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x5 as a camera

People here are aggressive as hell...

Look, I wasn't going to argue proper with anyone, I know how cameras work as far as stills go I reckon I'd be able to tell you as good as the best in here. Because I know how they work doesn't mean I know how a camera with "X" specs will perform. Hence the question.

But the bigger question was do you feel the still image quality alone was enough to upgrade over the Phantom when video quality was much the same *excluding low light*. Or would it make more sense to go all the way to the x5r first time and be done with it.

Are we clear? I'm no longer questioning the image quality, I'm not going to quote myself because it's all there if you read back.

As for what I expect for the prosumer priced camera? A camera with prosumer performance. That's why I ask about the 7d mkii. It's in the very same space, without being a drone camera. The fact that the gimbal comes with it is built into the price yes, and not in the gh4. The difference is every x5 comes with a gimbal, every gh4 doesn't. That means that when your going to sell so many you produce them for a lot cheaper. Trying to say a gh4 gimbal is another 1000 quid on top of the camera is redundant to a point if your arguing about the camera price when the x5 gimbal is probably a fraction of that cost to dji (not that they'd be afraid to charge you for it).

When the company advertises the max flight time of drones as 18 mins when the test constituted of hovering above the floor where the atmosphere is thickest, you take their claims about everything else with a grain of salt.

That's why I'm being so cautious about it and looking for input.

Plus, to get a lens that's actually useful cost another 600 euro. I don't know many people who use 30mm on ff as their primary focal length.


Thanks for all the replies, as much as we disagree here on things, every opinion is useful.
My thoughts are if you don't want to spend the money, then don't buy one. The cam is what it is. Its good enough for tv and video. I have no idea what you want it for. I am shooting a tv commercial today with a P3 and it will be more than good enough. If I shoot 4k and convert down to 1080P it will be better than my mark 3. I will use both.
Image quality a big step up from the Phantom, yes I would say so for sure, the control you have is a huge step up for one thing anyway!

I have been shooting with Micro 4/3rds cameras for years now, and they are much the same to me in terms of image quality. Its just features like sensor IBIS which really make the difference and obviously filming quality. I have also been a Canon shooter (until recently) for over 10 years, and I could produce images from my little EM5 (sony sensor) or EM1 (panasonic sensor) as good as the Canon 5D3. There are obviously advantages to full frame, but like any camera just adapt to its limitations but my Micro 4/3rds is good enough to produce images as good as what I could get with a 5D3. I have recently sold the Canon as I dont do studio work anymore and minimal motorsport and it is most landscape, so have a Sony A7R2 which is an astonishing bit of kit, but my trusty EM5mk2 is with me all the time and produces beautiful imagery, and I am confident I can produce the same with the X5. The weather is getting better in the UK now and I have a few projects which involve mixing aerial photography with ground so will be really pushing to see what I can get with the X5. I am confident ill be able to capture images as good as I can with the Olympus cameras.

Just as an example of Micro 4/3rds quality, I know these are not from the x5, but in my experience so far they are much the same as each other, so there are a few shots of landscape using the EM5 or EM1.. I am confident I can get the same from the x5.

Its not always about having the best sensor or best camera either, but in my experience the micro 4/3rds format is outstanding and I love working with it.

good morning by Sam Moore, on Flickr
Misty Haven by Sam Moore, on Flickr
Mirrors Edge by Sam Moore, on Flickr
Evenings Like This by Sam Moore, on Flickr
The Grid by Sam Moore, on Flickr
September by Sam Moore, on Flickr

Autumnal Ashdown by Sam Moore, on Flickr
I mostly use my X5 for video work, but here are a couple of simple sDJI_X5 45 at 15M.JPG DJI_0023.JPG tills. JPEG only I'm afraid, but are still better than my X3. People have complained about focus issues, but I have had none. Look at the tyre tread on the 45mm lens shot, or close up on the building on the 15mm. Focus is pin sharp, right down to pixel level and compression artifacts. Must do some RAW shots.
My thoughts are if you don't want to spend the money, then don't buy one. The cam is what it is. Its good enough for tv and video. I have no idea what you want it for. I am shooting a tv commercial today with a P3 and it will be more than good enough. If I shoot 4k and convert down to 1080P it will be better than my mark 3. I will use both.
Lighten up @DennisR you crashed into whole building...
If @Michael91 video is what you want stick with the x3. Shoot in 4k & convert down to 1080p. The X3 also shoots 1080p 60 now wasn't always like that. After releasing the x5 now the x3 shoots 60 fps. They slick:D
X5 shoots pro great stills also you get to switch lenses different gigs opens more opportunities.
The x5r if you not making 5k, 10k a gig shooting big screen video then it might be overkill.
Pick your tool for your style job
What show is the x5 featured?
I could name a few but nobody else ever ever do.
Talk is cheap and the x5 video looks crappie on tv.
Everybody on this forun will tell you they on TV what show? Please share, ain't no future in fronting.
i dont understand your comment about tv shows and the x5. I use the X5 in all my commercials and they are on metro tv all over the country. I shot another this morning with the drone, In fact with my P3 and will down convert to 1080P. Nothing wrong with that although not as good as the X5.
I'm with APSussex on this,

I shoot reproduction fine art a lot of the time with a digital hasselblad... that takes one a real pixel peeper. I am regularly disappointed when I look at aerial photos up close because they lose that sharp detail that I expect. In reality though, when up in the air, generally everything is a long way away, and pixel peeping is not the right approach.

