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Calibrating Lens?

I have four useable lenses so to calibrate all of them it must be done one at a time. Changing lenses in the field risks getting dirt into the camera and as a photographer I know all to well how undesirable it is to get dirt on the sensor. I'm not saying I won't change lenses in the field just that I'm not looking for new reasons to do so.

I do have two tablets and a smartphone so three potential devices making twelve lens changes. If the data is in a single file as I suspect it is it would be far quicker to copy the file among devices and it wouldn't risk getting crap on the sensor.

But, even if none of that applied, why should I not copy the file?

Calibrate them at home then! :)
Calibrate them at home then! :)

The procedure as I understand it has you focus on a high contrast object about 50m away -- my apartment's not that big and my view out the door and window is limited.

I'll look into the lens calibration file and also any other config files that might be copied between devices as it's not only the lens calibration that could be different between devices -- many other settings as well are tied to the device and if you don't have them all the same you could wind up with a situation where using a different device results in things not working the way you expect.

So, let me look into this myself and if I see something i'll follow up.

Well I attempted to calibrate one of my lenses today, the OEM 15mm one, and boy does DJI have no clue how to provide useful feedback/prompts in the software. I climb to just over 170 feet which is just over 50m and bring up the calibration menu and activate is which brings up a focus slider. I play around with that and ... then what? What are you supposed to do and how do you know if you've done it?

Well I attempted to calibrate one of my lenses today, the OEM 15mm one, and boy does DJI have no clue how to provide useful feedback/prompts in the software. I climb to just over 170 feet which is just over 50m and bring up the calibration menu and activate is which brings up a focus slider. I play around with that and ... then what? What are you supposed to do and how do you know if you've done it?
On the Calibration menu (at the very bottom) is a Button that you need to tap. The process itself is automatic and takes a few seconds.
Well I attempted to calibrate one of my lenses today, the OEM 15mm one, and boy does DJI have no clue how to provide useful feedback/prompts in the software. I climb to just over 170 feet which is just over 50m and bring up the calibration menu and activate is which brings up a focus slider. I play around with that and ... then what? What are you supposed to do and how do you know if you've done it?

Well I attempted to calibrate one of my lenses today, the OEM 15mm one, and boy does DJI have no clue how to provide useful feedback/prompts in the software. I climb to just over 170 feet which is just over 50m and bring up the calibration menu and activate is which brings up a focus slider. I play around with that and ... then what? What are you supposed to do and how do you know if you've done it?

Here is a great check list on calibration,
Calibrating a DJI x5 camera
Step 1 Turn the Radio controller/App/tablet then Inspire on and get into the Tools section of the DJI Go app.
Step 2 Position your drone at least 150 feet (200 feet away works best for me) from the desired target Must be very high in contrast!!!
Step 3 I recommend the drone be setting stationary for the calibration ( some have done it while flying but I don't recommend this although some of my friends have done it successfully)
Step 4 Once everything is up and running and you are in the tools section of the menu click calibrate
Step 5 Tap the Tablet screen where the High Contrast item is located to start calibration.
Step 6 If the picture looks sharp proceed to tap on the ok icon.
Step 7 Take a couple of pics and a short video recording as well without moving the focus or the drone.
Step 8 Power down the drone and take out the Mini SD card and put it into you computer to check the pictures and video. ( The higher definition on the screen the better) This in my opinion is the only way to truly check to see if you have gotten the calibration correct. It is hard to see the pics and video in great detail on the tablet. That is the reason I recommend checking on a computer.
Step 9 If the pics and video look good then you are all set. If not you need to repeat the process until the desired results are achieved.

I hope this helps!!
On the Calibration menu (at the very bottom) is a Button that you need to tap. The process itself is automatic and takes a few seconds.
You tried to calibrate in the air? How do you think that will work?
All you have to do is set to photo and man focus. Hit the infinity button and calibrate. Mine is sharp as. Very confusing and I read so much until it dawned on me that I am a camera operator and if it was used normally to focus, thats all we have to do. Manual focus is the answer. I sincerely wouldn't expect to get a good focus from the air. Its unstable.
I tried again in my apartment as a test -- I have no good target from the apartment. Anyway this time I saw the "OK" prompt that I don't recall seeing yesterday.

So, I'll pack things up and head out to a place I can get a good target at 50m or so.

But, even after my last post there's been conflicting statements about how to do this. One says to tap on the screen to select the focus target while another says tap on the infinity focus icon then calibrate.

Finally, it does seem to make sense that the focus calibration should be done in still photo mode versus video mode.

I tried again in my apartment as a test -- I have no good target from the apartment. Anyway this time I saw the "OK" prompt that I don't recall seeing yesterday.

So, I'll pack things up and head out to a place I can get a good target at 50m or so.

But, even after my last post there's been conflicting statements about how to do this. One says to tap on the screen to select the focus target while another says tap on the infinity focus icon then calibrate.

Finally, it does seem to make sense that the focus calibration should be done in still photo mode versus video mode.


Yes, you have to make sure the focus dial is on infinity before calibrating. It is actually possible to calibrate the lens with the focus set closer, which you definitely do not want to do.
I tried again in my apartment as a test -- I have no good target from the apartment. Anyway this time I saw the "OK" prompt that I don't recall seeing yesterday.

So, I'll pack things up and head out to a place I can get a good target at 50m or so.

But, even after my last post there's been conflicting statements about how to do this. One says to tap on the screen to select the focus target while another says tap on the infinity focus icon then calibrate.

Finally, it does seem to make sense that the focus calibration should be done in still photo mode versus video mode.

I know exactly what you are going through. As a cameraman this has been tough to find out how to make this cam sharp. I woke up the other day thinking how stupid I am as I should know how to focus a camera. All I did was to set to photo mode. I went outside and pointed the cam towards an apartment block that is far away... at least 100 metres and it formed a pattern on the windows and doors of the apartment. I went into manual mode.... Ill say that again... manual mode and hit the infinity button. Then I calibrated the lens. All good.... so happy now...
Well there's definitely room for DJI to improve the lens calibration software in the app and eliminate the ambiguity that makes the current process hit and miss at best.

I was going to go out today but it was raining so....

I think I got my lens final set up correctly. It seems like it focuses now. i made a turn in my video that seems to chop the footage even with a fairly slow turn. Does anyone here know if that is normal? no post production yet, just was outside trying the lens calibration. Thanks
I bought the 14-42 lens and wonder for calibration, do we calibrate the lens in 14mm, 28mm or 42mm?
I bought the 14-42 lens and wonder for calibration, do we calibrate the lens in 14mm, 28mm or 42mm?
I do not own 14-42, but for such lens I would opt to calibrate at 42mm. As far as I know, when you calibrate GoApp for certain lens it will not remember several focal lengths but just one. As this calibration just sets "infinity focus button" focus point, I believe that it would be most accurate and useful on longest focal length.

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