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Matrice 210 - total weight with Zenmuse XT + Z30 and TB55 batteries?

Sep 18, 2018
Reaction score
Hello all,

Looking into the possibility of getting this package (for SAR/public safety) and was hoping someone with the same setup would be willing to weigh it for me. Trying to assess if it's realistic to haul it into mountainous backcountry when needed. I realize it'll be difficult to pack (and protect) because of its form factor, just wanting to figure out if the weight alone will be a deal breaker.

For clarity, I'm interested in the total, ready to fly, weight of the drone with both the XT and Z30 attached via the dual gimbal connector, along with two TB55s; I don't need weights for the controller or CrystalSky, etc.

I've found the published specs for everything but the XT, but this is one of those every ounce counts kind of scenarios and I've found that published specs aren't always accurate.

If anyone's willing/able to do this, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!
I can have one of our techs put this full setup on the scale tomorrow. Standard XT, correct? Not the XT2?

FYI the standard XT is about 10 ounces while the XT2 is 21 ounces.

Taylor Waibel
Enterprise Sales Director
Hi Taylor,

That'd be generous of you guys to do that for me, thanks.

Yes, standard XT, please. For this situation/environment (hiking into mountainous backcountry with high elevation, terrain, bad weather, snow, ice, etc.), there's a good case to be made for running the XT2 alone - as much as my back would appreciate that, I want to have every tool in the bag available when needed. Because of range limitations, as well as not always being able to get as close as needed on foot, the Z30 (or an X5S w/ zoom) can make a big difference.

I should have mentioned in my first post that the reason I'm having to "count ounces" like this is because I'll already have between 20-40+lbs in the rest of my loadout, depending on what's going on.

Edit to add: looks like running the XT2 alone (vs the XT + Z30) would save about 9oz in camera/gimbal weight, as well as whatever the difference is between the dual and single gimbal connectors. DJI's site lists the dual downward as 2lbs., whereas B&H lists the package weight at .8lbs. If I'm not putting you out too much, any chance you have both connectors laying around that can also be weighed?

Many thanks.
Last edited:
I would also be interested in weight and size of case. Local fire departments are thinking of this same set up.

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