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X5s 15mm sharpness?

It's decient you're not moving much. I'm planning on getting a Panasonic leica 12mm lens when I get around to it. I mostly do mapping, surveying, & inspections. it's where the money is...
Soft edges you can get away with.
I see that's a 1.4 - Leica implies a very sharp lens, but I think you'd be paying a lot for the 1.4 - which prolly isn't useful at all on a drone.
@$250-300/hr I'm not so worried about cost.

It's a little heavy but a great lens. if you shop around enough you find them cheap-ish. I've used a co-workers before, I think he paid $390 for it. The gimbal will wobble a little until you lock on target unless it's pointing straight down.

It's a little heavy but a great lens. if you shop around enough you find them cheap-ish. I've used a co-workers before, I think he paid $390 for it. The gimbal will wobble a little until you lock on target unless it's pointing straight down.
Thanks for the info...so I was looking for something I could ouput on my inkjet printer to test the focus...found this on a DJI forum - it's for calibrating the sensors but would work for a focus test. Thinking of setting it up about 20-30 feet from the camera. Then once from farther out - like 50' or so to test the hyperfocus. https://forum44.djicdn.com/data/attachment/forum/201701/04/092933rnyxi0zfxmn5sd0n.jpg

It's a little heavy but a great lens. if you shop around enough you find them cheap-ish. I've used a co-workers before, I think he paid $390 for it. The gimbal will wobble a little until you lock on target unless it's pointing straight down.
Hey check out this image - I focused farther away, ISO 400. Focus was on the numbers on the bottom of the doors in the center of the image. Looks pretty good - numbers are pretty sharp. This is raw as it came out of camera.

That's the one it comes with, it's a glass plate. I can give you the dimensions so you get the right size print out. I'm not sure if There's any special property of the glass or if they just wanted to be fancy.

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