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Not legal for use in the USA?

You are all so quick to judge.
In the radio frequency spectrum you have ITU-(international telecommunication Union) that governs frequency worldwide. Then countries add their own stuff like the FCC here in the US. Frequencies are licenses in many format and applications, that it be terrestrial and/or airborn. They all behave very differently depending their environment.
DJI is about a world market, and US commercial companies produce movies in many foreign countries for their scenes. Production in the US may be affected, but not overseas.
Before criticizing, do your homework. Thanks.
Nope - definitely illegal (in the US) to use the system airborne.

I have heard directly from DJI that they have to issue a disclaimer with the product because the low powered control link they are using between the MX and the M600 is only licensed for ground use in the US.
Some numpty in DJI thought it was a good idea to utilise this link on an aircraft when it wasn't legal to do so.
Numpty, I like that must be British?
You are all so quick to judge.
In the radio frequency spectrum you have ITU-(international telecommunication Union) that governs frequency worldwide. Then countries add their own stuff like the FCC here in the US. Frequencies are licenses in many format and applications, that it be terrestrial and/or airborn. They all behave very differently depending their environment.
DJI is about a world market, and US commercial companies produce movies in many foreign countries for their scenes. Production in the US may be affected, but not overseas.
Before criticizing, do your homework. Thanks.
I did - that's why I posted it is illegal to use in the US for airborne use......which it is!
I'll bet B&H Photo has containers of grey market units on a ship the minute they are released and available for purchase mere days after that ship docks in North America. They will advertise honestly that they are units not intended for North American distribution and still stand behind what they sell as that's just who they are. We have become a country of too many laws and too much government all tailored toward the very wealthy and vocal minority who feel everyone should be responsible for everyone else as long as it doesn't effect them. For those of us burdened supporting our family, someone else's, along with all the rules created so arbitrarily we appreciate these situations where capitalistic opportunities combined with a belief that our hard earned freedoms have been and are being encroached upon serves to provide a quiet solution to those who seek it.
Chnjab I agree with everything you have said there. B&H also sells around the world too.

Unfortunately because I am a licensed drone operator who has to apply for each specific UAV platform including all info on command and control frequencies, I would never get permission for it. Maybe there is a move to change the frequency ban for air by FCC that we are not privy to yet, but as the FCC goes so goes Canadian freq rules.
If I were to not follow the rules and something happened, I would face loss of insurance coverage, loss of flying privileges and fines with possible criminal charges. Just too much risk for me to face.
Completely understand! Point being unfortunately you absolutely will commercially compete with those who will use them relying on the fact that enforcement personnel levels actually enforcing the laws and regulations compared to those in violation are similar to the formula for lottery odds. The 1410-1510 situation proved that as I spoke to 4 national agencies, and not receptionists those who not only understood but were disgusted at their and my powerlessness that they had no control with the obvious black and white violations (their description of what had transpired) but supervision guides the limited resources available as those holding the purse strings instruct and demand. After all I haven't yet met a civil servant who's primary focus wasn't continuing their employment. Their actual responsibilities become secondary to that end.

Since this is a bit of civil disobedience discussion I have quite a few friends who are lucky to have children between 8 and 12 who allow them to use their Inspires. They fly well within suggested limitations and are respectful of everyone but also aren't required to register as that was required for owners over 13 not pilots and not aircraft. Yep that regulation is a winner.
Because the M600 does not only use the MX. XT, X5 etc

LB2 doesn't either. Not sure I get what you mean.

And isn't the RC signal to the FC going via LB too?

Yes. But this is why you have two receivers and/or a slip ring connector.

On a typical heavy lifter, you put two receivers on it and the only thing that passes to the gimbal is CAN bus via the slip ring. Much cleaner. And the gimbal works standalone without any reconfiguration.
can the video from MX not come over LB2? like the X5 or XT would I assume? Thats the way the docs seem to look...? Am I missing something?
can the video from MX not come over LB2? like the X5 or XT would I assume? Thats the way the docs seem to look...? Am I missing something?

The mx can rotate freely and if you don't want a cable limiting the rotation, you can send the video wirelessly a few centimeters from the mx to the aircraft and then send it via LB2. Or at least that's the way dji choose to do it. Some say that other manufacturers use sliprings to send the video signal through the gimbal joints.

The X5 cannot rotate freely because they have wired video signal so they are connected directly to the LB2.
I'll bet B&H Photo has containers of grey market units on a ship the minute they are released and available for purchase mere days after that ship docks in North America.
B&H will sell them as soon as they have them. They will just include a note about them not being legal for aerial use. Perfectly legal for most of their customers who buy the Ronin with no intention of flying it, but want a wireless remote monitor for the Ronin on set.
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Has there been any new development on this yet? I had decided on the Matrice 600 + Ronin MX to run the Black Magic camera when I learned about the SRW-60G issues. When at the store and purchasing the package together the warning is not listed. Only when you look at the Ronin MX alone do you get the warning message. My only option at this point is the Alta 6 or 8 but it sure hurts the pocket book. Any update on this would be appreciated.
Is it just me that finds it interesting that DJI's latest multirotor platform when decked out with all the bells and whistles will not be legal to fly in the US upon product launch?
It would appear the video downlink by way of the SRW-60G which is required if you want to use the new Ronin MX is not licenced for use in North America!

Good one DJI - Launch a potentially ground breaking product and then make it illegal in probably the country where you have your biggest market.

This company never ceases to amaze me at their brilliance in engineering and yet total ineptitude in complying with regional laws regarding rf emissions and frequency bands. You would think they would know after the Inspire fiasco.
What inspire Fiasco?
You only need it to have full 360 degree movement on the mx frame. You can bypass the 60g and just run an hdmi cable from the camera to the m600. Depending on how much cable you want hanging you can get a lot of the rotation with the cable. Until this issue is resolved that's what we have to deal with.
Just stumbled across this and like everything else, it's just crap. FCC in the U.S. is saying that I could be standing on the top floor of a 40 story building and use the 60g (say in a Ronin MX walking around the building), but If I were just outside the building in a Drone, it's Illegal?? That's one of those things that is just crap.

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