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X7 | Lines on image if lens not correctly installed | FIXED, NOT CAMERA ISSUE, FIRMWARE ISSUE

Jul 30, 2018
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Hi all,

I am brand new to this forum. I looked at the X7 section to see if this was specifically discussed but did not see anything. If I missed it, please direct me there if possible.

I have been flying the Inspire 2 X7 combo for a few months now. On the last job, I was reviewing footage and noticed parallel, slightly ghosted lines on the top and left side of the frame. After eliminating possible factors such as a single lens issue, filter/balance ring stacking, lens hood alignment, replay devices, etc., I have come to one conclusion that I am fairly confident in.

On my X7, when installing any lens, there is a very small amount of "play" or movement left in the lens after you have completely rotated it. It is very subtle and can't translate to more than a half a millimeter of "play" I would say.

If the lens is completely turned clockwise, there are no lines. If it is turned that very small amount counter-clockwise, the lines appear. It seems quite finicky and seems quite possible that this movement could occur during flight if the conditions were extreme enough.

Also, when the lines are visible, the system is NOT giving me any sort of "lens mounted incorrectly" warning.

I am wondering if anyone else has encountered this issue and if that "play" in the lens is common to other users as well.

Thank you


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    Screen Shot 2018-07-28 at 9.13.42 AM.png
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Hi @M2I2Pilot, welcome to the forum! Sorry to hear about the issue you have run into but it sounds like you've done a nice job isolating what the likely cause is. We have not seen this line issue before but as you may have already seen in your prior research, the lens mounted incorrectly issue has been discussed a fair amount. There's a recent thread that is on this forum that can be seen here: X7 lens not attached error

You really should not have this play in your lens mount and wonder if your mount could have a slight manufacturing defect? Is the play consistent with all lenses when mounted?

If I were you I'd be concerned that even if you 100% ensure you are rotating fully clockwise that vibration could rotate the lens back ever so slightly and cause the lines to appear...potentially ruining any work you are doing, in particular, shooting what looks to be a gorgeous lake or river.

I may recommend getting that replaced under warranty with DJI.
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Hi @M2I2Pilot, welcome to the forum! Sorry to hear about the issue you have run into but it sounds like you've done a nice job isolating what the likely cause is. We have not seen this line issue before but as you may have already seen in your prior research, the lens mounted incorrectly issue has been discussed a fair amount. There's a recent thread that is on this forum that can be seen here: X7 lens not attached error

You really should not have this play in your lens mount and wonder if your mount could have a slight manufacturing defect? Is the play consistent with all lenses when mounted?

If I were you I'd be concerned that even if you 100% ensure you are rotating fully clockwise that vibration could rotate the lens back ever so slightly and cause the lines to appear...potentially ruining any work you are doing, in particular, shooting what looks to be a gorgeous lake or river.

I may recommend getting that replaced under warranty with DJI.

Hello @Advexure ,
Thank you very much for your reply. The play is in each lens (set of 4) and I agree that it really seems like there should be no play at all. I am going to finish out this last job, hopefully, and then try to get the ball rolling on the warranty before the next one.
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Sorry for your troubles. The lens mount seems to have some issues. On my X7, I have to rotate fully clockwise to seat, then back off counter-clockwise or my unit will not engage recording when we hit the software record button. Image looks great however, just cannot record. When I rotate back counter-clockwise the recording is possible. It is now one of our customary flight check procedures on EVERY flight...we must do a quick test record in order to not be embarrassed on a job and have to return/land land and fix : )
Only does this on my 16mm lens...not my 50mm. I have heard of another pilot experiencing the same issue.
I have the same problem, I not have SSD and ProRes. I find solutions for this mistake, always before start I reset Camera Setings, and all working properly. After put off Drone when You change battery is necessary repeat this procedure. Is not prefect solutions but I can make any Video shot. Next problem Is with horizontal drift. I observe when I use function to calibrate gimbal button C2 drift is stoped. In my opinion is too much strange settings before normal work. Too much to remember, Is not comfortable tool.

I have the same issue too and I've figured out how to temporarily fix it. It is NOT the lens that causes the issue. It's strictly a firmware glitch.

We discovered the lines during a shoot where we had to switch between 30fps and 60fps today. Also, turning the drone on and off can fix the issue sometimes.

