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Dji Matrice 210 x5s camera setup

Jul 22, 2019
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Hey I'm needing some help with the camera settings on my matrice 210. So I have the x5s camera and currently have the video coming from the camera recording in 4k but when I switch over to taking photos the pictures look like regular HD. the picture settings is set to raw but I see nowhere it saying what resolution I'm shooting in. Yet when I swap back to video it says I'm shooting 4k and the video is definitely in 4k. Had a inspire 1 and just upgraded so I'm knew to this. Also I'm using a crystalsky if that helps. Thanks Abraham
Hey I'm needing some help with the camera settings on my matrice 210. So I have the x5s camera and currently have the video coming from the camera recording in 4k but when I switch over to taking photos the pictures look like regular HD. the picture settings is set to raw but I see nowhere it saying what resolution I'm shooting in. Yet when I swap back to video it says I'm shooting 4k and the video is definitely in 4k. Had a inspire 1 and just upgraded so I'm knew to this. Also I'm using a crystalsky if that helps. Thanks Abraham
I'm sure you've found this already that the camera is always shooting stills at optimal resolution. You can, however, set the output format (JPEG or DNG, or both) and aspect ratio of 16:9 or 4:3, where 4:3 will utilize the maximum of sensor's real estate (resolution).

4:3 = 5280×3956 px
16:9 = 5280×2970 px
I'm sure you've found this already that the camera is always shooting stills at optimal resolution. You can, however, set the output format (JPEG or DNG, or both) and aspect ratio of 16:9 or 4:3, where 4:3 will utilize the maximum of sensor's real estate (resolution).

4:3 = 5280×3956 px
16:9 = 5280×2970 px
Okay, I have the aspect ratio set to 16.9. I was shooting in cloudy weather maybe that affected it??

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