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moving x5 to x5R? have sense?

Mar 21, 2018
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hi everyone.
at now i got inspire 1 raw with x5 with 2 remote, and some batteries, external monitor, some accesories, all in good conditions.
could you suggest to moving on x5r?
i see various post, but quality is soo better for moving on this camera?
do you think have sense to invest about 1500$?
or better to send money apart for moving on next year to inspire 2?
Do you have a need for RAW video, that is the only gain when using the X5R.

Do you have the time, storage, knowledge and software to edit RAW video?

Save your money for an Inspire 2 with CineDNG or Prores.
If the Inspire 2 is an option, then I think that's the only reasonable choice.

The Inspire 1 is an orphaned product, and it's already difficult to get batteries for.

The Inspire 2 is much better, with more options, and is still supported by DJI.
The answer is not a subjective one. The correct answer depends completely on your deliverables. If the client demands RAW, then you will need the X5R.

And for those who chimed in...

The HUGE advantage the X5R option has over the Inspire 2 option is all around operational cost and initial investment. You can shoot RAW with the Inspire 1 for a fraction the cost of an Inspire 2. This is not only because of the initial investment costs, but also because the X5R requires no licensing fees.

Now if you need longer flight time, you can invest in an M600 Pro. An M600 Pro PLUS an Inspire 1 is still cheaper than the cost of an Inspire 2. Now you have a heavy lifter in your arsenal that can be fitted with a Ronin and a bevy of other cameras. That said, the Inspire 2 definitely has its nitche. If you need:

1) Portable
2) Fast
3) Long flight times

then get the Inspire 2. However, if you only need 2 of any of those 3 at any given time, the Inspire 1 + M600 Pro is a better bet. I think the M600 Pro will fly 30 minutes with an X5R camera, and with modifications to the firmware will probably fly 40+ or even 50+ mph...but I'd have to double check on that.

Oh...almost forgot...

This forum is littered with Inspire 2 issues. Not so for the M600 Pro. And despite all the Inspire 1 issues, I use a firmware/software combo that makes the Inspire 1 rock-solid reliable.

Good luck!

As others said you only need RAW if you have a requirement for RAW video. This usually means putting out a deliverable that is going to go to TV or the movie screens. If you do not know how to use RAW and grade it, it will not be much value added to your workflow. The I1 X5R is horrible for RAW workflow. You have to use their software which is very buggy to dump your footage on the SSD.

If you have a need for RAW, get it. Or simply save down the road for an I2 X5S with the licenses.
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I moved from the x5 to the x5r. the video quality from x5's compressed codec to raw is like night and day. But be prepared for massive amounts of storage for it.

but one big difference I also noticed is the x5r camera itself is quite a bit more heavier and slows dow the drone.

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To me it's not really about the 'raw' factor and if you need it or not for whatever you're doing - it's about getting the best image possible for the least amount of investment. As Paul said the X5R is night and day over the X5 - full stop. Cinelight sucks, yes, but it does work (eventually) and if you can put up with those headaches, the X5R is totally worth it.

I'd save for the I2 only if you want improved tech and flight characteristics. If you're happy with the Inspire 1 and it has done you well, the X5R upgrade makes sense.

Ultimately the X5S is not different enough from the X5R, so you'd be looking at the X7 kit, which even if you buy used with the drone is going to cost upwards of $15k. So 10 times as much $$$. Is the image quality 10 times as good? That's for you to decide - I personally don't think so.
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The X5R mounts to the M600 Pro. 20+ minutes of flight time???? Inspire 1 for short shots in tight places. M600 for wide-open shots when more flight time is necessary.


60mbs at 4k in 2020 is not acceptable and has not been for those with a decent standard for last few years, which is what you get with the X5.

The X5R turns the X5 into a different beast, now all the things like bit rate, colour depth, sharpness which crippled the X5 are gone and the X5R is flat out a drone that will still produce good video quality in years to come.

I still have my X5R, I never moved onto the inspire 2 because at the time I would have had to spend £6,0000+ to get a boost in quality and the boost is not as big as you think.

Unless you need a camera with 360 rotation, its hard to advise anyone to get anything but a mavic 2 pro, Mavic air, or a phantom 4 advanced.

X5R is basically the 3rd best HQ system from DJI despite being 4-5 years old. It was way ahead of its time.

Mavic 2 Pro/ Phantom 4 Advanced (are pretty much identical)

but the portability of the Mavic is AAA.

I just dusted off my barely used Inspire 1 and x5R of, I need to sell it really, but I can't quite bring myself to.
This was my dream setup for a long long time and its still utterly awesome.
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