This was helpful.. Thank you.Legal? I think you mean "compliant." We're always legal. We're not always compliant. I can't map a 15 mile corridor if I have to have "eyes on" the entire time. Keep in mind we're not mapping roads. We're mapping power routes that go through hills, forest, rough terrain, etc. Setting up spotters along the way would be cost prohibitive and in some cases, impossible. These corridor missions are always devoid of traffic, buildings and/or warm bodies. So if the drone does go down, nobody gets hurt. My rule of thumb is pretty simple. Don't endanger people, animals or property. That's been my RC Helicopter mantra since the 80's.
We have a team set up for Wednesday if the weather works out. I may have short changed the size of the property in my initial estimate. May be closer to 500 acres. Thinking of self announcing on the CTAF even thou I'm not supposed to because helios tend to com thru our area at sub 400 altitudes....