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Do I need the Inspire Pro fw before flying the I1?

Jun 7, 2014
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Copenhagen - Denmark
I have firmware v1.4.0.10 on my Inspire 1 (not Pro) now (and updated the RC). After buying the X5 separately and getting ready to fly it for the first time, I saw this quote on YT.

"The Zenmuse X5 Firmware IS the Inspire 1 Pro Firmware. This is very important because if you bought and Inspire one, and then the X5 separately, you may think you ONLY have an Inspire 1 firmware upgrade you need to do. Perhaps just get the latest inspire firmware? Incorrect, YOU NEED TO UPDATE BOTH YOUR RC AND YOUR INSPIRE 1 WITH THE FIRMWARE LISTED ON DJI.COM UNDER ZENMUSE X5."

As I understand that, then I need to install the fw for the "Inspire 1 Pro" from DJI's X5 page which is v1.0.0.30 on my Inspire 1 instead.

Is that correct?
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It actually is just for the camera. I updated my inspire 1 to the latest FW (1.4?) and then the RC in app to 1.4. When I applied the FW for the x5/pro it went through the whole sequence, but the only item actually updated in the end was the camera.
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How do you figure? It doesn't say for camera only for the fw?

It's another instance of the lack of clarification in how to load and update the FW for the I1 Pro/X5. It has been reported to DJI forum support persons. Hopefully DJI will issue an update to their Inspire 1 Pro users that will clarify this issue.
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It's another instance of the lack of clarification in how to load and update the FW for the I1 Pro/X5. It has been reported to DJI forum support persons. Hopefully DJI will issue an update to their Inspire 1 Pro users that will clarify this issue.
Today I finally got an answer from a DJI support person who claimed to be sure, that the original I1 users with aftermarket X5's sure do need to use the I1 Pro fw ( found on the X5 page.

The only difference btw the I1 and I1 Pro fw should be some X5 camera settings added.

So I1 users with X5: install the I1 Pro firmware. There DJI it's that easy.
The only difference btw the I1 and I1 Pro fw should be some X5 camera settings added.

Thats a lie. There are many changes and the most severe is you will get ESC fw instead of

I would be interested if you have the same problem with the new firmware then that changing expo to 0,2 will reduce your max speed to 10 m/s also?
Thats a lie. There are many changes and the most severe is you will get ESC fw instead of

I would be interested if you have the same problem with the new firmware then that changing expo to 0,2 will reduce your max speed to 10 m/s also?

Well, that's DJI support for you.

I wasn't aware, that changing expo messed with max speed. I thought that 0.3 was the minimum before, so that's what I have used until now. But I'll try it out.
Well, that's DJI support for you.

I wasn't aware, that changing expo messed with max speed. I thought that 0.3 was the minimum before, so that's what I have used until now. But I'll try it out.

It doesn't - expo has nothing to do with maximum speed - the two are completely unrelated and if Machoman insists in propagating this erroneous information I will delete the posts.

@Machoman - I offered for you to explain in this thread Horrendous Jello | Page 2 | DJI Inspire Forum how you consider that esc firmware can make jello worse. It appears you declined to comment.

Perhaps you would be good enough to explain for the benefit of the community how you consider that changing an exponential setting on the TX (via the app) can have a direct affect on the aircrafts maximum speed when stick defection is still at 100%? If a non linear response is introduced around mid stick this has no correlation between 0-100% throw other than to dampen input around the central position.

I will await your technical explanation with interest..................

If, however, as I suspect, you can offer no explanation or logical argument as to why you think this occurs can you please stop posting bloody everywhere all over the forum !!!!! :mad:
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Perhaps you would be good enough to explain for the benefit of the community how you consider that changing an exponential setting on the TX (via the app) can have a direct affect on the aircrafts maximum speed when stick defection is still at 100%? If a non linear response is introduced around mid stick this has no correlation between 0-100% throw other than to dampen input around the central position.

I will await your technical explanation with interest..................

You have to ask this DJI if you want to know why and how they changed this.

Fact is:

Since I have ESC fw which came with SDK firmware and though advertised by DJI cannot be rolled back I have the following situation:

expo at 0,2 : maximum speed with full stick is 10 m/s in GPS mode

expo at 0,8: maximum speed with full stick is 18 m/s in GPS mode

0,3 - 0,7 is accordingly between.

I have this in real flight AND simulator as well so its not caused by certain real flight influences.

I know that expo should not do this and has not done before - but it just does now.

