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X5 Sample Images and Video

Thank you for your generosity in sharing these videos and the information.

Did you have a chance to use the log color profile? I am very curious about this, mostly because it took Panasonic about 18 months to release V-Log support in a firmware update, yet DJI is there with their log mode at release time.

I often use the log mode on teh S3, and I am generally able to correct it in Premiere Pro. But I am wondering if the X5 has a true log mode, or whether it's more of a low-contrast, low-saturation mode.

I haven't had a chance to mess with the LOG profile yet. It's on the list of things to test though, possibly this weekend I'll have some sample footage from that I could post. I'm not sure if it's a true log mode or just a low-con/sat mode. I'll let you know when I find out :)
Awesome aerial work and great comparison between X5 & X3
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I'm looking at the footage at 1:54 - X5 static scene of ocean sunset. This is followed by X3 at 2:14 - same scene...static ocean sunset.

To me, the X3 footage at 2:14 is much sharper...much less muddy...this is concerning. Is anyone else seeing this? Just look at these 2 scenes. I'm wondering if these shots are labeled correctly?

I very much appreciate the comparison.
Figbar, I agree, through out the comparison the X3 looked better.
Maybe they hadn't focused the lens correctly as the X5 footage looked very soft or perhaps they dialled in -sharpness.
Based on this footage I wont be upgrading but iam sure there is a mistake in this footage in post somehow as I cant believe its as bad as shown
I have ordered the X5. I've been glued to all the forums and am really hoping that this camera has got to look better than the X3. I feel like Charlie Brown getting ready to kick that **** football again. Please, Lucy, help me out here.
Why does everyone insist on shooting in the dark???

Anyway, I agree some of the X3 shots have more detail. Thee rest look identical and a few look better for the X5. Most damning are a few of the X5 shots of the waves showing compression jumps. Boo! :(

Come on DJI! This needs to be better!
Just looking at the scenes I pointed out...the static sunset on the ocean...the X3 looks much more crisp. How can that be? How can anyone look at this and not see the difference...according to this demo...the X5 looks like crap compared to the X3. This cannot be right. Or am I hallucinating?
Just posted a new video with side by side comparisons of raw X5, X3, Pansonic GH4 footage. Enjoy!
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This is a great video showing the differences between the Pro and standard Inspire 1. Looks like the motors are the same? No mention of more powerful motors...

When I look at the initial comparison shot between the X3 and the X5 (at 5:35)...the X3 again looks much more crisp! What is going on? The friggin' X3 looks much better than the X5!

I don't understand this at all! Am I missing something here? Why did I just spend $2,300 on a camera system that looks crappier than the camera I have now?

Again, this is a great video...but the X5 image looks much softer thatn the original X3 camera.

What is going on?
Hi Figbar and laselvasurf and everybody else the problem for me and many others on the X3 camera was and is the jagged lines and vibration on objets with lots of detail or objets with contrasty lines when the footage is view on BROADCAST monitors, a bunch of us had had this discussion before, with no real solution other than changing the settings to -1 or -2 sharpness, that in turn makes the sharp nice image of the x3 muggy, soft, been that the x5 uses the same codec h264, the same 60mbs, could it be that x5... yes bigger sensor better lens choices, but the rest under the hood is an x3 with sharpness turn down to dissimulate on the jagged lines issue?
I hear your frustration Figbar I been holding on the investment of 2200 for a x5 only on this issue alone, I don care how much improvements the x5 has if it cant solve the big issue for me of holding its own in the broadcast world, thats where the money for me is, I hate the phone call from the producer telling me they are having nightmares in postproduction

laselvasurf or aerial media pros is it possible that you guys could play back your original x3 and x5 footage on a broadcast monitor and carefully inspect this issue and see if any jagged lines are on the x5 camera I really hope this issue is fix in the new X5
I'm hoping to God that this X5 footage is out of focus that is in this demo.

There is another video comparison out there that clearly shows that the X3 is more crisp and looks better...but we know all the issues the X3 has...it really is not a great camera. I don't know what to make of this.

Up until now, DJI has put out 2 proprietary cameras (Vision Plus and Inspire 1) with a lot of hype but in the end, these cameras don't hold up. So I got sucked in with the hype again - please, make this figgin' camera acceptable...I'm not asking for much...but it has to be better than the X3...PLEASE!
Figbar if your x5 doesn't hold to broadcast just return it immediately and live with the fact that unless you spend 5K on the x5R, the inspire 1 is for web stuff only, too bad, been how advance and sophisticated the I1 is, it is almost as we are being played by some folks at DJI on the new cameras

look at Aerial media Pros x3/x5/GH4 video the x5 also looks soft but until someone can inspect the vibration and jagged lines closely, I for one not spending 2200 on a camera that is not good for broadcast
You are right...I ordered it directly from DJI...hopefully, they will honor a return if I am not satisfied. It will take me one flight/shoot to determine if this camera is better than the X3. Thanks for your advice. I just sold this whole concept to my boss...I work at a large video production company in Columbus, Ohio. I've been in the business for 30 years...I know what looks good and doesn't. I'm not expecting pristine, lossless foootage, but expecting the X5 to look better than the X3 is not unreasonable. Oh well.
At this point my hope, fingers cross, pray to.... knifes stuck in the lawn, garlic around the door etc.. etc.. is that the apparent softness is because the cameras tested so far are preproduction models, and the production models will look better, or a better sharpness can be brought out in post and of course my big hope is that the production x5 cameras have no jagged lines in post and on broadcast monitors

Please Figbar if you don't mind when you receive your camera and test would you be kind to share with us
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I'm curious to run it through some post processing too.. That would be awesome. I'm not an expert, but I do know that RAW stills look like crap until you've processed them. And I know this isn't the RAW version of the X5, but could it be that it just doesn't look as good because it has more information and until you process it the way you want, it won't really look as good?

It makes sense that the X3 would process for you to make it look as good as possible, but when you do that, you loose some flexibility in Post.

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