When in Micro SD mode ONLY, if you do NOT see the lines, switch your frame rate and the lines will appear.

Another way to make the lines show up is to switch into photo mode and back into video mode.

To make the lines DISAPPEAR once they are on the screen, go to video settings and turn on SSD mode. They will go away every time. We tested video clips and checked the SSD footage and the micro SD. If you leave SSD mode on, you'll never see the issue again.

Also, if you do not want to film anything to the SSD and you see the lines on the screen, turn SSD mode on and then off. The lines will disappear and won't return until you power cycle and happen to switch a frame rate or put it into photo mode.

This worked for me on all 4 X7 lenses.

Let me know if yours reacts different.
Sorry for your troubles. The lens mount seems to have some issues. On my X7, I have to rotate fully clockwise to seat, then back off counter-clockwise or my unit will not engage recording when we hit the software record button. Image looks great however, just cannot record. When I rotate back counter-clockwise the recording is possible. It is now one of our customary flight check procedures on EVERY flight...we must do a quick test record in order to not be embarrassed on a job and have to return/land land and fix : )
Only does this on my 16mm lens...not my 50mm. I have heard of another pilot experiencing the same issue.
Sorry for your troubles. The lens mount seems to have some issues. On my X7, I have to rotate fully clockwise to seat, then back off counter-clockwise or my unit will not engage recording when we hit the software record button. Image looks great however, just cannot record. When I rotate back counter-clockwise the recording is possible. It is now one of our customary flight check procedures on EVERY flight...we must do a quick test record in order to not be embarrassed on a job and have to return/land land and fix : )
Only does this on my 16mm lens...not my 50mm. I have heard of another pilot experiencing the same issue.
Sorry for your troubles. The lens mount seems to have some issues. On my X7, I have to rotate fully clockwise to seat, then back off counter-clockwise or my unit will not engage recording when we hit the software record button. Image looks great however, just cannot record. When I rotate back counter-clockwise the recording is possible. It is now one of our customary flight check procedures on EVERY flight...we must do a quick test record in order to not be embarrassed on a job and have to return/land land and fix : )
Only does this on my 16mm lens...not my 50mm. I have heard of another pilot experiencing the same issue.
Hey there,
Thank you for the reply. After sending the X7 to DJI and renting one to finish a job I found a temporary fix. I simply downgraded the Inspire 2 update. I only went back one update, as that was the only option. This eliminated the lines from all remaining flights. @YeeaaBoii has a SSD setting workaround that could also work.
I also have the same issue. Only after I updated the proresRAW update
Hey there,
Thank you for the reply. After sending the X7 to DJI and renting one to finish a job I found a temporary fix. I simply downgraded the Inspire 2 update. I only went back one update, as that was the only option. This eliminated the lines from all remaining flights. I used DJI Assistant 2 to do this.

I have the same issue too and I've figured out how to temporarily fix it. It is NOT the lens that causes the issue. It's strictly a firmware glitch.

We discovered the lines during a shoot where we had to switch between 30fps and 60fps today. Also, turning the drone on and off can fix the issue sometimes.

When in Micro SD mode ONLY, if you do NOT see the lines, switch your frame rate and the lines will appear.

Another way to make the lines show up is to switch into photo mode and back into video mode.

To make the lines DISAPPEAR once they are on the screen, go to video settings and turn on SSD mode. They will go away every time. We tested video clips and checked the SSD footage and the micro SD. If you leave SSD mode on, you'll never see the issue again.

Also, if you do not want to film anything to the SSD and you see the lines on the screen, turn SSD mode on and then off. The lines will disappear and won't return until you power cycle and happen to switch a frame rate or put it into photo mode.

This worked for me on all 4 X7 lenses.

Let me know if yours reacts different.
You are right, it is not a camera or lens issue. I wish I had known this before I sent the X7 back for warranty "repair" upon DJI's advice. When I received a rental camera to finish out a job, I realized that the same problem persisted. I simply downgraded the inspire 2 using DJI Assistant and the lines went away. However, I don't really like the idea of not being updated but it worked for now. Once I get my X7 back and flying again I will try updating to current and using your SSD setting fix.

On another note, DJI sends me an email saying that the camera has been "repaired". I am VERY interested to know what that means. I have requested a detailed report but this is my first time dealing with them no sure how successful that will be. In my opinion, they were no help to me at all in this situation.

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