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UK Any truth in this rumour from the CAA

Oct 19, 2015
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Hi guys

I recently heard that the CAA are discussing removing/changing the 50m proximity rule for pilots that are are certified and approved.

This would massively improve how easy it is to operate commercially in the UK.

Has anyone else heard this rumour or know if the change is in the pipeline?

Hi guys

I recently heard that the CAA are discussing removing/changing the 50m proximity rule for pilots that are are certified and approved.

This would massively improve how easy it is to operate commercially in the UK.

Has anyone else heard this rumour or know if the change is in the pipeline?

Yes - this has been mooted for a while for sub 5kg aircraft. (a new category class lighter than the existing sub 7kg)
The stumbling block has been coordinating acceptance with EASA but the expected changes will be that the existing 50m is reduced to 30m and 20m for take off and landing.
This will be standard permissions. For reduction down to 10m will still require an OSC.
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Will EASA matter if we left the EU...

Ooo now that would be interesting...
This would be very welcome indeed, and would open up some possibilities for one location I have been asked to fly in but currently can't.
Just join a BMFA club :)

Loads about, I never have where to fly issues :)

I believe @SimonMW was referring to a commercial job he had been asked to do but currently couldn't because of the standard 166/7 stand off distances.
The mooted reductions presumably would make the job viable.
Seems we have it far easier Down Under.
For Commercial Ops (Starting Sept 2016, with of course some B.S. in manuals required).
Under 2kg no lic for pilot or business required.
Over 2kg but below 150kg (I think 150) we can get to 15m from subjects, normally 30m currently and 3nm from airport boundary, not above 400ft.
Can get exemptions from 400ft and closer than 3nm (In fact can even (In theory) overfly movement areas with approvals).
Take a look at our CASR Part 101 on CASA's website for details.
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