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Oly 25mm f1.8 soft on one side

Nov 17, 2017
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Australia & Europe
I am loosing my patience (and hope that I'll ever find a decent one) with this lens. I am now on the third copy (all with similar S/N maby a faulty batch??) and all have been identically soft towards the left edge. It kind of evens out at f5.6 and f8. Has anyone had any luck getting sharp landscape photos from edge to edge at f2.8 with this lens?
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I have seen this issue on this forum. I have not seen the problem. Do a search for "soft on one side". It seems to be a tolerance issue with the lens mount and not the lens itself.
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I have seen this issue on this forum. I have not seen the problem. Do a search for "soft on one side". It seems to be a tolerance issue with the lens mount and not the lens itself.
Well, I am not sure what is causing it. The second copy has been sent by my vendor to Olympus service and they told me that the lens was fine. After pointing to the softness on LHS on photos which I took and provided to them as a proof of the issue, they decided to give me a new replacement copy. I got it today and it is exactly as the previous two.
Well, I am not sure what is causing it. The second copy has been sent by my vendor to Olympus service and they told me that the lens was fine. After pointing to the softness on LHS on photos which I took and provided to them as a proof of the issue, they decided to give me a new replacement copy. I got it today and it is exactly as the previous two.
Well, I am not sure what is causing it. The second copy has been sent by my vendor to Olympus service and they told me that the lens was fine. After pointing to the softness on LHS on photos which I took and provided to them as a proof of the issue, they decided to give me a new replacement copy. I got it today and it is exactly as the previous two.
Any chance you can furnish a capture
I am loosing my patience (and hope that I find a decent one) with this lens. I am now on the third copy (all with similar S/N maby a faulty batch??) and all have been identically soft towards the left edge. It kind of evens out at f5.6 and f8. Has anyone had any luck getting sharp landscape photos from edge to edge at f2.8 with this lens?
I have that lens on my X5S and while not a professional I wonder if you can furnish a picture/esample of this softness?
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This may be a long shot and you will need a Panasonic body to accomplish this but you can try to update the firmware on the lens.

Thanks but these are all brand new lenses from the latest shipment to Australia. The one I have now was checked by my local dealer and he confirmed that it has the latest FW. Thanks for trying to help though.

Yesterday I returned the third unit to my dealer and exchanged it for the forth lens! I promissed to him that this is my last shot at this lens and that if it won't work I will either keep it regardless or sell it on line at my loss.
The long story short, it has exactly the same problem!! Blurry near the left edge, sharp as hell everywhere else. What I managed to do this time was to tap focus during the lens calibration process instead of on the middle of the frame, exactly on the left vertical grid line. This way the lens somehow focussed in such way that the image lost a bit of sharpness in the central area but improved sharpness towards the left edge and surprisingly this has not blurred the right edge! Now when stopping down to f4 the across the frame sharpness is at least bearable and at f5.6 it is pretty decent across the entire frame. Not optimal solution but at least something which will give me consistent results when using MF.
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It's a known problem. I tried several lenses, and ended up with just one I liked most. However, I still have to close the aperture up to 6.3 to make the left corner blur go away.
By the way, the Olympus 45mm blurs in the right corner :)
It's a known problem. I tried several lenses, and ended up with just one I liked most. However, I still have to close the aperture up to 6.3 to make the left corner blur go away.
By the way, the Olympus 45mm blurs in the right corner :)
FWIW my 45mm is near perfect from edge to edge and corner to corner from f2.8. It only has one quirk. All photos have frame about 2mm wide of corrupted pixels all around. But that I would call a minor issue, easy to deal with by croping those pixels off ( I made custom action in PS and keyboard shortcut to trigger it). Strangely this is not visible in video.
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FWIW my 45mm is near perfect from edge to edge and corner to corner from f2.8. It only has one quirk. All photos have frame about 2mm wide of corrupted pixels all around. But that I would call a minor issue, easy to deal with by croping those pixels off ( I made custom action in PS and keyboard shortcut to trigger it). Strangely this is not visible in video.
That's rather strange. I've never seen any frame in my images.
Anyways, this only proves that Olympus lenses vary considerably in quality and you gotta check them carefully before you buy one.
That's rather strange. I've never seen any frame in my images.
Anyways, this only proves that Olympus lenses vary considerably in quality and you gotta check them carefully before you buy them.
The corrupted pixels frame could be hard to spot sometimes but if you look closely at 100% magnification in PS you will see it. What is astounding to me that 4 of the Oly 25mm I tried were almost identically bad in regard to the blurry left edge. The central area and right side splendidly sharp wide open and superb from f2.8. This lens has potential to be optically amazing if it was not for this wide spread problem. Olympus should have a good look at their assembly line where they produce this lens. It should not be that dificult to identify where the problem is. As it is they are damaging their own reputation by selling what is obviously a faulty product and this has been going on apparently for years!!!
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Can you attach a sample shot?
Here is a sample shot with 45mm. Shot as DNG, converted to TIFF in LR and then saved as JPEG in PS. The corrupted pixels are best visible in the green foliage but they are all around. In most situations not even a concern but for the nerdy pixel peepers a head scratcher nevertheless ;)


