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USA This morning I passed my FAA Part 107 test

Oct 11, 2016
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Burbank, CA
This morning I passed my FAA Part 107 test.
I had couple of weather questions, quite a few sectional chart questions, a few Lat/Long questions, a few METARs and airport/runway operations.

It took me about 3 weeks to study the material at my own pace, I did not enroll in any online courses.
I watched a few Youtube videos, I also spent $4.99 on an App I bought at the Apple store with test questions. I kept testing myself with the app until I consistently passed the moc test with 93%.

It is also important to note, that I took a free online course in IACARA's training website. The name of the course is "FAA Safety Aviation Learning Center Online Course" course number ALC-451. Again, the course is completely free and not a requirement to take the Part 107 test but it is recommended. When you complete they give you a completion certificate. I feel this course helped me quite a bit.

They give you 2 hours to complete the test, 60 questions total, I completed the test in an hour. I started answering all of the questions I knew the answers, I skipped and marked for later review the questions I was not sure of the answers. When I was done I went back to the top of the test to answer the ones I had skipped.

You are not allowed to bring a cell phone, I brought a basic function calculator however the proctor provided one. They provide a pencil, scratch paper and the sectional charts, Metars, Etc. At the end of the test they tell you score and total number of questions missed. I was asked if I wanted to review the questions I missed but was told flat out that I was not allowed to write them, btw they confiscated the scratched paper I used during the test.

My test was not easy but I was prepared.
The metar weather reports seem to be a good 10% of the test and it's a little silly since no one really uses those anymore (that I know of). I guess it's nice to know, but to have so many questions around that is not very productive. IMO they should've asked more questions about radio comms. When I got my Private Pilot cert, I learned how to fly within JFK ATC and it took me longer to get the hang of comms within that airspace than it did to learn to actually freakin fly.. :(
This morning I passed my FAA Part 107 test.
I had couple of weather questions, quite a few sectional chart questions, a few Lat/Long questions, a few METARs and airport/runway operations.

It took me about 3 weeks to study the material at my own pace, I did not enroll in any online courses.
I watched a few Youtube videos, I also spent $4.99 on an App I bought at the Apple store with test questions. I kept testing myself with the app until I consistently passed the moc test with 93%.

It is also important to note, that I took a free online course in IACARA's training website. The name of the course is "FAA Safety Aviation Learning Center Online Course" course number ALC-451. Again, the course is completely free and not a requirement to take the Part 107 test but it is recommended. When you complete they give you a completion certificate. I feel this course helped me quite a bit.

They give you 2 hours to complete the test, 60 questions total, I completed the test in an hour. I started answering all of the questions I knew the answers, I skipped and marked for later review the questions I was not sure of the answers. When I was done I went back to the top of the test to answer the ones I had skipped.

You are not allowed to bring a cell phone, I brought a basic function calculator however the proctor provided one. They provide a pencil, scratch paper and the sectional charts, Metars, Etc. At the end of the test they tell you score and total number of questions missed. I was asked if I wanted to review the questions I missed but was told flat out that I was not allowed to write them, btw they confiscated the scratched paper I used during the test.

My test was not easy but I was prepared.

Took my Part 107 yesterday and scored a 92, very happy with the outcome! They hit me with about 5 sectionals right off the bat and all easy to answer (towers and airspace) if you prepared. I had no Lat/Long questions, 2 METAR and 1 TAF and the rest was policies and procedures took me about 40 minutes to complete the exam. I spent about 1week preparing for the test using UAV Ground School as supplement. I also have previous experience with sUAS, I started a UAV program for a Federal Agency that self certifies pilots and that helped tremendously.
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Took my Part 107 yesterday and scored a 92, very happy with the outcome! They hit me with about 5 sectionals right off the bat and all easy to answer (towers and airspace) if you prepared. I had no Lat/Long questions, 2 METAR and 1 TAF and the rest was policies and procedures took me about 40 minutes to complete the exam. I spent about 1week preparing for the test using UAV Ground School as supplement. I also have previous experience with sUAS, I started a UAV program for a Federal Agency that self certifies pilots and that helped tremendously.
I took mine the first day it was available (the first one at that CATS center) and also scored a 92. I second UAV Ground School as it was helpful, especially the pre tests and quiz. I am launching a public safety program at work and we are sending all of our operators this route as well even though we can self certify.
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Just took my test yesterday at Dunkirk Aviation, NY. (93%) . I was happy with the outcome, until the proctor told me a guy scored a 98% earlier..:)
I studied hard and believe in what the FAA is doing. Sort of limits the playing field commercially, I hope :)
I took mine yesterday...passed...barely! I did the RemotePilot 101 video based training over a 2 week period. I had several questions I had never saw before. I don't want to put RemotePilot 101 down because obviously without it I would have failed miserably. For me, I had to have the video based training and they do a really nice job with it. But I can't emphasize enough to take practice exams over and over again carefully reviewing the missed answers. I think had I spent more time doing that I would have had a better score. But bottom line is I passed!!

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