To be more exact: its not a total speed limit but it increases speed extremely slow after the mentioned values so if you fly full throttle a minute you may get 11m/s instead of 10 with expo 0,2.

Also completely lost wind compensation even in very low wind. A wind just 3,8 m/s made it fly 20 m/s in one direction and 14 m/s in the opposite also it changes path in a direct forward - back. I did not notice that severe differences before.

A hint may be that this ESC firmware was made for the new motors and the Inspire pro as it first appeared in Inspire pro firmware 1.00.30 but there is no separate Inspire pro or V2 firmware instead DJI mixes everything up and all get the same firmware so its also in SDK firmware and it will be also in next public firmware. Same is with camera there is no X3 and X5 firmware there is one camera firmware which has just been changed to fit both - theoretically, I am fighting with jello problems since 3 weeks when I got SDK firmware which has exactly two differences which I cannot rollback 1) camera 2) ESC.

If I cannot solve the rollback problem or can get out the jello problem somehow else within the next days I will make videos of all this anyway.
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You have to ask this DJI if you want to know why and how they changed this.

Fact is:

Since I have ESC fw which came with SDK firmware and though advertised by DJI cannot be rolled back I have the following situation:

expo at 0,2 : maximum speed with full stick is 10 m/s in GPS mode

expo at 0,8: maximum speed with full stick is 18 m/s in GPS mode

0,3 - 0,7 is accordingly between.

I have this in real flight AND simulator as well so its not caused by certain real flight influences.

I know that expo should not do this and has not done before - but it just does now.

To be more exact: its not a total speed limit but it increases speed extremely slow after the mentioned values so if you fly full throttle a minute you may get 11m/s instead of 10 with expo 0,2.

Also completely lost wind compensation even in very low wind. A wind just 3,8 m/s made it fly 20 m/s in one direction and 14 m/s in the opposite also it changes path in a direct forward - back. I did not notice that severe differences before.

A hint may be that this ESC firmware was made for the new motors and the Inspire pro as it first appeared in Inspire pro firmware 1.00.30 but there is no separate Inspire pro or V2 firmware instead DJI mixes everything up and all get the same firmware so its also in SDK firmware and it will be also in next public firmware. Same is with camera there is no X3 and X5 firmware there is one camera firmware which has just been changed to fit both - theoretically, I am fighting with jello problems since 3 weeks when I got SDK firmware which has exactly two differences which I cannot rollback 1) camera 2) ESC.

If I cannot solve the rollback problem or can get out the jello problem somehow else within the next days I will make videos of all this anyway.

So this has nothing to do with the Inspire 1 Pro FW, only the SDK FW v.
Please clarify whether this also affects those of us who are not using SDK FW.
Please clarify whether this also affects those of us who are not using SDK FW.

I have written ......a hint may be that this ESC firmware was made for the new motors and the Inspire pro as it first appeared in Inspire pro firmware 1.00.30...

The Inspire pro firmware 1.00.30 consists of many parts which are 1.05 firmware including the ESC fw It is NOT a 1.04 firmware as it tries to tell you its a hybrid version of some parts 1.04 and some parts 1.05.
@Machoman - I offered for you to explain in this thread Horrendous Jello | Page 2 | DJI Inspire Forum how you consider that esc firmware can make jello worse. It appears you declined to comment.

A hint may be that this ESC firmware was made for the new motors and the Inspire pro as it first appeared in Inspire pro firmware 1.00.30 but there is no separate Inspire pro or V2 firmware instead DJI mixes everything up and all get the same firmware so its also in SDK firmware and it will be also in next public firmware. Same is with camera there is no X3 and X5 firmware there is one camera firmware which has just been changed to fit both - theoretically, I am fighting with jello problems since 3 weeks when I got SDK firmware which has exactly two differences which I cannot rollback 1) camera 2) ESC.

If I cannot solve the rollback problem or can get out the jello problem somehow else within the next days I will make videos of all this anyway.

I know it has been some time, but I am desperately trying to fix terrible jello that only showed up AFTER firmware 1.5 (which changed my ESC Firmware to v1.11.0.0). I found that downgrading to firmware 1.4 100% fixed my jello issues, however now I have upgraded to1.6 (to test something) and can NOT get back to 1.4

I am desperate... can I downgrade my ESC firmware? Has anyone found a fix for the jello in the newer ESC firmware? Any help is greatly appreciated, because DJI has been horrendously bad with supporting this.
I fixed all my jello problems by using high ND filters and keeping the shutter speed low.

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