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How far can we go with the DJI Matrice 100?

Dec 16, 2015
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Boca Raton, FL
Hi !
I am planning on buying a Matrice 100 soon. My goal is to do some research and development in my garage, just for leisure since I am an engineer I like doing experiment with this kind of stuff.

So if I got an inspire 1 with the Guidance and maybe the Zenmuse XT, I guess that I will have a lot to do with that, but what I am wondering is how far I can go in development of this project ? Is this material limited to use for research and development ?

Does any engineering geeks here working already on a project ?

Thank you !
I have built several basic Matrices and a few really exotic builds with lots of goodies like Dual Camera ( Optical and Thermal With simultaneous live view to dual monitors.) The Matrice in my opinion is more open to custom development, don't get me wrong the Inspire Pro is one great machine , I fly one every day. If I were wanting to spend some time in my garage experimenting I would go with the Matrice 100. Would love to share ideas and pics with you. I am kinda like a mad Scientist sometimes. Happy flying.
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Same here, I'm on geek-ish side of this hobby... The Inspire platform was developed mainly with pro or semi-pro photo and videographers in mind, providing unobstructed 360 degree view within bottom half of the sphere. This is achieved by raising arms mechanism at the expense of taxing the payload headroom almost to factory recommended limit, particularly with new Zenmuse X5 series gimbal/camera devices. Heavy and complex mechanism consumes significant amount of power to carry and operate. Moreover, it introduces some amount of "floppiness" to the frame, for the lack of better description of loose fittings. The hinge at arms pivoting point seems to be of rather weak design, rendering the vulnerability of Inspire to fall apart during crash landing. The Matrice - for change - is of simple, lightweight and sturdy construction, allowing for installation of twin battery and much more extras. I'm recently developing universal detachable floating device for quad-copters, which may reduce the Inspire flying range below acceptable for many. The Matrice will handle it with not much effort, still being able to carry a lot more. For specialized tasks like tower or bridge inspection, mapping, thermal search - to name just a few - Matrice is the way to go ...
Same here, I'm on geek-ish side of this hobby... The Inspire platform was developed mainly with pro or semi-pro photo and videographers in mind, providing unobstructed 360 degree view within bottom half of the sphere. This is achieved by raising arms mechanism at the expense of taxing the payload headroom almost to factory recommended limit, particularly with new Zenmuse X5 series gimbal/camera devices. Heavy and complex mechanism consumes significant amount of power to carry and operate. Moreover, it introduces some amount of "floppiness" to the frame, for the lack of better description of loose fittings. The hinge at arms pivoting point seems to be of rather weak design, rendering the vulnerability of Inspire to fall apart during crash landing. The Matrice - for change - is of simple, lightweight and sturdy construction, allowing for installation of twin battery and much more extras. I'm recently developing universal detachable floating device for quad-copters, which may reduce the Inspire flying range below acceptable for many. The Matrice will handle it with not much effort, still being able to carry a lot more. For specialized tasks like tower or bridge inspection, mapping, thermal search - to name just a few - Matrice is the way to go ...

Any problems with the t48 batteries as with the Inspire? Thanks
Same here, I'm on geek-ish side of this hobby... The Inspire platform was developed mainly with pro or semi-pro photo and videographers in mind, providing unobstructed 360 degree view within bottom half of the sphere. This is achieved by raising arms mechanism at the expense of taxing the payload headroom almost to factory recommended limit, particularly with new Zenmuse X5 series gimbal/camera devices. Heavy and complex mechanism consumes significant amount of power to carry and operate. Moreover, it introduces some amount of "floppiness" to the frame, for the lack of better description of loose fittings. The hinge at arms pivoting point seems to be of rather weak design, rendering the vulnerability of Inspire to fall apart during crash landing. The Matrice - for change - is of simple, lightweight and sturdy construction, allowing for installation of twin battery and much more extras. I'm recently developing universal detachable floating device for quad-copters, which may reduce the Inspire flying range below acceptable for many. The Matrice will handle it with not much effort, still being able to carry a lot more. For specialized tasks like tower or bridge inspection, mapping, thermal search - to name just a few - Matrice is the way to go ...
Thanks for the good explain,
[Quote = "Dobmatt, mensaje: 86082, miembro de: 27589"] Lo mismo aquí, yo estoy del lado geek-ish de esta afición ... La plataforma Inspire se desarrolló principalmente con la foto y camarógrafos pro o semi-pro en mente, proporcionar sin obstáculos vista de 360 grados en menos de media inferior de la esfera. Esto se logra mediante el aumento mecanismo de brazos a expensas de gravar el espacio para la cabeza de carga casi al límite de la fábrica recomienda, sobre todo con los nuevos dispositivos de cardán / cámara de la serie X5 Zenmuse. mecanismo de pesada y compleja consume gran cantidad de energía para transportar y operar. Por otra parte, se introduce una cierta cantidad de "flacidez" para el marco, por la falta de una mejor descripción de piezas sueltas. La bisagra en el punto de pivote brazos parece tener un diseño más bien débil, haciendo que la vulnerabilidad de Inspire a desmoronarse durante el aterrizaje de emergencia. La Matriz - para el cambio - es de construcción simple, ligero y robusto, permitiendo la instalación de la batería doble y mucho más extras. Recientemente estoy desarrollando dispositivo flotante desmontable universal para quad-helicópteros, que pueden reducir el rango de volar por debajo de Inspire aceptable para muchos. La Matriz manejará con no mucho esfuerzo, que siguen siendo capaces de llevar mucho más. Para tareas especializadas como torre o inspección de puentes, mapeo, búsqueda térmica - por nombrar sólo algunos - Matriz es el camino a seguir ... [/ quote]

Hola señores, alguien sabe realmente cómo largo del vuelo CON CÁMARA X3 Y DOBLE BATERÍA 4500 GRACIAS

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