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Calculating GSD

Dec 7, 2023
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Looking for some help with GSD relating to my M30T. New to this drone and thermography. I think I understand the concept of GSD but I'm a little unsure of what numbers to plug in for sensor width and height. Is it the actual physical size of the sensor? If so, I've searched but can't find those specs on DJI's site, in the manual, or anywhere else for that matter. I've been here: https://www.3dflow.net/ground-sampling-distance-calculator/ and plugged in some guesstimates based on the pixel pitch. Freely admit I don't know enough yet to know if the results returned have any basis in reality. Thanks in advance for any clarification you can provide!
Use Pilot 2's mapping ability to plan an image acqusition flight. You will see the GSD listed there.
You could then use the information to fill in the fields in your GSD calculator and get the focal length and sensor size.

The focal length is not the 35mm equivilant, you need the true focal length.
Thanks jaja6009! I appreciate the suggestion. I still want to know the dimensions to use in the calculation. It helps me understand how this all works. I should be able to work "backward" from the data provided by Pilot 2 to solve for the dimensions DJI is using in the app. They would know if anybody does, the sensor size.

Got it. According to the provided specs, the thermal camera is a 9mm (40mm equivalent). I'm using the 9mm figure.

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