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UK Hardware Out There That Takes 300MB res stills on a drone

Feb 1, 2015
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Hi Guys,

Got a potential client who reckons you need 300MB photographs to print large but will make do with a lower res...

In fact he is a bit of a PITA

I have shown him my examples and he loves them.

Got the contract.

However I know he will mention it again and obviously I want to be the font of all knowledge in font of my client and out of professional curiousity.

Just want to know what make/price point/of cameras/drones that lift this hardware.

Thanks as always.

you may need a 300mb file to print BIG.... but you don't need a 300mpix image to print one large! Ask him which camera he was thinking of using... ;)

I've had 6 & 8megapixel images printed large for use in advertising hoardings and for putting on sides of buses, and they looked perfectly fine. I don't know what size the customer printed them to, but they were big, and I dare say the print layout file was big, but the original file they were sent wasn't ;) .

Generally, the larger the image will be printed, the lower the dpi of the printing becomes. It's to do with viewing distance... for a colour magazine you'll look at it from a few inches, for billboards generally 20-30+ft away, so the billboards aren't actually as 'finely' printed as a magazine page is. The magazine page will be printed at anywhere from 150-300 dpi whereas the billboard would most likely be anywhere from 15dpi upwards depending on its size.

The images you get from any of the inspire cameras, if properly exposed, should be more than adequate for their needs, especially if they have a good graphic designer that knows what they're doing and gets good colour, contrast etc from the files you send them.
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But if you want to knowwhat sort of cameras, go lookup Phase One digital backs and Hasselblad cameras, they're the bigger megapixel stills cameras that are around these days (100Mp). You could fly one on an M600 if you wanted, or on anything that can lift the weight and allow the camera to balance up on a gimbal.
Hi Guys,

Got a potential client who reckons you need 300MB photographs to print large but will make do with a lower res...

In fact he is a bit of a PITA

I have shown him my examples and he loves them.

Got the contract.

However I know he will mention it again and obviously I want to be the font of all knowledge in font of my client and out of professional curiousity.

Just want to know what make/price point/of cameras/drones that lift this hardware.

Thanks as always.

Then fake it, photoshop is your friend. We have a number of people here that "think" the same way. Your not going to make a print look better by doing this (they just think that it is) just do as the customer wants.
A 300ppi image is just that, a 96, 72 is that also. (Original comp, psd or photo) We print on all sorts of media here at the base...please the customer, that's number 1.pick1.png pick2.png
Thanks Nick U thanks . My post really is about gear porn if you like. I am pretty clued up on what is needed for printing.

It really can be a struggle to keep up with the new and latest whats just out!!

Thanks all
If you simply want to increase the image size of a still you already have, you'll want to use some kind of algorithm to help keep the quality as the image size grows. Stair Interpolation (SI) is a common technique, there are plugins for PS or you can just do it the old fashion way and increase a file size by 6% until you get the final size you want. The underlying premise is that the repeated incremental increases forces the software to calculate small changes and ultimately renders a better result. 12 x 6% changes = 1 100% increase, but the quality and detail of the final image is considerable better. Check out Fred Miranda SI Pro...

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