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Looking at 100% crop outs it seems pretty OK to me.
If you think the left side is a tiny bit blurry than center, then the right side is the same.

Got the 45mm lens not too long ago, focusing can be challenging at times.

Here is a sample shot with 45mm.
Looking at 100% crop outs it seems pretty OK to me.
If you think the left side is a tiny bit blurry than center, then the right side is the same.
View attachment 28577

Got the 45mm lens not too long ago, focusing can be challenging at times.
This thread got derailed and confusion set in with your question about the 45mm lens' quirk on x5s camera where the photos have this tiny frame made of corrupted pixels. The photo I attached was to show that. It has NOTHING to do with the topic of this thread which is softness on left side of all photos taken with the 25mm lens at f1.8 to f4. I have not attached sample photo taken with 25mm because most owners of this lens attested having the same experience which lead me to believing that this is a common decentering flaw of the 25mm lens and it has been the case for years. Olympus should look into this! It is a disgrace that they are churning out these faulty decentered 25mm lenses and have been for years!!!
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The problem is almost certainly the DJI camera body and not the lens. Put the lens on a Panasonic Lumix (I have a GH4 that I still fly) with a tripod and I believe you will see the lens is perfect. I have two each X5 and 2 each X5S, and one of the X5S does exhibit the softness. Either the actual mounting point of the lens has some tilt, or the sensor is mounted with some tilt, or the sensor is slightly off-center.

Depth of field at higher f-numbers covers it up.
The problem is almost certainly the DJI camera body and not the lens. Put the lens on a Panasonic Lumix (I have a GH4 that I still fly) with a tripod 8and I believe you will see the lens is perfect. I have two each X5 and 2 each X5S, and one of the X5S does exhibit the softness. Either the actual mounting point of the lens has some tilt, or the sensor is mounted with some tilt, or the sensor is slightly off-center.

Depth of field at higher f-numbers covers it up.
That is a plausible possibility and maybe most X5S cameras have marginally off center sensor placement. It could be assembly line issue or how is the PC board holding the sensor cut and placed withing the camera. I checked the sensor after reading your post and indeed it seems to be shifted to one side. There is this tiny "frame" about 1/2mm wide all around the active pixel area and the frame is visibly wider on right side (around 1mm) and almost none on left side meaning the sensor is indeed shifted to the left when looking at it from the front (which is the left side of the photo - the soft side). So the chances are that the 25mm lens has image circle barely covering the sensor and that could be the reason for the blurriness near the left edge of the image. Interestingly my X5S does not suffer from that sudden loss of sharpness near the left edge with the 12mm and the 45mm. It could be that they have both larger image circle and cover the slightly off center sensor without problem.
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The problem is almost certainly the DJI camera body and not the lens. Put the lens on a Panasonic Lumix (I have a GH4 that I still fly) with a tripod and I believe you will see the lens is perfect. I have two each X5 and 2 each X5S, and one of the X5S does exhibit the softness. Either the actual mounting point of the lens has some tilt, or the sensor is mounted with some tilt, or the sensor is slightly off-center.

Depth of field at higher f-numbers covers it up.

Take a look at this thread:

The X5S has nothing to do with the problem.
Take a look at this thread:

The X5S has nothing to do with the problem.
I am getting more and more confused with every new post?
Me thinking if the sensor is shifted to one side far enough to get off the image circle coverage of the Oly25mm lens, how is it then possible that the lens is perfectly capable of producing pin sharp infinity subjects on left hand side if I choose an AF point near the left edge. But the rest of the frame from center to the right edge would be then badly blurred. It does not make sense. After all the tests and going through elimination process I am now pretty convinced that the left near edge image softness is due to the prevalent and very common decentering issue of the Oly25mm lens. It is either design flaw or production/ assembly issue. In any case lens like this should not be readily sold, especially when this problem has been well documented on various forums for years!!! Olympus needs to lift its QC game big time!!
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