I've found that with care you can take astonishing images with the X5, and I've used it with the 45 mm lens and a 1/30, sec 400asa exposure at 400' in gusty weather and the result is amazing. The shots below are single images from panoramas.

When you think what was available two or three years ago for £4k, this kit is good.

Where the X5R might score is how swiftly you can take the stills.... haven't any info on that. Has anyone else?




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My tuppence...
For stills the X5 is about as good as it's going to get. Much better than X3 IQ wise and has aperture control, which gives at least a little control over DOF. Not on the same planet as 5D3 in any way shape or form, but I can't fly the 5D3.
Video is definitely somewhat better on the X5, I know many use the X3 professionally, but when you look at these videos, the quality of the aerial content (it's often B-roll) is often pretty mediocre compared with the main content. People 'get away with it' quiet nicely.
My tuppence...
For stills the X5 is about as good as it's going to get. Much better than X3 IQ wise and has aperture control, which gives at least a little control over DOF. Not on the same planet as 5D3 in any way shape or form, but I can't fly the 5D3.
Video is definitely somewhat better on the X5, I know many use the X3 professionally, but when you look at these videos, the quality of the aerial content (it's often B-roll) is often pretty mediocre compared with the main content. People 'get away with it' quiet nicely.
I fly the 5DM3, it's a matter of airframe, not camera...12038654_10205136946524090_3423716074285735823_o.jpg
^^ If I could start again I would go that route, I was so close when I bought the inspire, but as a newbie then, the inspire was probably the right machine and to be fair probably is for a little while longer. Never been at all happy with the M4/3 cameras, something bigger is inevitable at some point.
I'm with APSussex on this,

I shoot reproduction fine art a lot of the time with a digital hasselblad... that takes one a real pixel peeper. I am regularly disappointed when I look at aerial photos up close because they lose that sharp detail that I expect. In reality though, when up in the air, generally everything is a long way away, and pixel peeping is not the right approach.

I've found that with care you can take astonishing images with the X5, and I've used it with the 45 mm lens and a 1/30, sec 400asa exposure at 400' in gusty weather and the result is amazing. The shots below are single images from panoramas.

When you think what was available two or three years ago for £4k, this kit is good.

Where the X5R might score is how swiftly you can take the stills.... haven't any info on that. Has anyone else?



Excellent photos, and what an opportunity to get shots like that in London, wow!
Was wondering alrite, I've seen alot of people mentioning other options, was interested to find out. Haven't got much experience with light room, but I guess it's time to start brushing up! Thanks!

As for the bigger air frame, as much as I'd love to put a dslr in the air, I don't yet have the technical know how so there's no point jumping the gun so to speak. It's a full time 2 man operation too. I reckon you'd get away with just yourself on the inspire!

Maybe in a few years time if things go well!
Was wondering alrite, I've seen alot of people mentioning other options, was interested to find out. Haven't got much experience with light room, but I guess it's time to start brushing up! Thanks!

As for the bigger air frame, as much as I'd love to put a dslr in the air, I don't yet have the technical know how so there's no point jumping the gun so to speak. It's a full time 2 man operation too. I reckon you'd get away with just yourself on the inspire!

Maybe in a few years time if things go well!
There are many option that aren't readily apparent. I bought my S1000+ used and got it for about half price. That said, to get a 5DM3 under an S1000 or S900 will run about $10K USD. I also have an Inspire 1, and 3 Phantoms and 95% of the time the Inspire is what I use. I look at this thread and see 3 major factions; faction "A" need to have the latest and the greatest and are willing to pay. Faction "B" come from the old school of photography that says "be creative and make the camera you have work for you." Faction "C" are those folks that fall in between and are looking for the justification for making the expenditure. I understand the various viewpoints but, if you get decent output from your kit, the majority of the work occurs post production in whatever software is your choice.
I agree with you. I produce tv commercials and online video so any drone shots I do are just for a few seconds. The X5 is more than good enough.
x5 ordered and on the way, ill let you know how i get on, see where its at!
Many of us have them. We know what they are like. its not a Leica S but its good enough for the work i do for television. I bought a Leica SL yesterday.

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