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I'll buy your 9 TB48's for $700. Can use paypal. Let me know how much shipping will be, I'm in Kentucky 40330. Thanks
Are you still refurbishing X5s cameras?
My name is Michael Starley.
I am reaching out to you because I am looking for a part for the x5s.
I do not know of anyone that may have what I am looking for.
I need the receiver pin board that is located inside of the top of the x5s.
Thank You!
If you were out sick, and your company hired someone of your quality, what would a job cost?
Would the RE agent charge the same hourly rate to sell the $80 million skyscraper as for a $500K home? No, they want a percentage.
Cost of insurance? $80 million dollar skyscraper? Not a one man job. At least one VO. Please let us know, (or just me, I can't compete with you, I am in Texas, only have a Phantom 4P)
Thanks! Yea I don’t know what it would cost other than figuring out my per day salary.

Phantom takes pretty good video. The best drone pilot I know uses a Mavic 2 Pro and P4P arguably takes better video.
Hi need help updating X5 on an OSMO pro.
I downloaded the OSMO_FC550_FW_RESULT_AB.txt file.
Result: Corrupted.
Firmware bin file is corrupted, download it again from the DJI offical website.
========== 2014.01.01 00:00:08 remo-con disconnect======
Packet: OSMO_FC550_FW_V01.03.00.40.bin
Result: Abort.
The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the device.
I'm quite tide-down presently because my wife is sick. I'm selling my Inspire kit, regrettably and reverting to using just my M2P. I can't afford the time commitment for big jobs presently. It would have been interesting to get together since you sound interested in the photography side of droning.
It's photography that got me interested in droning. :)
I turned on Flash - beautiful portfolio on your site!
PM me please
I'm currently overseas on a job but my offices are:

Safari Classics
5206 McKinney Ave
Suite 101
Dallas, Texas 75205

& they can test the drone & accessories for me. You can reach me on either [email protected] or +263 712 616876 for Whatsapp
Just had a message about my battery mod is on its way.
Dose anybody else got one and how do you Hold the battery in place.or know where I can get one .
Hi there, I'm appealing for parts for my Dji Inspire 1 pro, specifically the mounting brackets for the zenmuse x5 vibration board. I purchased a secondhand vibration board but unfortunately the screws and brackets were missing. If anyone knows where I can get them please let me know. Thank you all. Harry
Hi Donnie, I ran across some of your posts and I need to downgrade my Inspire 1 v2 with the x5r camera so that its can actually be functional again. Could you suggest to me what app, aircraft version and RC Version and camera version to use to get the most out of it. Right now its a hunk of non flying junk. I sure would appreciate it. Do you know where I can find the firmware as well> Thanks in advance. -Dean
Hi, pilots. For sale my I2 X7 Pro Res setup. Would like to sell it as a package, if possible. Always softly landed, perfect flights, don't seem to be doing much of the high end video work I put it together for. I usually try to buy and sell used equipment for a little more than 50% of retail w/o tax, so if purchased as a package, 55 % of retail rounded down. Pkg price 8750 + Shipping Parted@60-65%
Located VA US
Hi :)

How did you make the battery cables to charge?
I have a charger from smart power charger, that I intend to use to charge my inspire 2 batteries with. but I can't make the cables to work POWERCHARGE - HOME PAGE
Can you help me

Hi I came across your post , am I right you plan to sell your X5 gimbal ? If decide , let me know your best price thru my email address
at [email protected]

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