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USA Cryptic airspace approval emails...what are they all about?

Sep 28, 2015
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Wyoming, USA
I submitted a series of airspace approval requests through the FAA's waiver/authorization website essentially just to test the system (of course I'll go fly if approved). I submitted requests for 30 days in advance, 60 days in advance, and 90 days in advance fully recognizing that the FAA wants 90 days. All three requests were for authorization to fly in Class D airspace for about an hour. The flying site is about 2NM NE of KCYS away from approach and departure corridors with a max altitude of 200' AGL.

At any rate, I've since received a number emails from [email protected]. The request serial number is contained in the subject line, and reads something like "ASN#: 2016-WSA-220-P107". That's the only way to tell these emails from one another.

I received the first email associated with each request about three weeks after I filled out the web form. [Aside - Why it takes three weeks from me clicking SUBMIT on the web form to receiving an acknowledgment email is beyond me.] Each email has several fields from the request and an added field called "Status". The first set of three emails (one for each request) listed the status of SUBMITTED. Just yesterday I received three identical emails, except the status was changed to SUBMITTED_ATCFC.

Anyone have any clue on what SUBMITTED_ATCFC means?
I submitted a series of airspace approval requests through the FAA's waiver/authorization website essentially just to test the system (of course I'll go fly if approved). I submitted requests for 30 days in advance, 60 days in advance, and 90 days in advance fully recognizing that the FAA wants 90 days. All three requests were for authorization to fly in Class D airspace for about an hour. The flying site is about 2NM NE of KCYS away from approach and departure corridors with a max altitude of 200' AGL.

At any rate, I've since received a number emails from [email protected]. The request serial number is contained in the subject line, and reads something like "ASN#: 2016-WSA-220-P107". That's the only way to tell these emails from one another.

I received the first email associated with each request about three weeks after I filled out the web form. [Aside - Why it takes three weeks from me clicking SUBMIT on the web form to receiving an acknowledgment email is beyond me.] Each email has several fields from the request and an added field called "Status". The first set of three emails (one for each request) listed the status of SUBMITTED. Just yesterday I received three identical emails, except the status was changed to SUBMITTED_ATCFC.

Anyone have any clue on what SUBMITTED_ATCFC means?

Rest assured= when they approve your waiver there won't be any ambiguity in the message. Example:

Dear Responsible Person,

Attached is your Certificate of Waiver (CoW). The certificate is issued for operations specific to small unmanned aircraft system operations governed by Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 107. Please carefully read and comply with all provisions of the attached waiver. You are only granted relief from § 107.29; please be aware of your responsibility to comply with all other sections of 14 CFR part 107.
We only evaluated your application for a waiver to § 107.29. We did not evaluate your application for compliance with any other Federal Aviation Regulation.
Operations under this CoW must be conducted in uncontrolled airspace (Class G). If you wish to operate under this CoW in controlled airspace, please request an airspace authorization in accordance with § 107.41 by visiting www.faa.gov/uas/. Reference your waiver number in your request.
Any questions pertaining to your waiver can be addressed by using this email contact to AFS-800 at [email protected]. Please reference your waiver number on all communications.
If you require an amendment to your Certificate of Waiver, please make the request throughwww.faa.gov/uas; please remember to reference your waiver number. Please note that your CoW has an expiration date and will no longer be effective after that date.


Part 107 Waiver Team
General Aviation and Commercial Division

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