point not a maybe it will but when it will. I for one believe it will. I mean no disrespect to you in any of my post but I am convinced it is functioning and will be released soon. I believe what my colleagues Re saying is true. We all need this tech to work. Sooner than later.

Hi Ralph

I have had contact from FLIR today confirming the XT will be upgraded to radiometric capability in the next few months. The problem is we need to know the upgrade path for this. If it means the camera has to be sent back for the work to be carried out then I know a lot of people are going to be angry about not being told that when they bought it. If it is simply a matter of DJI doing a firmware upgrade remotely as we all do now, then it wont be an issue, but DJI Industrial have been so difficult to get information out of with regard to the XT that it is putting people off buying it. I know dealers who are desperate for information with regard to the radiometric upgrade and whether it will mean a new version of the camera, as a lot of dealers have committed to buying the current XT only to find there might be a new version in a few months.

If you have any information about the upgrade process for the radiometric units then maybe you could share it with us so we all know exactly where we are at before outlaying a large amount of money.

Hi Ralph

I have had contact from FLIR today confirming the XT will be upgraded to radiometric capability in the next few months. The problem is we need to know the upgrade path for this. If it means the camera has to be sent back for the work to be carried out then I know a lot of people are going to be angry about not being told that when they bought it. If it is simply a matter of DJI doing a firmware upgrade remotely as we all do now, then it wont be an issue, but DJI Industrial have been so difficult to get information out of with regard to the XT that it is putting people off buying it. I know dealers who are desperate for information with regard to the radiometric upgrade and whether it will mean a new version of the camera, as a lot of dealers have committed to buying the current XT only to find there might be a new version in a few months.

If you have any information about the upgrade process for the radiometric units then maybe you could share it with us so we all know exactly where we are at before outlaying a large amount of money.

As the Tau 2 has to come from the factory with AR enabled I doubt a firmware upgrade will solve the issue. If the camera came from the factory with it enabled or with the ability to enable in the future DJI would have sang to the high hills about its ability. Think about how we were told from day one that the Inspire came with, then would have and finally 6 months later had POI and waypoints finally enabled.
As the Tau 2 has to come from the factory with AR enabled I doubt a firmware upgrade will solve the issue. If the camera came from the factory with it enabled or with the ability to enable in the future DJI would have sang to the high hills about its ability. Think about how we were told from day one that the Inspire came with, then would have and finally 6 months later had POI and waypoints finally enabled.

I think the whole XT launch has been badly mishandled and there were no bells and whistles when it was finally released to the public which sort of sniffs of schhh here it is, which is a **** shame as it has great potential but I honestly think they boobed in not just waiting and releasing a camera with radiometric ability from the off then people would have known exactly what they were getting and recognised the price was fair given the capabilities of the camera. Now we have dealers who are asking constant questions of DJI Industrial about how the future radiometric upgrade will be done because they have bought cameras without this capability, and they cannot get answers to whether :

a) a new camera will be released "With" radiommetry enabled
b) the camera has to be sent back to "X" for the upgrade

either way it is putting dealers in a very poor position because they cannot tell potential customers the final spec of the camera is going to be, how any radiometric upgrade will be done, and having to pay out large sums of money on stock items which could potentially mean the camera may need to be returned to a DJI repair centre for the upgrade. FLIR says it wont be going back to them for the upgrade, so how will it be done ?? DJI really need to come out and say what the hell is going on so dealers and customers alike can make informed decisions to buy or wait.......it is sooooooo frustrating and typical DJI to leave folk guessing.

And as for not being able to run the data through Flir Tools software !!!......pretty images but cant take any measurements !......cmon DJI seriously
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please excuse my ignorance as I am new to IR. can you explain the radiometric measurements and what it is used for ?
I am potentially having orders coming up for IR stuff so I would like to get more into it but seems like a thick mist of information (for me at least) I see potential for the camera in many areas like everybody else but I am still in the learning curve. if you can point me to a forum or documentation where I can get some insight of the whole topic.
Hey guys -- just want to let you know that the XT is absolutely flippin awesome !!

I have been testing this thing in real world emergency services incidents and industrial applications as well. I have performed some detailed analysis on the spot meter (Applied, not controlled lab) with variances of only 0.99 degrees and a 2.16 degree (F) standard deviation over solid industrial-type surfaces across a 200 foot spectrum (10' increments). The spot meter was also compared against a $15K TIC that our Fire Department uses. The temperature had a 1 degree delta with the TIC being 3 feet from the radiation source and the XT being 250 feet away from the same source. Real-time Isotherm (with the iso-exclusive palettes) have the same accuracy with per-pixel illumination. As always, the DJI stabilization is out of this world which makes the live zoom a very effective tool as well.

Just yesterday, I worked with the local power company to look at the effectiveness of three different solar panel mounts that they are experimenting with. It was pretty easy to assess which one worked the best using the spot meter alone.
IMG_0128.PNG IMG_0129.PNG IMG_0130.PNG
Some of the saved images. The hot spots toward the center are the power inverters that are only 2 degrees warmer -- but that heat is radiating through the aluminum backing, the solar grid, and the glass covering. The XT can detect as little as a 0.1 degree difference in temperature.

DJI_0013.jpg DJI_0016.jpg DJI_0017.jpg

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