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I'm going crazy, and about to return the brand-new X5 unless...

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Jan 17, 2019
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Being new to the Inspire 1 and the Zenmuse X5 I'm thinking the problem is not hardware but pilot error, but I'm familiar enough with Go and the manual still think I'm the problem.

The problem: The X5 will no longer tilt. I had the C1 button programmed to switch pan/tilt and it worked fine. For some reason I decdied to screw with this setting and switch pan/tilt to C2, but I cannot get the camera to tilt anymore.

My Troubleshooting:
1. switch pan/tilt back to C1. Still unable to tilt
2. assign both C1 and C2 to change pan/tilt . . . still, no tilt
3. I verified both switches working, that is C1, C2, by assigning camera settings to each one (this is a visible test so you can see C1, C2 toggling)
4. Re-booted and started the Inspire 1/controller multiple times.
5. I detached and re-atached the X5 verifying it went thru self-check
6. Gone thru gimbal calibrate multiple times.

This is a brand-new, not used X5 so under warranty, but want to fly so this is a royal pain. Anyone? BTW, pan works flawlessly.
Check to make sure your tilt speed is not turned all the way down to zero (making it inoperable). I would take a close look into all the gimbal settings - this sounds like a configuration error more than anything.
Thanks, I won't sleep until I get this solved. Ok, good news, the x5 gimbal works as I can tilt with the blue circle on touch-screen. But, I've never (perhaps I dd, not sure) but the gimbal roll adjustment with the two arrows pointing CW and CCW have a value of 0.0. I don't think I've ever touched these and not sure what they even do. I don't know how to adjust the speed of the tilt on GO but I can look that up as I can do it on the Phantoms.
Being new to the Inspire 1 and the Zenmuse X5 I'm thinking the problem is not hardware but pilot error, but I'm familiar enough with Go and the manual still think I'm the problem.

The problem: The X5 will no longer tilt. I had the C1 button programmed to switch pan/tilt and it worked fine. For some reason I decdied to screw with this setting and switch pan/tilt to C2, but I cannot get the camera to tilt anymore.

My Troubleshooting:
1. switch pan/tilt back to C1. Still unable to tilt
2. assign both C1 and C2 to change pan/tilt . . . still, no tilt
3. I verified both switches working, that is C1, C2, by assigning camera settings to each one (this is a visible test so you can see C1, C2 toggling)
4. Re-booted and started the Inspire 1/controller multiple times.
5. I detached and re-atached the X5 verifying it went thru self-check
6. Gone thru gimbal calibrate multiple times.

This is a brand-new, not used X5 so under warranty, but want to fly so this is a royal pain. Anyone? BTW, pan works flawlessly.
Uninstall and reinstall the Go app.
Then reassign C1 to something different (like bringing up the battery screen for example).
Power everything down.
Fully reboot your tablet.
Connect/power everything up and then reassign C1 to pan/tilt toggle.

See if that works.
I also have a X5 that wont tilt with the remote tilt control or the touchscreen on my M100. It was a used X5 purchased at auction. I confirmed that 2 other X5, a X3 and a Z3 all work OK with this M100 so this rules out any problems with the M100 or Go App.

The X5 boots up properly...no error lights or error messages on the Go App. It performs proper stabilization in all axis if the drone is tilted in all axis. The only time I see a problem is when gimbal calibration is performed. It goes through all axis but stops and declares that "Roll limit exceeded" and then the motors turn off and the gimbal goes limp. Is it possible that it needs a firmware upgrade? Again, the other 2 X5 work perfect using same IPad and controller and drone. I can post a video of the error when it calibrates if anyone has some ideas.
Uninstall and reinstall the Go app.
Then reassign C1 to something different (like bringing up the battery screen for example).
Power everything down.
Fully reboot your tablet.
Connect/power everything up and then reassign C1 to pan/tilt toggle.

See if that works.
So that I can put the X5 not working properly to bed, the pan and tilt both work flawlessly with the touch screen (ie Blue circle on screen).
I have de-installed Go, also de-installed Go 4 (just in case), re-installed Go, shut down, rebooted, and cleared C1, C2 settings. And, re-assigned gimbal change, all to no avail. No change whatsoever, gimbal tilt still not working via control.

Question 1: Can tilt be assigned as PRIMARY for the 'wheel', rather than pan?

Quesion 2: If the anwer to 1. is no, is there a master reset (usually a paper clip in a hole?) GL 658B Inspire 1 controller. Or, are there some combination of actions to re-set the controller; full well realizing that this would require re-Linking the unit?

I"m stymied and appreciate you help.
Assuredly everyone is waiting for the next chapter of this soap opera saga of the 'Aberrant Gimbal' and/or controller. So, after doing a hard reset of the controller (C1,C2,Shutter,Power) the hard reset doesn't do anything; still linked to I1. But, get this, THE GIMBAL NOW TILTS BUT DOES NOT ROTATE WITH THE WHEEL, but still cannot change modes via C switch. OMG,
So that I can put the X5 not working properly to bed, the pan and tilt both work flawlessly with the touch screen (ie Blue circle on screen).
I have de-installed Go, also de-installed Go 4 (just in case), re-installed Go, shut down, rebooted, and cleared C1, C2 settings. And, re-assigned gimbal change, all to no avail. No change whatsoever, gimbal tilt still not working via control.

Question 1: Can tilt be assigned as PRIMARY for the 'wheel', rather than pan?

Quesion 2: If the anwer to 1. is no, is there a master reset (usually a paper clip in a hole?) GL 658B Inspire 1 controller. Or, are there some combination of actions to re-set the controller; full well realizing that this would require re-Linking the unit?

I"m stymied and appreciate you help.
the tilt up/down is primary of the wheel.
dumb question but are you in FPV or Follow for the camera? cause FPV tends to mess with the camera and keep straight out so you get the FPV flying view, camera will tilt with the craft. wheres as follow it stay level and allows you to move it
Finally, after desperation called DJI tech support. Oh, no, was not in FPV mode. P-GPS, but seems that while it didn't show it needed it, we still did a firmware update on X5. Cleared up the issue and all working as desired. New to Inspire, think I'm going to like it a lot. I picked up a 45 mm and seems crisp nice focal length; my intentions are more photography than videography. Thanks for haning in with me.
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