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Early morning video with X5

HELL YES! This is great. I am not seeing all the mushy stuff in the turf that I get with my X3. Obviously, you are paying attention to focusing, even thought this is your first encounter. Very nice footage...beautiful. I am so encouraged by this footage and others that are finally posting. Thanks!
I'm pleased you're pleased. The other thing that people need to remember, that any compression artifacts that are sometimes seen, are a result of YouTube or Vimeo compression. Maybe I should post a link to a DropBox folder so people can download the original footage.
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I'm pleased you're pleased. The other thing that people need to remember, that any compression artifacts that are sometimes seen, are a result of YouTube or Vimeo compression. Maybe I should post a link to a DropBox folder so people can download the original footage.

Totally understand the YouTube compression issues, but compared to the dreck that self-proclaimed professional aerial media companies are putting out there...comparisons of the X3 and X5, this footage looks so much better. These idiots just grabbed the X5 and started shooting, obviously not even focusing or paying attention to shutter speed and aperture.

I'm getting my X5 Monday and am totally stoked! Finally, we have a kick-*** aircraft with great software and a good camera.
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Hi Michael, sure. This was my first proper flight, so I'm still tweaking. Custom settings are contrast, sharpness and saturation each set to 0. No sharpening in post. Manual focus set at infinity. Exposure set with shutter priority set at 1/100th sec. I can't remember what the ISO was set at, maybe about 200, aperture was f4 I think. Editing software is Sony Vegas Platinum.
Hi Howard, nice work! You said "Manual focus set at infinity" in your reply. Is this the same technique as "Hyperfocal distance". I saw some comparisons between X3 and X5 ,which are totally wrong, since they did not focus on X5 properly.
I got another issue is that My DJI inspire PRO is just arrived, I was struggling to decide should I return the Inspire Pro and wait the X5R to come out or not? I would like to hear some opinions from you! Thank you
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Hi Howard, nice work! You said "Manual focus set at infinity" in your reply. Is this the same technique as "Hyperfocal distance". I saw some comparisons between X3 and X5 ,which are totally wrong, since they did not focus on X5 properly.
I got another issue is that My DJI inspire PRO is just arrived, I was struggling to decide should I return the Inspire Pro and wait the X5R to come out or not? I would like to hear some opinions from you! Thank you
Many thanks. Sure, if you are setting your distance at infinity on a wide angle lens and shooting aerials, you'd be hard pressed to need to change that focus for anything other than really close work. In fact you'd have to be really close to need to change the focus. The definition of hyperfocal is... the distance between a camera lens and the closest object which is in focus when the lens is focused at infinity.

As for advice on the X5R, this is going to have to be a personal choice. IMO if you are a pro cameraman and supplying material to a client who requests that degree of quality from material then sure, it's a no brainer. But you need to make sure the demand is there before investing in a camera which has no benefit over the X5 apart from being able to shoot RAW footage. However, there are many other things in the pot to consider, not least the ability to process and edit the material in post. This alone will be a massive consideration for anyone.

One thing I have discovered, is that it is far to easy to become bogged down with pixel peeping at videos on YT and Vimeo, without actually knowing the ability of the person who has uploaded the material, how it's been graded, what bitrate it's been rendered at and a whole load of other questions that can affect the way you arrive at an opinion.
Many thanks. Sure, if you are setting your distance at infinity on a wide angle lens and shooting aerials, you'd be hard pressed to need to change that focus for anything other than really close work. In fact you'd have to be really close to need to change the focus. The definition of hyperfocal is... the distance between a camera lens and the closest object which is in focus when the lens is focused at infinity.

As for advice on the X5R, this is going to have to be a personal choice. IMO if you are a pro cameraman and supplying material to a client who requests that degree of quality from material then sure, it's a no brainer. But you need to make sure the demand is there before investing in a camera which has no benefit over the X5 apart from being able to shoot RAW footage. However, there are many other things in the pot to consider, not least the ability to process and edit the material in post. This alone will be a massive consideration for anyone.

One thing I have discovered, is that it is far to easy to become bogged down with pixel peeping at videos on YT and Vimeo, without actually knowing the ability of the person who has uploaded the material, how it's been graded, what bitrate it's been rendered at and a whole load of other questions that can affect the way you arrive at an opinion.
Thank you for your quick replying, Howard. I did realise that editing RAW footage is probably an issue for me since I am using only one HDD raid 4 system. I do not know whether or not the higher bitrate will make the video details better. What do you think?
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Thank you for your quick replying, Howard. I did realise that editing RAW footage is probably an issue for me since I am using only one HDD raid 4 system. I do not know whether or not the higher bitrate will make the video details better. What do you think?
As I understand, the higher bitrate is only available when shooting RAW, not when shooting Mov or Mp4! Which seems odd, but that is what I have gleaned from Heliguy in the UK, two other cameramen and an admin on the DJI forum. As for the higher bitrate giving better detail, well in theory yes, but in practice this only become evident during quick moving shots. If the image is not moving then the data that needs to be transferred within the frame is minimal, however the faster that frame changes then the faster speed is needed to move the data around. I hope I've explained that well enough!
It stuns me to see the people who say that the x3 is the same as the x5 quality wise.... The lens on the x5 is £500 alone...
X5 trumps all over the x3... I have both - love them both... But maybe the untrained eye can't tell the difference - in the way that an untrained ear can't tell the difference between MP3 and vinyl..... I guess those x3 owners are happy - so leave them to it whilst the rest of us enjoy top quality...

