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About to buy a Matrice 210 for surveying.

Feb 8, 2018
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Hello I am about to buy a Matrice 210 + X5S camera, and I am planning to use it for Surveying. I have already bought a GNSS system to perform Ground Control Points.
Is the Matrice 210 adequate for the job?
Does anyone have any experience using Matrice 210 for surveying?
I have one but I don't use it for surveying. It's been a couple months since I've done anything with it. The issue at the time was being able to use the Crystal Sky monitor for 3rd party apps. It's super stable in heavy wind and the Cendence remote is great. Haven't checked up on the progress of DJI unlocking the CS monitor though...

It has been a serious case of all dressed up and nowhere to go, on top of that seeing all the customer support issues with the M200 series made not want to purchase any other sensors for it until the company gets itself sorted out. I talked with several M210 owners that are sitting on $25K worth of useless gear.
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You could use an Ipad or whatever.

There has been some movement on un-restricting it, but it sounds like there are issues between apps that run from the Google Play Store. I'm sure it will get ironed out eventually. Until then my M210 sits in its case like Han Solo in Carbonite.
You could use an Ipad or whatever.

There has been some movement on un-restricting it, but it sounds like there are issues between apps that run from the Google Play Store. I'm sure it will get ironed out eventually. Until then my M210 sits in its case like Han Solo in Carbonite.

You could always send that bird my way ;)
I have used multiple M210’s with CrystalSky, as well IPad without any issues. It is a great system that is finally breaking through a lot of the bugs that plagued it early on.
Hello I am about to buy a Matrice 210 + X5S camera, and I am planning to use it for Surveying. I have already bought a GNSS system to perform Ground Control Points.
Is the Matrice 210 adequate for the job?
Does anyone have any experience using Matrice 210 for surveying?

I had a customer who is a surveyor purchase the 210 with the X5S, he is just getting started using it. He ended up buying an X4s as well. I think the X4S takes great pictures and is adequate. I did a dronedeploy mission with my 210 and the x4s and was really impressed especially with he added flight time with dual batteries.

The key to success for mapping / photogrammetry is the camera. I use the Inspire 2 when the wind may be an issue (and it does look professional) with the x4s. It has a mechanical shutter which is said to be better suited to single images as it helps cut down motion Blur. (Also use the Phantom 4 Pro, same spec camera, and same results, but not so pro looking) I use Aeropoints for GCP’s just lay them around the site, easy and work very well. I did consider the M210, but it did just not seem worth the money, may be worth it if you are doing other types of inspections and need the duel camera setup.
The key to success for mapping / photogrammetry is the camera. I use the Inspire 2 when the wind may be an issue (and it does look professional) with the x4s. It has a mechanical shutter which is said to be better suited to single images as it helps cut down motion Blur. (Also use the Phantom 4 Pro, same spec camera, and same results, but not so pro looking) I use Aeropoints for GCP’s just lay them around the site, easy and work very well. I did consider the M210, but it did just not seem worth the money, may be worth it if you are doing other types of inspections and need the duel camera setup.

I use an Inspire 2 w/ x5s for surveying/mapping. I am really happy with that setup. Don't know if I could justify the cost of the m210.

I would like to compare it to a x4s (because of the mechanical shutter). George- interested in exchanging some imagery?
The X4s is the intended camera for the M210. It is somewhat "hardened" to protect from environmental issues and is exactly the same camera innards as the P4P. Putting the X5s on the M210 is a waste of money as the M210 doesn't have the onboard processors like the Inspire 2. The M2xx series are great airframes but, not intended for regular photography and DJI has done a great disservice by not properly communicating that. If surveying is going to be your primary calling getting the M2xx with an X4s makes some sense but, not nearly as much as getting a P4P and keeping the extra $4K in your budget.
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The X4s is the intended camera for the M210. It is somewhat "hardened" to protect from environmental issues and is exactly the same camera innards as the P4P. Putting the X5s on the M210 is a waste of money as the M210 doesn't have the onboard processors like the Inspire 2. The M2xx series are great airframes but, not intended for regular photography and DJI has done a great disservice by not properly communicating that. If surveying is going to be your primary calling getting the M2xx with an X4s makes some sense but, not nearly as much as getting a P4P and keeping the extra $4K in your budget.

That's good to know about the X5s and the M210. Running the X5s on an M210 seemed like a mash-up of tech to me. I'm also not surprised by the fact that DJI sold it the way that they have.

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