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"The Promise of Agriculture"

Nice video. Not sure we adequately feed the 7 billion odd at the moment though, I don't imagine that will improve much by 2050 with 9.7billion people.
Nice video. Not sure we adequately feed the 7 billion odd at the moment though, I don't imagine that will improve much by 2050 with 9.7billion people.

From the description below the video:
"It’s the film maker’s opinion that the ability to produce food, as a result of agricultural technological and food-producing advancements, will continue at a more rapid pace than the growth in global population. However, as it is today, food distribution will continue to be a major challenge".
What a nice and breath taking view... i think about something, maybe, just maybe in future the drones can be utilized to pick the ripe fruit from farm, instead of just watering down plant. It is just "maybe", if technology can go more advance to implement that.
El tema es entretenido e inspirador. Sería interesante ver cómo robots o drones voladores recogen frutas frescas o plantas acuáticas. Por supuesto, esto es solo una especulación, pero puede suceder en el futuro.

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