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UK PfCO Renewal, anything changed?

Sep 23, 2016
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I'm just sitting down to renew my PfCO, it's the first time i have had to renew since acquiring it in April 17 and I'm wondering if anything has changed that i need to add to my Ops Manual since April 17 or anything in general that i need to change other than the obvious dates etc?

The turn around is very quick lately. I’ve only just renewed my own. A few issues that seem to arising for people renewing are. A lack of a reference table for any named reference documents, ie: CAP 393. To include the latest version number as already discussed above. And for some there has been an issue with the digital signature. ( not all have been pulled on this). I’m assuming that you OM is already using the eccairs reporting as opposed to the old MOR system. If not, you need to change that. The fees for renewal have just changed too so you might want to confirm.
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The turn around is very quick lately. I’ve only just renewed my own. A few issues that seem to arising for people renewing are. A lack of a reference table for any named reference documents, ie: CAP 393. To include the latest version number as already discussed above. And for some there has been an issue with the digital signature. ( not all have been pulled on this). I’m assuming that you OM is already using the eccairs reporting as opposed to the old MOR system. If not, you need to change that. The fees for renewal have just changed too so you might want to confirm.

Thanks for this, very helpful as I'm sitting down to do it all this afternoon. Still on MORS at the moment so will have to read up about eccairs and get that changed
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Please see my thread/comments here from a while ago.
Also see direct link in my post #14 in the same thread.
UK - For those renewing their PFAW after August 2016
An addition to this could include the reference table for any documents mentioned throughout the OM and the issues with digital signatures. Some people are getting their OM through with the digital signature and others are being requested to sign then scan their paperwork. Finally, there have been others who have had to have their insurance details amended to show both their name and their trading name. Hope this helps.
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