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UK Roof Inspections In Built Up Area( UK)

Feb 1, 2015
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Got potentially a new big client who has a need for roof inspections in large urban areas on terraced high rises.

Not really been down that avenue before. Got a pretty good idea how I will do it just wanting to pick brains with others who have had experience etc and potentially suggest a way of working I have not thought of wrt min distances/overfly/standoff etc

Thanks in advance

I've done quite a few roof inspections on houses and larger properties

Have you ever done built up areas where neighbors are an issue pal? and if so do you just get permission off all of them to fly?

I have always stayed clear of jobs that need alot of permissions from houses as people dont seem keen.
Your 1st problem is asking permission

I never ask, I inform them what I'm doing and explain I will not over flying their property I'm only inspecting number 10 for example.

But Never Ask for someone's permsion.

I did roofs for iprosurv over the last few years but this year very few as I'm not in the right area.
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Your 1st problem is asking permission

I never ask, I inform them what I'm doing and explain I will not over flying their property I'm only inspecting number 10 for example.

But Never Ask for someone's permsion.

I did roofs for iprosurv over the last few years but this year very few as I'm not in the right area.

But if they are within you 50m distance/ 30 take off surely they have to agree pal?
But if they are within you 50m distance/ 30 take off surely they have to agree pal?
You see your asking, I inform and ask if them if all is good and always had a yes :)

Inform and they are generally fine. I've not had an issue and I've flown in London on that method as well and even used a neighbours garden to take off.

But at 30M take off get to 55M high you can overfly if you want to and if you have a decent camera you'll get the data.

But if your not happy with any part of it don't take on the work
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You see your asking, I inform and ask if them if all is good and always had a yes :)

Inform and they are generally fine. I've not had an issue and I've flown in London on that method as well and even used a neighbours garden to take off.

But at 30M take off get to 55M high you can overfly if you want to and if you have a decent camera you'll get the data.

But if your not happy with any part of it don't take on the work

But surely that means you have no documentation to say all the neighbors within range give consent in that vase. And all it takes is one neighbor to go back on their word in the event of a misshap and the CAA would have your arse on a plate?

Im not trying to play devils advocate i am just very curious

If this is not the case im glad to hear it but thats not what i was always told.

well no ones complained yet

But I do have a note pad and make notes

It's all about planning

And inform and then ask if there's any issues or etc

Word it however you want but in such away they say yes

I've only had two people kick off at me but that was for property shoots and they were more than 50m away anyway so it wasn't really an issue
You've answered your own question

Create the paperwork trail you want then

Get them to sign a bit of paper etc
But surely that means you have no documentation to say all the neighbors within range give consent in that vase. And all it takes is one neighbor to go back on their word in the event of a misshap and the CAA would have your arse on a plate?

Im not trying to play devils advocate i am just very curious

If this is not the case im glad to hear it but thats not what i was always told.

Notice is NOT permission. Especially in the legal sense.
Your best bet (and as I have done in the past) is create flyers to put through people’s doors explaining that you will be doing a roof inspection on the specified date and you will be using a UAV etc etc. Include your contact details on the flyer and also state you will be calling on them nearer the date.
They will soon phone, email or shout if they have any objections so you will know those houses already.
When you call on them, wear a reflective jacket (preferably with your company logo on etc) carry ID and also copies of both your PfCO and insurance in case you are asked.
Knock up a very brief permission, consent form and when you knock on the doors and talk just ask them to pop a signature down to say they are ok with the flights etc. Give them a copy of the consent.
This way, any houses that refuse to sign you will know and can alter/adapt your mission plan and site survey accordingly.
Yup that's it all in a nut shell and I've done all that as well

Just remember I inform then ask If all is okay

Don't ask straight away is my advice, do the information bit then ask if all is okay and a yes is a yes
If you have a solid barrier between you and its less than 50m can you still proceed? I asked similar question for underbridge surveys and "if it doesnt crest parapet of bridge no problem. No need to stop traffic etc" or wordage to that effect.
Can ba kamen maintain 30m to takeoff vertically for 50m then overfly then land back to sterile zone?
f you have a solid barrier between you and its less than 50m can you still proceed?
With that argument - you could argue a house is a solid barrier - or a vehicle?

Potentially with the bridge you could actually be less than 10m away from a vehicle (albeit wall in between) - who advised no problem - was it the CAA or Highway Agency (assuming UK)
As per Editor and MarkLincs I have done circa 170 odd flights in and around London.
I have never had an issue with neighbours etc.
They are more curious/interested than anything else.
In London, I always file with NATS and if flying in or near restricted area have to inform DPG (diplomatic protection group)......but NATS usually arrange all contacts there.

As per Editor and MarkLincs I have done circa 170 odd flights in and around London.
I have never had an issue with neighbours etc.
They are more curious/interested than anything else.
In London, I always file with NATS and if flying in or near restricted area have to inform DPG (diplomatic protection group)......but NATS usually arrange all contacts there.


And are you getting perm forms signed too pal?
30m if environment is under your control including observer

Thanks for clearing that up pal. Thats what we have done but maybe we have bad luck as i always have had a neighbor in the 30m who wont answer the door and the other neighbors say is awkward Haha. We resort to our pole quite alot at times like that.

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