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ProRes Raw for x7 what about x5s

Aug 31, 2015
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I understand a firmware update will enable ProRes raw recording for the x7.

It would be nice if it was for the x5s as well.

I fear this will not be the case.

How about it DJI .
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I understand a firmware update will enable ProRes raw recording for the x7.

It would be nice if it was for the x5s as well.

I fear this will not be the case.

How about it DJI .

Dont hold your breath pal. I have been sourcing old parts for a build this week and chasing lots of companies. EVERYONE is sick of their attitude in the UK and wishes they didnt have to deal with them. They never make decisions to look after us as a consumer, its all about the $ sadly
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It’s a shame that DJI didn’t adopt the Sony codec XAVC !
It is much better than Prores in the fact it is the same quality but half the file size.
Just imagine how far a 480 gb ssd drive can go if it could record XAVC raw!
All the broadcasters are using XAVC now. Too bad Apple and Atomos are behind the times. All the recent hype from Atomos at NAB this year is understandable as they have to promote their own stuff as does Apple!
I would expect a company will be launching an XAVC recorder very soon anyway which will leave Atomos crying in their shirtsleeves. I would imagine sometime this year that someone will offer an XAVC RAW recorder or codec. This is not the time to buy Atomos right now unless you feel you have adequate storage options. Now if DJI could offer XAVC that would be the cat’s meow!
I would be buying an Atomos product for a display only, so they’ve still got that market wrapped up IMHO.
So ProRes RAW is coming also for the X5S.. Does anyone know is it enough if I buy only Prores license to get that’s?
So ProRes RAW is coming also for the X5S.. Does anyone know is it enough if I buy only Prores license to get that’s?
No - read post #4

However..... it is currently in development (and already overdue).

DJI may decide just to drop it and not offer it on that particular camera. At the moment its slated as "Coming Soon" and we all know what that means in DJI speak. :rolleyes:
It’s a shame that DJI didn’t adopt the Sony codec XAVC !
It is much better than Prores in the fact it is the same quality but half the file size.

Your answers are here: XAVC FAQs

Why not use RAW as the default codec for 4K?
XAVC is designed for moderate data rates of high resolution, high frame rate material

Which editing software package can handle XAVC native editing?
Sony continues an active discussion with major NLE manufacturers

Why would DJI support a "moderate data rate" codec that isn't supported by NLEs?

They are instead supporting high-data-rate codecs supported by NLEs. And yes, ProRes Raw is not yet supported, but you know that its support is coming before XAVC.

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