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Anyone else had a dubious looking email claiming to be CAA? (uav insurance title)

Will have to have a rummage around ref nos etc

Many thanks.

I take it nothing much has changed apart from giving new ref nos to old verbage?!!

You gotta love the CAA!!
We got a email this evening claiming to be from the CAA stating alot of obvious stuff we all would know as qualified operators anyway.

It waffled on about insurance been up to EC spec sdr values and then had a attached insurance form i most certainly did not click on , apparently from...

Kate Hofstetter

Head of Technical Governance & Support

Shared Service Centre – Aviation Services

Civil Aviation Authority

[email protected].

Anyone else had similar?
I got the same email. tbh, i thought the same but seeing as i've just renewed , i filed it away and will have a look when it comes to renewal again
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Moonrock, whom I insure with sent out a group email stating that their insurance is compliant with the EC regulations and have said the following:

"We now issue a Drones Liability Certificate automatically with each annual policy which states clearly that the said policy is compliant with EC785/2004. This document has been approved by the CAA and saves the need for you to fill out the PDF form that accompanied their email. Simply attach this certificate along with your Ops Manual so that the CAA can confirm that you have fulfilled its insurance requirements.".

Happy days. The CAA email arrived just after my previous one expired and I initially thought it was a warning about not flying without insurance. There was me thinking the CAA were really on the ball with expired insurances....

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