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UK CAP 1763 / ANO 2018 / ANO 2019 : What Changes for CAA certified 'Remote Pilots' ?

Jun 9, 2014
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I'm struggling to fully understand the implications of this new publication (CAP 1763 - Air Navigation Order 2018 and 2019 Amendments) and how it will affect us.

New flight restriction zones : restrictions around airfields with Aerodrome Traffic Zones are pretty clear and easy to understand and have changed slightly since since last years amendments. So no problem here. As before if we need to work within ATZ's we can still request permission from Air Traffic Control.

However (ref: Article 94D) as of 30th November 2019 all SUA operators, just looked there are now just under 5,000 in the UK, will be required to undertake a new registration process and the new registration number must be displayed on the aircraft(s)

And (ref: Article 94F) is that as of 30th November ALL Remote Pilots will be required to undertake a competency test if flying a SUA that has a mass of 250 grams or more. This will include everyone, a youngster with a small drone through to Certified UAV Pilots ( Remote Pilots!) - Rumours are that this will be an online test. This is different from the test we all took to enable us to become SUA Operators. The idea is to stop anybody just buying a drone and flying it with no training or understanding of the safety or legal responsibilities of operating a SUA.

I'm also concerned that the rules applying to sub 7kg craft flying over Congested Areas has changed?

Has anyone else had a chance to analyse this new ANO?
I’ve not monitored this forum for some time but I have been following the ANO 2019 Amendment changes.

The new amendment that, came into force on 13 Mar 9, supersedes the previous ANO 2018 Amendment completely. There has been some misinformation generated by the press about the 5km limit at airfields. The inner and outer zones based on the airfield boundary have been replaced by one mirroring the ATZ (2 or 2.5NM) and shown on aviation charts (like SkyDemon). This is more logical and easier to understand. In addition, the runway centrelines out to 5km and 1000m wide become restricted zones. These changes now appear to some degree on DJI GO 4 and the CAA-sponsored Drone Assist app (they don’t apply to DJI GO and the Inspire 1). One issue I have spotted is that the runway centreline restriction have been mapped to all runway including the inactive ones.

I regularly fly at a construction site with a military ATZ with ATC permission with no issues.

The 250g toy drone definition has been removed from the 2019 amendment. All drones under 20kg are covered.

I have not read anything that changes the PfCO registration and training requirements. All users and drones will require registration from Nov 19 but the rules have not yet been published. I doubt if those who have undergone the NQE training will need to retest.

I am not sure if your concerns regarding operating in congested areas. Any changes to the 150m rule are covered in individual PfCOs. What has changed is the return of the competent observer standing adjacent to the remote pilot allowing the latter to better frame shots.
I have only this month obtained what I thought was standard permissions. The wording of my PFCO is curious and says that
"Have permission to operate small unmanned aircraft of 20kg or less, for the purposes of commercial operations and for operations over or within 150 metres of any congested area"
Is this standard? It seems to suggest I can operate over or within 150 metres of any congested area

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