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What will it do when I get the Pro res key?

Aug 7, 2016
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It is doing very good now, What will it do when I get the Pro res key?
The X5S that is.....
I read where if you want to do a "Burst" sequence of RAW DNG "still" photos, you need the SSD card and a license both. Page 66 in the manual: "Interval SSD: RAW Burst (3/5/7/10/infinity frames)."

Seems the only license lock against still photos I've found, and just mentioning it because I wanted to use it and now have to buy the **** license and SSD 240GB card and reader too. :(

Speaking of the SSD card in the i2, how do you get the rear door - if it is a door - off the back of the bird for the SSD card to go in there? I see the up arrow but nothing to release it (??) or does it even come off and the card plugs in around it? Not in the manual and no SSD card yet to play with. Tia.
Barry, thanks for the help.

I've pulled on what is red (Photoshopped) thing in the following shot and it doesn't budge. Squeezed it too and it ain't budging or coming out. DJI is mum on the matter.

There looks like a slot on both sides with contacts so is this where the SSD card, or perhaps two of them (???) as there are slots on both sides of the red thing to slide into, and the red thing remains in the bird? The SSD cards must be smaller than envisioned, or they stick way out beyond the batteries.

I'm unsure as to what pulls out, the red thing which seems like it should, but mine may be stuck. Dunno. :confused:

Well Grrr...!!! That red thing on mine ain't budging or pulling out. Hope this isn't some DJI QC matter needing a RMA.....like that never happens!

So that image of yours is the red thing as on mine, and it comes out easily?
It does not come out easily. Pull hard. Make sure your battles are not attached. That will give you more leverage.

The SSD moves in and out easily.
Well, two of us have tried and filled the air with purple words and it ain't coming out. Very little bit of wiggle, but seems the plastic locks or whatever molding are screwed up somehow.

Aside, I'm not impressed with the flimsy USB rubber cover either as it's too loose, but I can live with that and some tape. The SSD slot cap is another matter though as I may need that...
You are right. The rubber USB cover is poorly designed but doesn't really affect anything. Sorry I could not help. Suggest calling DJI.

Thanks anyway. Least I know the thing is jammed and should come out.

Friend with a shop has a two-jawed slide hammer and might try that tomorrow. More DJI QC I see.

Thanks again, and have fun with yours while I cuss at mine some more. :D
Why not email - ask Michael at Florida Drone Supply. He is extremely knowledgeable and helpful. I'd do that before using a hammer.
Some pliers wrapped with tape to keep from crushing the thing, and a good pull, and out it came with a squeak too!

Now to figure out why the thing was so darn tight and take some sandpaper to it somewhere. It's almost as hard to put back in and seems it wedges itself in the slot pretty tight too. DJI must'a figured no one would use the SSD port much for as tight as the cap or plug was. :eek:

Pulling Cap.jpg
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Don't sand it, it's a pure friction fit and loosens with use, so if you sand it, then you may kiss goodbye to it at some point!

You also don't need the ProRes or CinemaDNG licenses to shoot raw bursts using the SSD... just pop it in, select the 14fps or infinity burst option and away you go. the raw ding files are smaller than those recorded on the micro sd card for some reason. DJI claim it's correct and that a different compression format is used..... hmmmm!
Be careful not to put the SSD cover back in upside down because that makes it even harder to get out. The lines should match up the way they do in the picture you posted with the indentation on the cover matching the cutout on the I2.
Be careful not to put the SSD cover back in upside down because that makes it even harder to get out. The lines should match up the way they do in the picture you posted with the indentation on the cover matching the cutout on the I2.

I spotted that slight notch in the bottom and top which makes that plug a one-way fit. I painted a silver dot on the top of it to match the with the silver arrow on the i2 above that slot so I wouldn't cram it in wrong.

I did a little sanding on the plug's front edge side as I could see scrapes (on the micro-SD card side) on it. There was a plastic molding burr or hump on one notch I knifed out too. Still pretty darn tight going in though. I doubt if it will ever fall out by accident. Least I can pull it out by hand now and not via pliers.

However, that flimsy USB rubber cap I don't know about as it flops all over the place and I can't see the prop wash not affecting its loss somewhere in time. What crackerjack engineer designed that creation I'd like to meet. Should have had a plastic spring door or something better than that cheesy dangling thing, imho.
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Just out of curiosity, what is the difference in size between a prores file versus 264?

I just did a not so scientific test for you. Using the X5S I recorded 10 seconds of each format to see the amount of data used, here are the results. You will need more hard drive space using anything but H264 :)

H264....138 MB
Prores 422HQ....1.19 GB
Prores 444XQ....2.71 GB
CDNG....2.4 GB
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I just did a not so scientific test for you. Using the X5S I recorded 10 seconds of each format to see the amount of data used, here are the results. You will need more hard drive space using anything but H264 :)

H264....138 MB
Prores 422HQ....1.19 GB
Prores 444XQ....2.71 GB
CDNG....2.4 GB

That's awesome, thanks for doing that!

Wow, almost a 10-fold increase just to go up to 422HQ . . . that's massive. I already have 18 TB of photos and video stored, and this would cause it to double in no time!

I'm going to have to test out ProRes vs. H264 to see if the image improvement would justify the increase in storage.

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