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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I am wary of this because some lenses can focus beyond infinity. In other words, you can manually focus it for "as far away as possible", point it at an object a mile away, and it will be out of focus.

But this video looks like it was all in focus. Which lens was it?

Sure, but a lens that is calibrated properly shouldn't portray the issues you are talking about. The same with the X5, calibrate the lens and it should be OK. For this vid I was using the DJI stock lens, 15mm, or if you prefer the rebranded Panasonc/Zeiss! I also received the Olympus 12mm today, so I'm eager to try that out ASAP.
I have 2 P3Ps and aiming to acquire an Inspire 1 Pro and possibly an Olympus 12 mm lens. Ultimately, I might opt for a second controller but I shall see how I get on first without it. Could I trouble you all based in the UK as to where you purchased your Inspire pro and lens gea? Many thanks
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I'm not trying to be awkward. You clearly have more experience in this area of cinematography than myself, so please, educate me. I say the X5 is far better than the X3, and you say it's 'funny' so please, enlighten me.

I'm not talking about your video...

You said that you pixel peeped every youtube video on the x5 you could find. Thats funny.
I have 2 P3Ps and aiming to acquire an Inspire 1 Pro and possibly an Olympus 12 mm lens. Ultimately, I might opt for a second controller but I shall see how I get on first without it. Could I trouble you all based in the UK as to where you purchased your Inspire pro and lens gea? Many thanks
Hi Michael, sure. I bought the Inspire Pro from Heliguy and the Olympus Zuiko from DWI (Digital World International) off Ebay. Which was an amazing price £405 brand new! Although I was a little miffed as it came without a lens pouch and a lens hood!
Thanks for posting this, Howard. It makes a change seeing shots that were taken by choosing a time when light is at it's most beautiful. I loved the crane style shot close up behind the tree with the sun peaking through.

With regards to the quality, I examined some footage that was posted here a few days back that was raw and untouched straight from the X5. There are improvements in some areas, but I was still seeing mushiness issues with complex foliage. It is better than the X3, no doubt. But I'm not sure that it is £1500 better. And that's my quandary. Yes, it is a better camera and better in some areas, but I am torn as to whether that improvement is really congruent with the upgrade price. I am not sure that it is.

As one of my DP friends always says, picture quality, when all is said and done, is down to the light and the composition. If we imagine that your video was taken with an X3, but nobody knew what camera or multi-rotor was used, it would still be a very nice video! :-)

Just an aside regarding comments of overly sharp X3 footage. Remember that the electronic detail levels on the X3 can be dialled right down to nothing. In fact I would recommend doing this because it will give the compression system a much better chance. You can add in finely controlled sharpening in post if required.

It looks like you may have used some post sharpening in this video, or put the in camera settings up a notch or two over some of the other test footage I have seen from the X5?
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Thanks for posting this, Howard. It makes a change seeing shots that were taken by choosing a time when light is at it's most beautiful. I loved the crane style shot close up behind the tree with the sun peaking through.

With regards to the quality, I examined some footage that was posted here a few days back that was raw and untouched straight from the X5. There are improvements in some areas, but I was still seeing mushiness issues with complex foliage. It is better than the X3, no doubt. But I'm not sure that it is £1500 better. And that's my quandary. Yes, it is a better camera and better in some areas, but I am torn as to whether that improvement is really congruent with the upgrade price. I am not sure that it is.

As one of my DP friends always says, picture quality, when all is said and done, is down to the light and the composition. If we imagine that your video was taken with an X3, but nobody knew what camera or multi-rotor was used, it would still be a very nice video! :)

Just an aside regarding comments of overly sharp X3 footage. Remember that the electronic detail levels on the X3 can be dialled right down to nothing. In fact I would recommend doing this because it will give the compression system a much better chance. You can add in finely controlled sharpening in post if required.

It looks like you may have used some post sharpening in this video, or put the in camera settings up a notch or two over some of the other test footage I have seen from the X5?

Hi Simon, you make a valid point about the X3 sharpening and being able to dial it down. However, regarding the mushiness you described in the trees, how do you know what bitrate the render was made at? Or indeed, any other settings that may have affected the 'look.' I have seen identical footage on Youtube of one of the release sample vids from DJI, each being uploaded from different sources, and one was horrific, while the other was stunning! As for sharpening in the above video, no, the camera was set at 0. However, I still have to run some tests and I will dial down the in-camera sharpening a notch or two and try tweaking in post.
Very nice little piece and I'd like to echo the comment about how simple and tasteful the bird sounds are. Gives that early morning feeling of stillness. One constructive comment... call it more of a query... have you considered editing the piece chronologically so that it ends with the sun at its highest point? I'de be curious to see how that would look.
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Very nice little piece and I'd like to echo the comment about how simple and tasteful the bird sounds are. Gives that early morning feeling of stillness. One constructive comment... call it more of a query... have you considered editing the piece chronologically so that it ends with the sun at its highest point? I'de be curious to see how that would look.
Hi Mark, thank you. Sure, it was never meant to be anything other than a quick test flight and gathering some material for a more detailed film in the near future. But I take on board your suggestion. Thanks.
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