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Cannot read files on SD

Apr 5, 2019
Reaction score
gordo AL
I have a XT 640 v2. When I take the SD card out and try to see photos or videos on my Mac, the computer says it cannot read files. I formatted in camera and changed settings to jpeg. Thank you for any help on this
Can you view in the DJI app? You should be able to view jpeg, Rjpeg, thermal Mov files on your Mac. I do it all the time. You can't, however view a thermal Tiff. I will display black. Have you tried format the card or try another SD card? Is the fie format for US and not EU?
I can see them in the app with the aircraft on so they are on the card but when I put them in the Mac the computer says unreadable
The jpeg and tiff files on the card are only viewable if you install FLIR Tools or FLIR Tools +. The jpeg on there are actually rjpeg which are radiometric with data and not normal plain jpeg. The tiff are pure radiometric and either FLIR Tools

or FLIR Research IR are needed.

i recommend ensuring you setup as radiometric jpeg on the DJI app and use FLIR tools to open on your computer. If you setup as tiff, you may not be able to open except with FLIR research IR.

FLIR tools and + can be downloaded from FLIR website. Full version unlocked is ~$150. Research IR is not a standard tool and costs $1,000.

Don’t know compatibility of the FLIR tools or research IR with MAC’s.
Is there any free software that I can get to try. I have been working on it this morning and the SD card can be read in the computer before it is formatted by the XT and cannot be read after
VERY vague post. Are the FILES unreadable? Or is the CARD unreadable? How old is your Mac? Have you tried other MicroSD cards? Are you using a MicroSD card reader? If so, which brand? And on and on. The more details you give, the better chance we have of troubleshooting this. It's like calling the mechanic and saying, "My car won't go. What's wrong?"

Let's stop the Easter Egg hunt and give us some information to work with.

I SUSPECT you have an older Mac that can't read the exFAT file system. But based on the lack of information you have given, than is a wild guess.

The card is good. The Mac is new and just barroed a windows computer and the files can be seen on it. The Mac still says the files are unreadable. I looked at flir tools and it only works on windows
Is there any free software that I can get to try. I have been working on it this morning and the SD card can be read in the computer before it is formatted by the XT and cannot be read after
You can download FLIR tools free for 30 days from flir’s website..

All the "apps" in the world aren't going to work if the Mac isn't set up to read the exFAT file system.

The entire drone profession is NOT for the technically-challenged. I HIGHLY recommend you bone up on file formats, file systems, file types and all things computer....including all things Mac. At the very least, learn the vernacular so you can ask questions and understand answers. Nobody wants to teach a drone 101 or computer 101 class. Make some effort, man. All the information of the world is at your fingertips...literally. Utilize it.


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