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UK Urgent holland filming tomorrow (Tue 19th)

Jun 10, 2013
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Long shot but posting here just in case:
Just had a call for a last minute urgent requirement (they've had a last minute letdown) for anyone (PFAW) willing to do a Pro Bono in Holland tomorrow. Shared transport (ferry) available midnight tonight from Dover . Must be Inspire x3 or better - not Phantom. This would be a freebie, but with the firm offer of ongoing work in future (2-3 days in Poland next month depending on permissions, then around UK) for helping them out of a tight spot. Looks credible and an interesting ongoing project. Edit - Telephone number removed

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Legal matters aside, aren't "last minute, save the day" precisely the jobs that normally pay the most?

If it's important for your contact and they are honest about a long term relationship not wanting to pay for a job-saving intervention is the worst way to go about it.

Obviously the letdown is due to this too.
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Depends on how much is left in the kitty at the time I suppose... but the again I always find it difficult to say no I don't have the price of your fare home or the price of a couple of litres of unleaded :-)
I'll remove the original posting...
I'll do that with pleasure with people I know and trust, actually this weekend I've filmed a relatively large budget show a friend worked on for free, bringing $10k worth of equipment and spent 2 evenings against nothing but food, a couple of drinks, transport and a night at my friend's place - but that's how we've worked since we know each other and it goes both ways.

But unless I've already got some kind of prior direct contact and particular tie with the person/entity... no way, every such experience has been a letdown.

EDIT: As a clarification, out of experience... those who say they can't pay are usually those with the biggest budgets. They just have enough to pay for people who are good at making you believe the opposite.
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I do understand your point. I have declined freebies in the past, especially when they are planned productions and have budget to pay for other aspects of the production but expect aerial for free. Show's their priorities are different to ours I suppose.

I guess the last minute nature indicated (to me) a genuine case of need - who would risk getting someone last minute if it could be avoided?

Anyway, the other issue here as IrishSights correctly pointed out is that Holland has its own requirements - I hadn't even looked that far as I would not be involved in flying there.but thought I'd post to let anyone else who was so minded at least consider it.
It *may* have been of mutual benefit and some very good showreel material would have been had.
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who would risk getting someone last minute if it could be avoided?

Well if they wanted to avoid it they'd have offered a reasonable fee. Most likely whoever had accepted to go for free got another job offer that was more interesting and just ditched them. Freebies always end up at the bottom of the pile.
Time is money.

If they want it they pay for it. At the agreed rate.Simples.

Classic case in point is Estate Agents they ALL WANT it but don't want to PAY for it.

£50 a job is it with them if your lucky. Do not waste my time. They are so tight they can peel an orange in their pockets.

They charge the earth but will in my experience always try and barter a tenth less in what the going rate is.

Funny thing is when I started getting bitten by the bug and getting into aerial I thought they would have been up there as a no 1 user of aerial footage.

Oh dear I digress off topic. Too many whiskies hic,hic,

Never do a freebie unless for a good mate. End of.

This callsign leaves the airspace...........
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