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Mar 22, 2017
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I am just about to pull the trigger on the I2 with an X4S. I have two Phantom 4's with the fixed focus which work great for me. I also have a Mavic Pro that has autofocus which is a Pain. I saw something about the I2 having auto focus. Is that true? If can set to infinity. I am usually videoing Real Estate and points of interest are 25ft or greater. Any help would be appreciated.

One more thing. Would I expect to use ND filters like I do on my Phantoms to get the shutter speed down or is the X4S have capability to handle this. Sorry for the novice questions. This is a totally different animal than I'm used to
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In short, yes you have AF, but similar to the Mavic you can easily focus to infinity and leave it there for your applications.

You would probably want to use ND filters for video to reduce your shutter speeds, unless you can guarantee no fast movement in the frame. Yes, the Zenmuse cameras have variable apertures, but you will sacrifice image sharpness to get slow shutter speeds, which is undesirable. I am using the PolarPro filters, which are excellent. DJI also has a set for sale. Someone else may be able to complement on them, but I have not seen them personally.
In short, yes you have AF, but similar to the Mavic you can easily focus to infinity and leave it there for your applications.

You would probably want to use ND filters for video to reduce your shutter speeds, unless you can guarantee no fast movement in the frame. Yes, the Zenmuse cameras have variable apertures, but you will sacrifice image sharpness to get slow shutter speeds, which is undesirable. I am using the PolarPro filters, which are excellent. DJI also has a set for sale. Someone else may be able to complement on them, but I have not seen them personally.
Thanks. My ND 6 pack just arrived this weekend. they work great
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Overall how are you finding your imaging with the X4S and filters? I personally have not heard of a whole lot feedback from people using filters on the X4S so I am curious.
I have flown with the filters a couple of times. Trees are still pretty dull here in New England. No color yet but the video talen I did notice the video was very crisp. Flying just over the tree tops in heavily wooded are I was not sure how it would come out. Didn't see any gelling with the tips of the branches. Still too early to tell. Headed to Cape Cod next weekend. Hopefully will try to PL filters and post video
Just reading the blurb on these filters for the X4S and it mentions that they replace the UV filter included with the camera - how is this done (i.e. any 'dismantling' involved)?!

As I'm new to aerial photography are these essential to avoid over-exposed stills and video, or are they only used for video (getting the shutter speed down to 1/50 or 1/60 appears to be desirable for this format)? And is this only in oblique photography - if the camera shooting nadir are they required?

Just reading the blurb on these filters for the X4S and it mentions that they replace the UV filter included with the camera - how is this done (i.e. any 'dismantling' involved)?!

As I'm new to aerial photography are these essential to avoid over-exposed stills and video, or are they only used for video (getting the shutter speed down to 1/50 or 1/60 appears to be desirable for this format)? And is this only in oblique photography - if the camera shooting nadir are they required?

Good questions.

ND filters are like sunglasses for your lens and are mostly used to control video shutter speed. Sometimes they may be used for photography if you are trying to obtain a slower shutter speed to get moving water to blur or other creative effects. For basic photography where the shutter speed can be fast (good thing when shooting from a drone) they are not required.

Polarizing filters and UV filters can be use to change the look of a still photo by cutting UV and haze - or filtering light reflections (commonly used to make skies look bluer, water look more clear or being able to see through the water's surface, etc.

For the X4S, the front portion of the lens screws off and you replace it with a new one (different levels of ND available - like darker sunglasses). The are commonly sold in packs of 3 or 6. We have the ones made by Polar Pro and there are others available as well.

Thanks for your reply Michael - very informative.

I've only used the camera a couple of times so far (literally got the I2 in the air for the first time last weekend!) and the shots and video on that day looked overexposed (all auto settings) so I'll play around a bit more with those. Most of the projected work for the bird will be aerial mapping and stills and I hadn't considered filters - I'm not even sure they were available when the bid for it went in last January. There will be an element of video too so more experimenting required - the learning curve climbs ever steeper!!

All the best.
Thanks for your reply Michael - very informative.

I've only used the camera a couple of times so far (literally got the I2 in the air for the first time last weekend!) and the shots and video on that day looked overexposed (all auto settings) so I'll play around a bit more with those. Most of the projected work for the bird will be aerial mapping and stills and I hadn't considered filters - I'm not even sure they were available when the bid for it went in last January. There will be an element of video too so more experimenting required - the learning curve climbs ever steeper!!

All the best.

Forgive me if you're aware of this already, but I'll say it for anyone reading who is not. If you're doing a flight exclusively for stills, you most likely DON'T want ND filters. Slower shutter speeds are good for allowing a little blur, making video motion seem natural. However you want your stills to be sharp and crisp - that means low ISO and high shutter speeds. The exception would be the case where you want to show something in your frame moving, such a water for example - in that case ND filters are likely desirable.

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