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DJI No FlY Zone Support for a commercial mapping mission in a Red No FLy Zone

Sep 28, 2015
Reaction score
Kings Lynn, Norfolk, UK
Seems DJI do get some stick in the forum, below is my email to support.

Hi Blair and Crystal

Just to let you know everything worked well on the project at RAF Cranwell and RAF Barkston Heath

The unlocking of the red no fly zones on P4-Pro and the Inspire 2 was very easy with the Go4 App and worked very well

I was able to use both DJI GS pro and DroneDeploy mapping software in the red no fly zone and complete both projects on the same day.

Thank you for you very prompt assistance and advice on providing and using the unlock codes it was great service especially for issuing the unlock codes for the Inspire 2 at very short notice (Purchased one day, flying in a Red zone the next day)

Many thanks,

Project was for mapping of parts of the runway at Cranwell and Barkston Heath

Permission obtained from both RAF Stations in a week by supplying PfCO, Insurance, Flight Plans and Risk Assessment

Both sites in a RED no fly zone. Request made to DJI with all necessary documents. Unlock codes issued next day with detailed instructions on use. Codes issued for P4-Pro, Inspire 2 and Inspire 1 Pro. Codes tested on site the day before the planned mission. All worked.

3rd party Mapping software tested on same pre flight test day. Only works with the DJI Go 4 App, so Inspire 1 would not work with 3rd Party mapping in a no Fly Zone.

With The GO4 App only DJI GS Pro and DroneDeploy would work in the Red No Fly Zone. Map pilot did not work, would not upload the mission.

Aeropoints used for GCP at each site

On day of survey, contact made with ATC and contact procedures put in place. Flight plan reviewed and flying on the day restricted to another part of the airfield. Mission undertook with flying nearby in agreement with ATC.

Cranwell mapping mission was 23 min flight used P4 Pro with DroneDeploy. Used 2 batteries, mission resuemed without fault. Had one loss of signal at battery change point, craft returned to home and battery changed.

Barkston Heath was a smaller site. 14 minute flight with Inspire 2 X4 camera. Work perfectly

Survey data processed with Propeller online portal, makers of the Aeropoint GCP’s, back up processing with Pix4d with Aeropoint GCP data

Surveyed and data available in 2 days.

All in all very successful projects for Aerial and Laser Surveys
Hi George,

Am I correct in thinking that your I1 unlocked and flew okay in the red zone when tested, but it wouldn't work with any of the mapping software? However your I2 and P4 PRO both worked okay with DroneDeploy and GS PRO.

DroneDeploy's website states: 'If you open up the DJI GO app first and unlock the drone to fly, and then open up DroneDeploy, you will be able to fly'

This suggests that irrespective of using aircraft through GO or GO4, DroneDeploy should work and as GS PRO also supports the I1 I'd have thought this should also work.

Are you certain that the use of GO4 was the defining factor?

Hello Simon

Yes the Inspire 1 unlocked ok with DJI Go. Planned a simple mission in both map pilot and DroneDeploy, in location without props attached (as the airfield was active)nether would upload the mission to the Inspire 1

I had already unlocked the P4-Pro and Inspire 2 and successfully tested a mission with DD and GS Pro, Map Pilot failed, so knew I could do the job the next day, so did not persevere with the Inspire 1. Just did not have the time.

The P4-Pro did a really good job. I purchase the I2 for the battery redundancy and the slightly more stable flight, but the output from either UAV is identical once processed via Propeller or Pix4d.

If you are interested I can send you a link to the Propeller portal to view the outputs? Need your email address for that.


I have used them for 4 project in the last month. Just uploaded the data from a survey today.

The RTK processing was complete in about 10min, so quick. This can be downloaded as a CSV file and used to input GCP’s in other processing softwares, such as Pix4d.

Example result today for one of the AP’s or the point Variance was x-0.7mm y-0.5mm z-1.3mm . They were on the ground approx 1.5hr so got 517 god fixes 114 of which were used to process. Good for fairly open spaces, but not so good in small built up areas, as they dont get enough clear line of sight satellites to create and accurate fix. On smaller site we laser scan, takes a lot longer.

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